Developmental Theories Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development are an adaptation of the Piaget Stages. According to the theory, moral reasoning develops in six stages, each more adequate at responding to moral dilemmas than the one before. Pre-Conventional Morality Stage 1 Obedience or Punishment Orientation This is the stage that all young children start at (and a few adults remain in). Rules are seen as being fixed and absolute. Obeying the rules is important because it means avoiding punishment. Stage 2 Self-Interest Orientation As children grow older, they begin to see that other people have their own goals and preferences and that often there is room for negotiation. Decisions are made based on the principle of "What's in it for me?" For example, an older child might reason: "If I do what mom or dad wants me to do, they will reward me. Therefore I will do it." Conventional Morality Stage 3 Social Conformity Orientation By adolescence, most individuals have developed to this stage. There is a sense of what "good boys" and "nice girls" do and the emphasis is on living up to social expectations and norms because of how they impact day-to-day relationships. Stage 4 Law and Order Orientation By the time individuals reach adulthood, they usually consider society as a whole when making judgments. The focus is on maintaining law and order by following the rules, doing one's duty and respecting authority. Post-Conventional Morality Stage 5 Social Contract Orientation At this stage, people understand that there are differing opinions out there on what is right and wrong and that laws are really just a social contract based on majority decision and inevitable compromise. People at this stage sometimes disobey rules if they find them to be inconsistent with their personal values and will also argue for certain laws to be changed if they are no longer "working". Our modern democracies are based on the reasoning of Stage 5. Stage 6 Universal Ethics Orientation Few people operate at this stage all the time. It is based on abstract reasoning and the ability to put oneself in other people's shoes. At this stage, people have a principled conscience and will follow universal ethical principles regardless of what the official laws and rules are. Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development Chart The most widely accepted theory of how human beings develop from infancy to old age is Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. At each stage, there is a crisis to be resolved and a virtue to be gained. According to the theory, failure to properly master each step leads to problems in the future. Age Conflict Virtue/Events Description/Outcome Freud At this stage babies learn to trust that their parents will meet their basic needs. If a child's basic needs aren't properly met at this age, he or she might grow up with a general mistrust of the world. Oral As toddlers, children begin to develop independence and start to learn that they can do some things on their own (such as going to the toilet). If a child is not encouraged properly at this age, he or she might develop shame and doubt about their abilities. Anal Stage 1 0-1 Trust vs Mistrust Attachment Stage 2 1-3 Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt Will/ Toilet Training Stage 3 3-6 Initiative vs Guilt Purpose/ Independence As preschoolers, children continue to develop more independence and start to do things of their own initiative. If a child is not able to take initiative and succeed at appropriate tasks, he or she might develop guilt over their needs and desires. Phallic Stage 4 612 Industry vs Inferiority Competence/ School Throughout their school years, children continue to develop self-confidence through learning new things. If they are not encouraged and praised properly at this age, they may develop an inferiority complex. Latent Stage 5 1319 Identity vs Role Confusion Social Relationships/ Fidelity When they reach the teenage years, children start to care about how they look to others. They start forming their own identity by experimenting with who they are. If a teenager is unable to properly develop an identity at this age, his or her role confusion will probably continue on into adulthood. Genital Stage 6 2034 Intimacy vs Isolation Love During early adulthood most people fall in love, get married and start building their own family. If a person is unable to develop intimacy with others at this age (whether through marriage or close friendships), they will probably develop feelings of isolation. Stage 7 3565 Generativity vs Stagnation Work & Parenthood/ Care This is the longest period of a human's life. It is the stage in which people are usually working and contributing to society in some way and perhaps raising their children. If a person does not find proper ways to be productive during this period, they will probably develop feelings of stagnation. Stage 8 65+ Integrity vs Despair Wisdom/ Reflection On Life As senior citizens, people tend to look back on their lives and think about what they have or have not accomplished. If a person has led a productive life, they will develop a feeling of integrity. If not, they might fall into despair. Piaget’s Cognitive Development “Stinkin’ Pigs Can’t Fly” • Description Sensorimotor Age: Preoperational • Description Age: Concrete Operational • Description Age: Formal Operational Age: • Description