
For Courtney to think it is wrong
to drive over the speed limit
simply because she might get
punished, she is demonstrating
which stage of moral
a. Conventional
b. Preconventional
c. Postconventional
d. Formal operational
Western cultures pride
themselves on individualism
while Eastern cultures are
communal societies that are
less likely to develop which
stage of morality?
a. Conventional
b. Preconventional
c. Postconventional
d. Formal operational
Paul is walking home with
Logan and Dillian who both
get hit by a car. Paul cannot
drive yet, but steals a car and
drives his friends to the
hospital to save their lives.
This is an example of which
stage of moral development?
Alex acts like a perfect angel
to her parents and follows all
of their rules, but punches
students and refuses to work
at school. Her inconsistent
behavior shows she has:
a. Conventional
b. Role Confusion
b. Preconventional
c. Egocentrism
c. Postconventional
d. Inferiority
d. Formal operational
When Brooke was a child,
she developed a secure
attachment to her parents.
She is most likely
experiencing which of the
following now that she is
Payton and Peyton form a
gang called P2. (P squared)
and they go around spray
painting the letter P
everywhere. Ariel wants to
join the group and they tell
her to spray paint her mom's
car. She does it. This
represents which stage of
moral development?
a. Separation Anxiety
a. Stranger Anxiety
b. Egocentrism
c. Basic Trust
d. Habituation
a. Conventional
Anastasia decided against
stealing candy from the 3
year old trick or treater
because she was afraid of
getting in trouble. This belief
represents which stage of
b. Preconventional
c. Postconventional
d. Formal operational
b. Preconventional
Committing yourself to a
proper social role with
meaning would show you
achieved which of the
c. Postconventional
a. Identity
d. Formal operational
b. Competence
a. Conventional
c. Initiative
d. Complacency
Stage 5 of Erikson's
development is where most
people are "stuck" or fail to
adequately pass through.
Which is a problem that
could develop in this stage?
a. A child will fail to be
b. A child will feel inferior to
c. A child will wonder if their
life is important
d. A child will fail to form
their identity.
Stage 8 of Erikson's
development has which
problem that could develop
in this stage?
a. A person will fail to be
b. A person will feel inferior
to others
During which stage of
development do children
develop object permanence?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Concrete Oper.
c. Formal Oper.
d. Preoperational
c. A person will wonder if
their life is important
d. A person will fail to form
their identity.
a. Egocentrism
b. Conservation
c. Attachment
d. Developmental delay
Piaget was best known for
his pioneering research into
which type of child
a. Motor
b. Emotional
c. Social
d. Cognitive
a. Cognitive
b. Developmental
c. Educational
Stranger Anxiety develops in
which stage of development?
a. Sensorimotor
Belle buys her father a doll
because she honestly thinks
he wants a doll since she
wants a doll. This best
illustrates Piaget's concept of
Donnie wants to grow up to
research long term effects of
child rearing and
psychological adjustments.
He wants to become what
type of psychologist?
b. Concrete Oper.
c. Formal Oper.
d. Preoperational
Which is the correct order of
Piaget's stages of Cognitive
a. Preoperational; Concrete
Oper.; Formal Oper. and
b. Sensorimoter;
Preoperational; Formal Oper.
and Concrete Oper.
c. Sensorimoter;
Preoperational; Concrete
Oper.; and Formal Oper.
d. Concrete Oper.;
Preoperational; and Formal
d. Abnormal
Kyle is having fun messing
with his baby brother by
touching his cheek and
watching the baby turn his
head and open his mouth
trying to get Kyle's finger.
This is a natural reflex called:
a. Startle Reflex
b. Grasping Reflex
c. Rooting Reflex
d. Attachment Reflex
Landon is deathly afraid of
clowns. His doctor said he
should expose himself to
clowns repeatedly in order to
get over his fear. The doctor
is using which concept of
getting used to something
through repeated exposure?
a. Habituation
b. Clowning
c. Egocentrism
d. Teratogen
Amy has developed her own
way of thinking about the
world around her. She
organizes and interprets the
information she sees, hears,
touches, etc. to fit that world
view. Which term refers to
this world view?
Everyone in AP Psych started
as a single egg, they would
eventually follow which
growth progression (from
start to finish)?
a. Assimilation
b. Zygote finally turned to
b. Accommodation
c. Sensation
d. Schema
Gabe is explaining the idea
that growth processes are
typically in stages such as
you sit up, then you crawl,
then you walk. He explains to
Emalyne that this helps her
to have orderly changes in
her behavior as she gets
older. He just explained
which concept to her?
a. Embryo finally turned to
c. Embryo finally turned into
d. Zygote finally turned into
Rebecca always seemed to
have a strong attachment to
her mother. She felt comfort
whenever around her
mother and would always
seem to enjoy her mother's
voice more than her father's.
