example - Waterford Public Schools

Chapter 1 Section 2 Outline example
The purpose of an outline is to have a quick reference for the information you read in the section,
chapter, book, whatever. The point is that you have written down key ideas, definitions, or summarized
topics so that you remind yourself of things you should have gotten out of the reading. The organization
can be formal- roman numerals used for major sections, A, B, C used for subtopics within those major
sections, 1, 2, 3 after that, then a, b, c; or you can be informal and use subject headings with bullet
points of key concepts. The point is to get the major ideas and definitions ordered in a way that makes
sense for you, ut still gets the information that you need. The following is an example of Chapter 1
Section 2 from your Modern Biology text.
Section 1-2: The World of Biology
I. Characteristics of Life
A. Cells
1. Very small
2. Can play a specific role in multicellular organisms
3. Number of cells depends on the size of the organism
a. smaller =fewer
b. larger = more
B. Organization
1. Happens at molecular and celluar level
2. special structures within the cell carry out certain jobs
C. Energy Use
1. Metabolism- an organism’s use of energy all the chemical reactions in the organism)
2. Needed for other life processes
3. Plants- autotrophs meaning they make food energy from the energy of the sun
D. Homeostasis
1. means maintaining stable internal conditions
2. examples of important characteristics to maintain at homeostasis include:
a. Temperature
b. Water constant
c. glucose levels
E. Growth
a. In multicellular organisms growth results from cell enlargement and cell division- one
cell splitting to become 2- happening simultaneously
b. development occurs after repeated growth cycles and produces adult organisms
F. Reproduction
a. Not essential for the organism, but essential for the species
b. Sexual reproduction occurs when 2 individuals combine genes to produce offspring
that are unique from either parent.
II. The Living World
A. Much left to discover, especially in places like the rain forests and oceans
B. Living things everywhere and very abundant