Unit One Chapters 1-6

Unit One
Chapters 1-6
Honors World History
• SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and
interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern
Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE.
• Describe the development of Mesopotamian societies; include
the religious, cultural, economic, and political facets of society,
with attention to Hammurabi’s law code.
• Describe the relationship of religion and political authority in
Ancient Egypt.
• Explain the development of monotheism; include the concepts
developed by the ancient Hebrews, and Zoroastrianism.
Describe early trading networks in the Eastern Mediterranean;
include the impact Phoenicians had on the Mediterranean
• Explain the development and importance of writing; include
cuneiform, hieroglyphics, and the Phoenician alphabet.
• SSWH2 The student will identify the major achievements of
Chinese and Indian societies from 1100 BCE to 500 CE.
• Describe the development of Indian civilization; include the rise
and fall of the Maurya Empire, the “Golden Age” under Gupta,
and the emperor Ashoka.
• Explain the development and impact of Hinduism and Buddhism
on India and subsequent diffusion of Buddhism.
• Describe the development of Chinese civilization under the Zhou
and Qin.
• Explain the impact of Confucianism on Chinese culture; include
the examination system, the
• Mandate of Heaven, the status of peasants, the status of
merchants, and the patriarchal family, and explain diffusion to
Southeast Asia, Japan, and Korea.
• Explain how the geography of the Indian Subcontinent
contributed to the movement of people and ideas.
• SSWH3 The student will examine the political, philosophical, and
cultural interaction of Classical Mediterranean societies from 700
BCE to 400 CE.
• Compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman
Republic, and the Roman Empire.
• Identify the ideas and impact of important individuals; include
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and describe the diffusion of Greek
culture by Aristotle’s pupil Alexander the Great and the impact of
Julius and Augustus Caesar.
• Analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture;
include law, gender, and science.
• Describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the
origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world.
• Analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman
Day One
First Ten
• Turn in your parent sheet to the basket if you have it
signed. Remember, I want this by tomorrow (Friday).
• Syllabus Review
Work Session
• PPT Notes with SPICE chart
• Hammurabi's Code
Last Ten
• Pick up a copy of an excerpt of Hammurabi’s Code.
Read it tonight for homework. Feel free to
mark/highlight on your copy. You will have questions
concerning the document on Friday.
Day Two
First Ten
• Turn in your parent sheet to the basket. It is due today.
Also, please add your name to the notebook list on the
board if you have yours ready for me to check.
• Pick up a worksheet and a sentence strip from the front
desk and follow the directions at the top of the sheet.
Record your sentence on your sentence strip. You may
want to do it in pencil first.
• While you are doing this I will be checking your HW
from last night – have it out on your desk please.
• Answer the questions on the back of the sheet.
• Let’s discuss!
Summary – Chapter
• CE and BCE – Do you know what this means?
• The study of early human remains and artifacts helps in
understanding our place in human history.
• What is an artifact?
• What is culture?
• Stone Age - Ice Age
• Paleolithic Age – 2.5 million to 8000 BCE – Nomads –
• Neolithic Age – 8000 BCE to 3000 BCE – Agricultural revolution
• Modern Humans
• Neanderthals – resourcefulness and social customs – vanished 30,000
years ago
• Cro-Magnons – Migration – Modern human
Summary – Chapter
• What makes a civilization?
• The earliest civilization in Asia arose in Mesopotamia and
organized into city-states.
• Fertile Crescent – Mesopotamia – Tigris & Euphrates –
Sumerians settle here in 3300 BCE (modern day Iraq)
• Why here?
• Pros and Cons of location? In order to fix issues 
necessity for leadership – Sumer
• Akkadians (2300 BCE)  Babylonians (1894 BCE)
of a
• Religious
• Polytheism  gods controlled the various forces of nature  humans were servants to
gods  ziggurat  bleak/grim afterlife
• Cultural
• Kings, land of holders, and some priests made up the highest level in Sumerian
society  Wealthy merchants ranked next  The vast majority ordinary Sumerians
people worked with their hands in fields and workshops  lowest level of Sumerian
society were the slaves
• Economic
• Bartering, long distance trade over desert  traded agriculture surplus: wheat, barley,
dates, veggies, imported what they didn‘t have like stone and wood
• Political
Sumer was not united  divided into warring city-states  rivaled each other which led
to the emergence of warrior-kings to provide protection  DYNASTY  ruler was
servant to the gods and led ceremonies meant to please them  POLYTHEISM
Sumerian social
and priests
Workers (agricultural –
• Cuneiform/Scribes
• Wheel – for trade
• Arithmetic and Geometry –
Number system based on 60
• 12 month calendar
• Art  Focused on gods
• Ziggurat
• Literature – Epic of
Hammurabi’s Code
• Hammurabi was a Babylonian king who
reigned from 1792-1750 BCE.
