Hartman/Worsley Name: English 12 Animal Farm Unit Political Ad

English 12
Animal Farm Unit
Political Ad Mini-Project
Pretend you are a member of the pig party on Animal Farm. The election is approaching
and although you are pretty sure most animals are too scared to elect themselves to be
leader, you have decided that it would be a good idea if you made a political campaign to
help further convince them to vote for Napoleon. Using at least two of the three
techniques discussed in class (ethos, pathos, and logos), you must create an ad that will
convince the animals that Napoleon is the best choice to be leader of Animal Farm.
To begin the project, you must first complete the “Planning your Advertisement”
worksheet. Once this is completed, you may get a computer or art supplies and begin
creating your advertisement.
- Proper usage of at least 2 of the persuasive techniques
- Creativity and neatness
- Includes at least 1 picture
- Uses specific facts from the book to help create advertisement
- Completion of the “Planning your Advertisement” worksheet
You may draw, make a PowerPoint, or use another program on the computer (as long as
it is approved by Ms. Worsley/Ms.Hartman)
** A random selection of students will be asked to present their posters
Pathos: emotional appeal (make people feel a strong emotion – fear/happiness/hope, etc.)
Ethos: establishing credibility/trustworthiness (why should people listen to you?)
Logos: appeal to logic or reason (these are your facts)
English 12
Animal Farm Unit
Planning your Advertisement
1. Please check one:
I am going to: ____ Draw my advertisement
____ Make a PowerPoint slide
____ Use another computer application called _________
2. Explain in detail how you will use pathos to create an effective ad
3. Explain in detail how you will use logos to create an effective ad
4. Explain in detail how you will use pathos to help create an effective ad
** Please note you only need to use 2 of the 3 appeals, but using 3 can make your
ad extremely effective!