Name - Fort Bend ISD

Name: ____________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Spring 2012 Final Exam Review
Ch. 10 & 11: The Muscular System
1. What is another name for skeletal muscle cells?
2. What are the ways that muscles are named?
3. Know the definitions of a prime mover, antagonist, synergist, and fixator muscles.
4. Know the definitions of myofibrils, sarcomere, T tubule, sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, and
sarcoplasmic reticulum.
5. What protein(s) are thin filaments made up of?
6. What protein(s) are thick filaments made up of?
7. What is acetylcholine and its function?
8. What is myoglobin?
9. What molecule does the muscle fiber use for energy and what structure does it bind to?
10. What is a motor unit?
11. What is physiological muscle fatigue?
12. What protein does Ca2+ bind to during contraction?
13. Muscles to know for labeling…
a. Adductors
g. External oblique
b. Gastrocnemius
h. Sternocleidomastoid
d. Pectoralis major
Triceps brachii
e. Deltoid
Gluteus maximus
Rectus abdominus
Biceps brachii
Ch. 12 & 13 Nervous System Cells and Central Nervous System
14. What are the divisions and functions of the nervous system (CNS, PNS, sympathetic and
parasympathetic, somatic and autonomic).
15. How many glial cells do we have in the body?
16. What are the most abundant glial cells?
17. What things can cross the blood brain barrier and what cannot?
18. What is myelin?
19. What is salutatory conduction?
20. What are meninges and what are the layers?
21. What does the pineal body do?
22. Know the lobes of the cerebrum, you will have to label them.
23. What are white and gray matter composed of?
24. What is the part of the cerebrum that controls emotions?
25. What does the cerebellum do?
26. What are the parts of the brainstem?
27. What happens when a strong enough stimulus is applied to a neuron?
Ch. 14 & 15 Peripheral Nervous System and The Senses
28. What is a plexus?
29. What are the plexuses in the body and what do they innervate?
30. You need to know the 12 cranial nerves and will have to match them with their functions. (For
example: Which nerve abducts the eyeball? Abducens)
31. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. What neurotransmitter does each secrete?
Remember “Fight or Fight” and “Rest and Repair”
32. Know the difference between the different types of receptors.
33. Where are olfactory receptors located and what type of receptor are they?
34. Where are the taste buds located?
35. Which type of receptors are in the taste buds?
36. What are the names of the auditory ossicles?
37. Know the parts of the eye.
38. What are rods and cones and what type of receptor are they?
Ch. 17, 18 & 19 The Cardiovascular System
39. Red blood cells-their structure and function.
40. Platelets-structure and function.
41. Know the chambers, valves, and blood vessels that come into and out of the heart.
42. You need to know which structures have oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
43. You need to know the layers of the heart (pericardium, epicardium, myocardium, endocardium).
44. What give the heart muscle its nutrients?
45. Know the heart conduction structures, SA Node, AV node, AV bundle, and Purkinje fibers.
Ch. 25 & 26 The Digestive System
46. You will need to be able to identify the digestive organs and the accessory organs of the digestive
system on a picture.
47. Know the three parts of the small intestine.
48. Know the divisions of the large intestine.
49. What are the functions of the liver?
50. What is peristalsis?
51. What is segmentation?
52. How are carbohydrates digested and by which enzyme(s)?
53. How are fats digested and by which enzyme(s)?
54. You need to know when/where proteins, carbs, and fats are digested.
55. What is the function of the digestive organs secreting bicarbonate?