Hydrolysis is the process of adding water to a polysaccharide molecule in order to break it down into smaller units. Monosaccharides Remember, we can take simple sugars, or monosaccharides, Monosaccharides And join two of these together… Monosaccharides To form double sugars, or disaccharides…. Disaccharides Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Disaccharides This process of forming disaccharides from monosaccharides is dehydration synthesis Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Disaccharides Many disaccharide or monosaccharide units can also be joined together… Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides To form polysaccharides… Disaccharides Polysaccharide Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Dehydration Synthesis Disaccharides Also, by the process of dehydration synthesis. Polysaccharide Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Dehydration Synthesis Disaccharides Now, we can also break down polysaccharides into disaccharides… Polysaccharide Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Dehydration Synthesis Polysaccharide Disaccharides Hydrolysis And this is done using the process of hydrolysis, or adding water. Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Dehydration Synthesis Polysaccharide Disaccharides Hydrolysis Disaccharides and polysaccharides can also be broken down into monosaccharides… Dehydration Synthesis Monosaccharides Dehydration Synthesis Polysaccharide Disaccharides Hydrolysis Using the process of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis Dehydration Synthesis is used to build larger molecules from smaller ones. Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharide To summarize, dehydration synthesis is used to build larger molecules from smaller ones… Dehydration Synthesis is used to build larger molecules from smaller ones. Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharide Hydrolysis is used to break down larger molecules into smaller ones. And hydrolysis is used to break down larger molecules into smaller ones. Starch Let’s take a molecule of the polysaccharide starch. Starch And we’ll focus on the first part of the chain consisting of four subunits. With the appropriate enzyme present, we can add (click) a molecule of water…. Hydrolysis And using the process of hydrolysis, the starch molecule breaks apart and water is added… Maltose Hydrolysis The remainder of the starch molecule And now a maltose molecule has broken off of the large starch molecule. This breakdown of starch into maltose using hydrolysis, takes place in the mouth with the help of the enzyme salivary amylase. A molecule of Maltose Maltose Now we’ll consider this molecule of maltose. Hydrolysis of Maltose With the proper enzyme present, maltose can undergo (click) hydrolysis Hydrolysis of Maltose And as water is added, break up into… Hydrolysis of Maltose Glucose Glucose Two molecules of glucose. The breakdown of maltose to simple glucose molecules takes place in the small intestine. As well as breaking down starch, the process of hydrolysis is also used to break glycogen down into glucose when a quick source of energy is needed for muscles. As well as breaking down starch, the process of hydrolysis is also used to break glycogen down into glucose when a quick source of energy is needed for muscles. As well as breaking down starch, the process of hydrolysis is also used to break glycogen down into glucose when a quick source of energy is needed for muscles. Remember, our body does not possess the enzymes necessary to break cellulose down into glucose. But remember, our body does not possess the enzymes necessary to break cellulose down into glucose. Acknowledgements for Images Used "Alpha-D-Glucopyranose" by NEUROtiker Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alph a-D-Glucopyranose.svg#/media/File:Alpha-DGlucopyranose.svg