• Hammurabi expanded his empire (Babylon –
city-state) and united the southern Euphrates
River area of Mesopotamia.
• His law code, a collection of 282 laws and
standards, stipulated rules for commercial
interactions and set fines and punishments to
meet the requirements of justice.
• Hammurabi's Code was proclaimed at the
end of his reign and carved onto a massive,
finger-shaped black stone stela (pillar) that
was looted by later invaders and rediscovered
in 1901 by a French archaeological team in
present-day Iran.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDALX
First Ten
• Based on our discussion of the Ancient Mesopotamians, what
similarities and differences do you see based upon your prior
knowledge and the information below concerning the Ancient
• Environment:
Nile flooding was predictable
Natural barriers to invaders – desert
Nile was important for trade and transportation
• Political
Pharaohs ruled kingdom AS gods
Pharaohs had pyramids constructed through the use of slaves
• Science and Technology
Hieroglyphics, pyramids, mathematics and geometry, and medicine
Hook – Venn
Characteristics of
• Environment:
• Nile flooding was predictable
• Natural barriers to invaders – desert
• Nile was important for trade and transportation
• Political
• Pharaohs ruled kingdom AS gods
• Pharaohs had pyramids constructed through the use of
• Science and Technology
• Hieroglyphics, pyramids, mathematics and geometry, and
Work Session
• Stations Activity
1. Hammurabi's Code Review – Analyzing a Primary
2. The Ancient Egyptians – Separation of Church and State?
3. Phoenician Puzzle
4. Edmodo Sign-Up
5. Ancient Writing
6. Development of Monotheism
Last Ten
• Homework – What do I know about religions?
• Absent Student – If a student was absent today, how
would you …
• Explain the MAJOR similarities and differences between
ancient civilizations of the River Valley Systems.
Day Four
First Ten
• Get out your religion chart and your stations activity chart
from yesterday.
• Answer the following questions:
• Three words that best describe my beliefs are:
• In a lesson on world religions I would like to learn more about:
• I have always wondered about _________ in relation to
• Religion really challenges me to _________________
• One thing that really bothers me about religion is _______
• http://www.mapsofwar.com/ind/history-of-religion.html
Hook - Stations
Activity Review
• Think about what stations you did not get to. What
can you do to supplement for this information?
• Edmodo – Did it work at home for you?
• http://prezi.com/0vdyxvaowqyt/?utm_campaign=sha
• Beliefs:
Earth is a battleground, where a great battle is fought between good
and evil.
Each person takes part in this struggle
Satan and Angels?
• Branches: Manichaeism (competed with Christianity)
• Creation: War, Conquest, and Famine  Why should so
much suffering and chaos exist in the world?
• Gods: Belief in one god (Ahura Mazda) He will judge
• Founders: Persian Prophet – Zoroaster 600 BCE
Day Five
First Ten – Which one
does not belong?
• Eightfold Path, Ten Commandments, Four Vedas, Five
• Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Jesus Christ,
• Mosque, Synagogue, Temple, Koran, Cathedral
• Torah, Vedas, Analects, Bible, Koran, Samsara
• Christianity, Confucianism, Islam, Judaism
• Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Zoroastrianism
• Finish Religions – Prezi
Work Session
• China/India Empires
• Quiz
1100 BCE to 500 CE
• Maurya
• First Empire in India was the Maurya by Chandragupta Maurya, 321
BCE, unified India by force and war, extravagant cities  Asoka
• The empire was developed in the Lower Gages River region in India.
• Asoka unified India with Buddhism “peace to all beings.”
• Gupta
• 500 years after Asoka’s death a new leader takes over – Chandra Gupta
(not related) “King of Kings – 320 CE
• Gupta Golden Age
Literature - Writing – Tamil Poems – Chandra Gupta kept a court poet
• Drama – Classical dances still prevalent today
• Astronomy – Calendars, navigation w/ astronomy
• Math – Very advanced, concept of 0, decimal system, calculated pi to four
decimal places, calculation of solar year
• Medicine – development of medical guides, surgery and vaccinations
Importance of
China - Zhou
1100 BCE - 500 CE
• Zhou
• In 1027 BCE the Zhou dynasty overthrew the Shang Dynasty through the use
of the Dynasty Cycle. The Zhous utilized ancestor worship and oracle bones
in religious ways.
• Advancements: Roads and canals, coined money
• Qin
• The Qin replaced the Zhou Dynasty and kept China unified. This dynasty is
known for the creation of the Great Wall, a unified system of writing, law,
currency, and weights/measures.