Which is a possible
explanation for this?
a. Babies dislike the low
register of the male voice
b. Babies become familiar
with the mother's voice in
the womb
c. Babies cannot hear lower
register voices
a. Imprinting
Faith is eating at IHOP with
her friends and she sees a
pregnant lady putting
artificial sweetner into her
tea. Faith recently read that
artifical sweetner could harm
a developing fetus. Faith
goes up to the lady and
lectures her about the fact.
She tells the lady that the
artificial sweetner is a(n):
b. Generivity
a. FAS
Kaylee sees a lady who is
pregnant and talks about
having to go get some heroin
because she is craving it.
Kaylee flips out and warns
the mother that her baby will
be born with what issue if
the mother takes heroin?
c. Continuity
b. Depressant
a. Schizophrenia
d. Maturation
c. DNA
b. Heroin addiction
c. Teratogen
c. Down syndrome
d. Babies feel attachment
due to being fed
d. Hyperactivity
Zach saw a pregnant woman
sitting in the park with a beer
in her hands. Since Zack is in
the postconventional stage
of Kohlberg's development,
he takes it upon himself to
educate the mother on the
dangers of fetal alcohol
syndrome in order to save
the baby. He explains the
baby could develop what as
a result of FAS?
a. Egocentrism
b. Mental Retardation
c. Visual Impairment
d. Autism
We show Nathan two
containers of liquid. One is
short and wide while the
other is tall and thin. We
show him that exactly 12
ounces of kool-ade goes into
each container. He still
believed the tall and thin
glass has more liquid
because the liquid line is
higher than the one in the
wide glass. He has failed to
grasp which concept?
Emma was having a very bad
day when she went to the
doctor's office. In the office,
she notices a mother with 2
kids. Both are young and
wandering around the
waiting room and now they
are tapping Emma on each
leg. The twins are exhibiting
what Erikson would call
a. Conservation
b. Insecure Attachment
b. Object Permanence
c. Secure Habituation
c. Accommodation
d. Insecure Habituation
a. Secure Attachment
d. Assimilation
Breeana is sitting in the class
and watching the lecture, but
when the teacher walks out
of the room, she is
concerned that the teacher
has ceased to exist. She has
not developed which
a. Secure Attachment
b. Object Permanence
c. Conservation
d. Assimilation
Question from the reading:
Leah found a baby bird and
kept it for a pet. That bird
has formed an attachment to
Leah because she raised it
during the critical period of
its life. That process of
forming the bond is called
a. Imprinting
b. Bonding
c. Habituation
d. Assimilation
Kelsey's parents would
always tell her that she was
never afraid of strangers, but
she would still prefer to be
held by her mother when she
was a baby. She is exhibiting
which type of behavior?
a. Secure Attachment
b. Insecure Attachment
c. Conservation
d. Egocentrism
Laren smeared red paint on
his sister's nose and told her
to look in the mirror. When
Laren's parents punished
him, he was walking back to
his room professing his
innocence as he was merely
trying to get his sister to
achieve what?
a. Egocentrism
b. Object Permanence
c. Conservation
According to Piaget's
development stages:
Reading Question: (page
If Bethany can reason
hypothetically in her Algebra
class, she has reached which
stage of development?
Lauryn and Cali were running
to get a soccer ball that was
kicked by their teammate,
but they both stopped when
they reached mid-field. Their
opponents do not know the
field well and did not stop
and they fell into a hole.
Lauryn and Cali both
experienced that spot in the
field and knew to stop. They
then yelled out for some
help and knew the EMT only
spoke Spanish, so they called
for help in spanish. Their
accumulated knowledge
through experience and
verbal skills are an example
of which type of intelligence?
a. Concrete Operational
b. Formal Operational
c. Preoperational
d. Postconventional
d. Self-Awareness
William's parents were upset
that he got a C on his final.
They told him he was
grounded for breaking the
rule regarding grade
expectations, but they asked
him to explain why he got
the C and worked with him in
the future on getting a better
grade. This is an example of
which type of parenting?
a. Authoritative
b. Permissive
c. Authoritarian
c. Totalitarian
When a young lady begins
going through puberty, she
knows the onset of puberty
is coming when she
experiences what?
a. Menopause
b. Menarche
c. Crystallized Intelligence
d. Conventional Morality
When women begin to
experience Menopause, they
are experiencing a decrease
in which hormone coming
from the endocrine system?
a. Testosterone
b. Estrogen
c. Adrenaline
d. Dopamine
a. Fluid Intelligence
b. Crystallized Intelligence
c. Experiential Intelligence
d. Developmental