Communications Panel Activities

CP/1 WP-12
International Civil Aviation Organization
Montreal, Canada, 1 – 5 December, 2014
Agenda Item 7: Communications Panel Work Programme and Timelines
Communications Panel activities
(Prepared and presented by
France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom, and
This paper presents the outcome of the informal discussions among some
members of the ICAO Communications Panel (CP) in preparation for the kick
off meeting of the CP.
The paper identifies the activities that the above CP members consider
important and relevant for the ICAO CP Work Programme.
In addition this paper identifies the key other ICAO panels with which the
Communications Panel will need to establish a close cooperation and effective
links in order to achieve the CP objectives.
The paper aims to contribute in the discussions under Agenda Item 7 for the
activities to be undertaken by CP and the agreement on the work programme
and planning.
The COM Panel is invited to 1) note the information presented in this paper, 2)
consider the proposed activities in the discussion for the Communications
Panel work programme and planning and 3) establish appropriate and effective
links with the relevant Panels.
CP1 WP/12
In preparation for kick off meeting of the ICAO Communications Panel (CP), an
informal exchange took place among some European CP members about the work programme and the
activities that the CP should undertake. The started point for the discussions was the ICAO secretariat
memo (dated September 2014) announcing the kick off meeting of the CP as well as the informal
information provided in some recent meeting of the existing working arrangements in ICAO (Panel
and Working Groups meetings).
The CP members acknowledge and support that in the new structure of the ICAO
Panels, a closer link is established between the operational and technology aspects of the aeronautical
communications by integrating the current Aeronautical Communications Panel and the Oplink Panel
activities into the new Communication Panel. This move highlights the need to address the
operational and technology aspects of aeronautical communications together.
In relation to the work programme, the CP members developed a list of activities that
are expected to be considered in the new CP work programme considering the currently undertaken
activities in ACP and OPLINK as well as new tasks. It is noted that the focus of the discussion was on
the ACP work items, however some elements in relation to the operational aspects (OPLINK work
items) are also included.
The proposed activities that CP should undertake are:
WGM Activities: Maintenance of existing COM related ICAO documentation
(SARPs and TMs)
WGI Activities: Completion/evolution of the IPS work (both for air/ground and
ground/ground segments):
• IPS implementation guidance development
• IPS security, DNS
• Mobile IPv6 incl. addressing
WGS Activities: Completion of the AeroMACS TM
Selection and standardisation of the future terrestrial data link
Update of the SATCOM SARPs and standardisation of the future SATCOM
Establishment of the security requirements and support the development of
standardisation provisions for the COM aspects as required
Consideration of IPS vs OSI (including transition aspects)
Consideration of the ground and airborne architecture and network infrastructure
aspects of the communication systems.
Definition/standardisation of the multilink concept in support of the operational
requirements in various airspaces
Consideration of the operational aspects and development of operational material
(performance based requirements) for future services starting with the set of
converged services referred to as ATN/Baseline 2 services)
Definition of the concept of using voice in the future (when data link becomes an
acceptable primary means of communications).
Migration aspects of the ops concept of moving from voice being the primary
communication system to data becoming the primary means of communications.
Definition of Functional and Performance Requirements for Voice Systems
including consideration of required performance for digital voice for the a/g side
Coordinate with and provide support to other panels about COM aspects (i.e.
IPS) and systems to be considered as enablers for other functions i.e. support for
CP1 WP/12
ADS-B (SP), support for navigation capabilities (NP), and support for
command/control and non-payload coms (RPASP)
Maintenance of the ICAO COM roadmap and support the updating of the GANP
considering transitional aspects and including rationalization of the COM
infrastructure and development of guidelines/recommendations for
decommissioning of obsolete/redundant COM systems
Monitor and report on the implementation status of COM systems
A further review should be made by the CP to refine wording as required and to
complete the above list with any missing operational or other activity that needs te be undertaken by
Finally the CP members identified that very close and effective links will need to be
put in place at least with the following Panels.
Frequency Spectrum Management Panel
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel
Information Management Panel,
Surveillance Panel
Navigation Panel
Safety Management Panel
The above list is not exhaustive and on a case by case basis, there may be the need to
establish links also with other ICAO Panels and/or groups through the appropriate channels.
The meeting is invited to:
(a) Note the information in this paper, and
(b) consider the proposed activities in the discussion for the Communications Panel
work programme and planning and
(c) establish appropriate and effective links with the other relevant ICAO Panels.