Properties of Life


Characteristics of





• common features (characteristics) of all living things






6.Made up of cells

7.Growth and Development

1. Metabolism

• obtain and use energy

• put together molecules

– two or more smaller molecules become one larger molecule

• take apart molecules

one larger molecule becomes two or more smaller molecules

2. Reproduction

• make more living things

– can take place at the cellular level

• individual cells reproduce to make new cells called

“daughter cells”

• can take place at the organism level

- individual organisms reproduce to make new organisms called


3. Heredity

• all living organisms contain molecules of

DNA and can pass on all or portions of their DNA to their offspring

– DNA passes traits or characteristics from parent to offspring

- some offspring are identical to the parents asexual reproduction/clones

- some offspring are a genetic combination of the parents sexual reproduction

4. Homeostasis

• maintaining a constant state in the body of the organism

– any change in state will throw off the balance of homeostasis

– the change in the organisms is not always externally visible

• organisms must adapt to their external environment

– ex – changes in temperature, light, moisture, etc….

• Organisms must adapt to their internal environment.

- ex – changes in temperature, nutrient levels, hormones, etc

5. Responsiveness

• must be able to react

• short and typically directly observable

– internal conditions

• ex – hungry and out of food; move to where food is

– external surroundings

• ex – a predator is near; hide, run, or fight

6. Made up of cells

• smallest unit of all living things

– some living things are unicellular

• made up of one single cell

– some living things are multicellular

• made up of 2 or more cells that work together to live

• different types of cells within a multicellular organism have different structures and functions

7. Growth and Development

• after reproducing, all cells grow in size

– both unicellular and multicellular

• unicellular organisms grow in size because the cell grows

7. Growth and Development

• multicellular organisms grow in size because the cells grow in size and the number of cells increases

• as cells grow, they change, or develop

– cells need to develop so that they can take on new functions necessary to maintain life