• One concept that emerges during this time is Legalism. This is the belief in a
highly efficient and powerful gov’t. The gov’t wanted to control beliefs and
actions. If you were disobedient you could be punished greatly. (ex:
Anyone caught outside his village without a travel permit should have his
ears or nose chopped off)
• Civil Service
• 18 ranks:
government jobs
that civilians
obtained by
• History, law,
literature, and
• Continued in
China until 1912
• Dynasty Cycle
Structured Society
Last Ten
• Quiz  Early Civilizations and Religions
Day six
Ancient Greece
First Ten
• Questions from Quiz
• Poll Question on Edmodo
• Many of the words in the English language are rooted in Greek
language. Below you will find common prefixes and root words. Can
you determine what they need as well as come up with one word we use
that is rooted in the prefix or root word?
• Greek Prefix
A-, anGeoHyper-
• Greek Roots
• Three words I would use to describe Greece.
• In groups of three - three words
• In groups of six – three words
• Word Splash
Work Session
• PPT with guided notes and video clips
• Start DBQ – Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece
500-323 B.C.E.
Greek geography
• Greece is mountainous
• Greek communities
often times developed
independently because
of the mountains, thus
they were diverse
• Concept of city – state
• War against one another
• Greece is a
peninsula about the
size of Louisiana in
the Mediterranean
• How would this
location benefit
Technology results from scarcity; going from abundance of water to
a lack of water
• All cities need fresh
water. This is a
Greek aqueduct,
basically a brick water
Technology results from necessity
• Since Greek coastal cities were
sandwiched between the ocean
and the sea, they developed a
powerful navy for trading and
Athenian Empire
• Athens dominated
the Delian League.
• More than 200 Greek
• League money was
used to make the
Athenian navy the
strongest in the
• Control water = Safety and Trade
• Dice
• Olympics (776 BCE)
• Crane
• Use of arches and columns in architecture mathematics
Glorifying Athens
• League money also used to
beautify Athens.
• The Parthenon –
built to honor
Athena, goddess
of wisdom & protector of
• Sculptures- “serenity” &
“grace.” Classical art
More Greek Architecture
Parthenon In
Nashville, TN
• Classical Art – sculptors wanted
to portray ideal beauty, not
• Drama – the tragedy & the
• Tragedy: pain and suffering of
human life
• Tragic flaw (hero)
• Love, hate, betrayal, or war
• Comedies
• Important ideas
• Some were critical
• Free and open society
Greek Military
• This is a hoplite, a
Greek infantry
• Hoplites were
middle-class freemen
who had to pay for
their own weapon
and shield.
Greek Military
• This is a phalanx.
• Soldiers for a
fortification with
their bodies. They
each have a large
shield and a 9 foot
long spear.
Greek religion was
• The Greeks developed a rich set of
myths, or traditional stories, about their
• The stories of these myths is known as
• Through the myths, the Greeks sought to
understand the mysteries of nature and
the power of human passions.
• Greeks attributed human qualities, such
as love, hate, and jealousy, to their gods.
• Zeus, the ruler of the gods, lived on
Mount Olympus with his wife, Hera.
• Development of more
formal governments- the city
• The city-state or polis was
the fundamental political
unit in ancient Greece. A
polis was made up of a city
and its surrounding
countryside, which included
numerous villages.
Types of Governments
• Totalitarian- govt control over every aspect of
public and private lives.
• Monarchy- a single person, king, ruled the
• Aristocracy- a government ruled buy a small
group of noble, landowning families
• Oligarchy- a government ruled by a few powerful
Political: Athens was
the first democracy.
• Democracy: type of government where
people vote.
• Athens was a direct democracy
• The U.S. today is a representative
democracy, where we vote for people to
make decisions for us.
Direct participation was the key to Athenian democracy. In
the Assembly, every male citizen was not only entitled to
attend as often as he pleased but also had the right to
debate, offer amendments, and vote on proposals. Every
man had a say in whether to declare war or stay in peace.
Basically any thing that required a government decision, all
male citizens were allowed to participate in.
• Spartan society was
obsessed with war.
• Boys were sent to
military school at a
young age.
• Boys who are born
deformed are left to
die on mountainsides
Golden Age of Athens
477-431 BC
• Pericles-leader of
Athens (461-429 BC).
• 3 goals:
• Strengthen Athenian
• To hold & strengthen
the empire.
• To glorify Athens.
• Athenians were
tough but were
encouraged to
engage in activities
like art,
philosophy, music.
• Greek philosophers, or "lovers of wisdom," used
observation and reason to study the world around them.
Socratic Method of
questioning as a learning
tool. Truth & Justice;
many did not trust him =
Socrates’ pupil; Wrote The
Favored a strong,
controlling government.
