Goal 3.02 Quiz 1

Before the process of mitosis can start, which
must occur?
DNA replication
RNA transcription
protein translation
microtubule formation
Which is the correct order for sexual
A. meiosis-meiosis
B. meiosis-mitosis
C. mitosis-meiosis
D. mitosis-mitosis
In meiosis, what is true about the four daughter
A. The daughter cells have identical genetic
B. The daughter cells are the result of one
parent cell dividing.
C. The daughter cells are the result of two
parent cells dividing.
D. The daughter cells have a quarter of the
chromosomes found in the parent cell.
Which most accurately describes what must come
immediately before the separation of sister chromatids?
A. DNA replication must occur.
B. Spindle fibers must attach to the chromosomes.
C. Spindle fibers must attach to the cell membrane.
D. Sister chromatids must attach to each other in the
middle of the cell.
Which process occurs in the first stage of
meiosis, but not in mitosis?
A. DNA is replicated.
B. RNA is transcribed.
C. Sister chromatids are separated.
D. Homologous chromosomes are separated.
Down Syndrome occurs when an individual has
three of chromosome 21. Which best explains the
cause of Down Syndrome?
A. During crossing over, DNA strands become
tangled leading to three stranded DNA.
B. During DNA replication, a chromosome is
incorrectly replicated one additional time.
C. During meiosis, either homologous
chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate.
D. During mitosis, either homologous chromosomes
or sister chromatids fail to separate.
Which is an example of the result of asexual
A. A turtle hatches from an egg.
B. Twins are born to a mother panda.
C. A hybrid plant is created through bee
D. A new plant is created from cuttings of a
parent plant.
Which best explains why cells that have
undergone mitosis are diploid?
A. Cell division happens once, and DNA
replicates after the division.
B. Cell division happens once, and DNA
replicates before the division.
C. Cell division happens twice, and DNA does
not replicate before the first division.
D. Cell division happens twice, and DNA does
not replicate before the second division.
Which explains the difference between asexual and
sexual reproduction?
A. Asexual reproduction requires two parents to
produce an offspring.
B. Sexual reproduction requires only one parent to
produce an offspring.
C. Asexual reproduction uses meiotic cell division,
and sexual reproduction uses mitotic cell division.
D. Asexual reproduction uses mitotic cell division,
and sexual reproduction uses meiotic cell division.
How does nondisjunction affect sexual
A. Abnormal numbers of chromosomes may be
found in gametes.
B. Chromatids cross over during meiosis,
decreasing the numbers of chromosomes.
C. Genes fail to replicate during mitosis, causing
mutation in the cell.
D. Chromosomes separate at the centromere
and divide into chromatids.