Student of Plato;
Developed ideas on
Favored the one strong
and wise rule as best
Considered to be first
western philosopher
Society has three classes:
Philosophers, Soldiers,
and Workers
Human Reason was the
key to learning; Scientific
Method  Logical
Activity - Project
• Design a “chariot” bumper sticker for Athens AND
Sparta! Your bumper stickers MUST show the
differences between the two societies and their goals
for their people. You can include political, economic,
cultural, social, or intellectual beliefs of the society.
This will be due on Monday 8/19. You will need to
work on it outside of class. Your bumper sticker must
be visually attractive and easy to read. Your name
should be on the back of both.
Last TEn
• What type of Gov’t
did Sparta have?
• List 4 inventions of
the Greeks.
• What type of Gov’t
did Athens have?
• How did the
geography of
Greece impact the
• Which city-state was
more focused on their
citizens expressing
their individuality and
focuses on the arts?
Day Seven
First Ten
• What geographic
factors might have
confined democracy
largely to Athens?
• Why might the sea
have been important
to the spread of
Greek culture?
• What geographic
features might have
strengthened the
Macedonian desire
to build an empire to
the south and east?
• Reminders: Sign up for Edmodo, keep notebook
organized (notes quiz), ask questions, participate in
discussion! I will pick a student for “Beemon’s Best”
and the name will be up on Monday.
• Review Quiz
• DBQ #1 – Ancient Greek Contributions
Work Session
• Alexander the Great –
Engineering an Empire with
Last Ten
• Chariot Bumper sticker due on Monday! Any
• Getting to know you – ROW TWO!
• Row One
• Zach, Michael, Mark, Becky, Lorena, Millie, Kevin! 
Day Eight
Alexander’s Empire & Review
First Ten
• Turn in your chariot bumper stickers to the basket – Your
name must be on the back of each.
• Remember, late work can be handed in but at a 50% deduction.
Better late than never, but better never be late if you are
concerned with your grade! 
• Review Primary Docs – Get out Greek Contributions DBQ
from Friday.
Work Session
• Look at Alexander the Great PPT
• Finish Alexander: Engineering an Empire
Alexander the Great
356-323 B.C.E.
How a Young Man
became SO Great
• 20 Years old when he became king
• Under Aristotle’s teaching, Alexander learned science,
geography, and literature.
• He especially enjoyed Homer’s description of the heroic deeds
performed by Achilles during the Trojan War.
• To inspire himself he kept a copy of the Iliad under his pillow!
Alexander the Great in Persia
• Alexander wants to carry out
his father’s plan of invading
• Leading his troops into battle,
Alexander smashed the Persian
• Shaken by his defeat, Darius
III (king of Persia) tried to
negotiate a peace settlement.
He offered him half of his
lands…but Alexander wanted
• The Egyptians welcomed
Alexander and they crowned
him Pharaoh.
• During his time in Egypt he
founded the city of Alexandria at
the mouth of the Nile.
• After leaving Egypt he moved
East into Mesopotamia
Alexander the Great’s Empire
What a Great Death
• After conquering so much territory, Alexander planned to unify
his empire.
• Unfortunately he became seriously ill with a fever and died a few
days later at the age of 32.
• After Alexander died, his Macedonian generals fought among
themselves for control of his empire.
• It was divided among 3 men. Ignoring democratic traditions of
the Greek polis, these rulers and their descendants governed with
complete power over their subjects.
• A vibrant new culture emerged from the blend of Greek and
Eastern customs.
Hellenistic Culture
• Alexander’s ambitions were
cultural as well as military
and political. He actively
sought to meld the
conquered culture with that
of the Greeks.
• As a result a vibrant new
culture emerged. This
blending with Egyptian,
Persian, and Indian
influences became known as
Hellenistic culture.
Library at Alexandria (333 B.C.E.)
First True
research library
in the World.
The Breakup of Alexander’s Empire
Romans are Next!
Last Ten
• Homework: Research the following
• What events caused the rise of the Roman
• What events caused the fall of the Roman
• 3 FACTS about the Roman Empire.
Day Nine
Roman Empire
Your To-Do List …
• Watch CNN Student News: http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/
• Write your HW on the side whiteboard. Take turns by rows – once
someone has wrote something you cannot repeat it. When we come
in on Wednesday we should have a complete list.
• Using your textbook, complete Chapter Assessment Ancient Greece
& Rome WS – Front and back – Turn into basket COMPLETE.
• Complete word search entitled: Vocabulary Words in World History.
A completed word search can be used for a homework pass at a later
date  These are words we will see FREQUENTLY this semester.
• No names should be left for a behavior concern. This will result in an
immediate call home. You should stay in your seat. Do not move