What is Sin? - Colonial church of Christ

Why Are We Here
The Only Hope of Mankind
Is Jesus Christ!
John 14:6
Acts 4:12
In the Beginning…
Genesis 1
There was God – Father, Son, & H.S.
God created all we see & know.
God created many things we don’t
know about as well!
God loved His creation from the start.
A Paradise for Mankind
Genesis 1-2
God created Adam & Eve
He placed them in a paradise called the
Garden of Eden
He put two trees in the middle of it
Their sole duty was to live there in peace
and in obedience to God
The world seems perfect!
Enter the Tempter
Genesis 3
God gives directions to Adam & Eve
Satan appears as a snake and lies to
Eve believes Satan’s lie.
She disobeys God
She shares her sin with Adam
No Wonder God Hates Lies!
Sin Enters the World
Genesis 3-4
Adam & Eve are banished from Eden
The snake is cursed by God
Adam & Eve are condemned to a life
of toil and pain
The Tree of Life is taken to Heaven
Cain murders his brother Abel
What is Sin?
Sin is breaking God’s Word – 1 John 5:17
“all unrighteousness is sin”
Sin is our choice – James 1:14
“…each one is tempted when he is carried away and
enticed by his own lust. When lust has conceived, it
gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished it
brings forth death.”
All have sinned – Romans 5:12
“…through one man sin entered into the world, and
death through sin, and so death spread to all men,
for all have sinned.”
Sin Spreads
Genesis 6
In just a few generations, all kinds of
sinful behavior spread into the minds
and hearts of all people.
Violence fills the world. The intent of
every man’s heart is always evil.
God can no longer accept even the
existence of mankind.
The Flood
Genesis 7-9
God destroys all life on the face of the
earth by sending rains to make a flood
God directs the one righteous man
living to make a large boat (ark) and
fill it with living things
From the ark, God restores life and
living things to the world after the
Mankind Starts Over
Genesis 10
Noah’s descendants repopulate earth
One people, one language
Again, they become willful and evil
They build the Tower of Babel
God confuses their language
God scatters them across the earth
Genesis 12-25
Of all mankind, God chooses Abraham
and makes a covenant with him
If Abraham would serve Him, God
would make a great nation from his
descendants, & bless the whole world
This is the beginning of the promise of
the Messiah and the nation of Israel
Sin in Sodom & Gomorrah
Genesis 19
Meanwhile, mankind’s sin increases
These two cities are filled with sexual
perversion to the extent that the men
of Sodom try to assault angels
God destroys these cities and their
lands with fire from Heaven
The Rise of Israel
Genesis 26 – Exodus 1
The descendants of Abraham’s
grandson Jacob become the nation of
Israel .
Israel comes to Egypt while Jacob’s
son Joseph rules under Pharaoh.
Israel remains in Egypt for 430 years.
The Egyptians enslave them.
Moses Leads Israel
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
God appoints Moses to be Israel’s first
prophet and leader
By the hand of Moses, God leads
Israel out of Egypt
On Mt. Sinai, Moses gave the Old Law
to Israel as he was directed to by God
The Law of Moses
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Governed the moral conduct and
worship of Israel
Centered on animal blood sacrifice
Sacrifices had to be done on their
appointed days to cover the sins of
Israel Sins
In the desert, on the way to Canaan, the
land promised by God to Abraham’s
The Israelites complain against God
They make an idol and worship it
They fail to trust and to glorify God
God punishes Israel: 40 years of wandering
The Kingdom of Israel
Joshua - 2 Chronicles
Time passes, God’s blessings flow
Israel conquers Canaan and becomes
a glorious kingdom
Israel is made strong – not by its
wealth or its armies…
But by God’s powerful & glorious
The Prophets of Israel
Exodus – 2 Chronicles, Isaiah - Malachi
God also gave Israel the prophets to
warn and remind them of God’s will
The prophets spoke of the Messiah –
God’s anointed one
The Messiah would bring a new Way for
all nations to become God’s people
Even the Law of Moses could not fully
take away sin from a human soul
The Pagan Nations
The Law & prophets were for Israel
God still held the pagan nations to the
same moral law as He always had
God did send prophets to the pagans
to warn them as well
Sin in the Kingdom
Joshua - 2 Chronicles
Satan does not rest, disobedience &
idolatry spread in Israel
The prophets come & go. They warn
Israel that God will destroy them if the
nation is not faithful to Him
God excuses Israel many times
But the sin continues, more & more…
God judges Israel
2 Kings & 2 Chronicles
God ends His protection of Israel just
as the prophets warned
Israel is taken captive by pagan
nations and suffer as slaves
God also destroys the pagan nations
around Israel because of their idolatry
Do You See A Pattern?
To those who serve Him faithfully –
favor, promise, and salvation
To the sinful and ungodly punishment and death
God does not tolerate sin!
Mankind will not stop sinning!
A Remnant Returns
Ezra & Nehemiah
Even after such sin & in slavery, God
does not forget His people and the
promise He made to Abraham
After 70 years, about 50,000 Jews are
freed by Cyrus king of Persia to return
to Jerusalem
They rebuild the city and restore the
temple worship & Law of Moses
400 Silent Years
Israel never again finds its old glory
The prophets fall silent
The Jews, ignored by the rest of the
world, split into sects & squabble
One empire after another rules the
area of Palestine
Where is the Messiah?
The world pursues its course of lust
and self-indulgence
The Jews become both sinful and
They expect the Messiah to restore the
glory of the old kingdom of Israel
Matthew, Luke
About 4 BC, Jesus of Nazareth is born
Angels announce His birth to mere
shepherds in the fields
Satan, using King Herod, tries to kill
Jesus, but fails to find Him
The Messiah has come at last!
Matthew 1:21
The Gospel of Peace
Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Jesus grows up & begins to preach
He is baptized by John the Baptizer
He does many, many public miracles
He preaches the Gospel to all the people
The Gospel is Good News for all of us
God has solved the problem of sin
Salvation from sin is free to all
Indeed, the Messiah has come at last!
Satan opposes Jesus
Jesus is not who the Jews expected
They refuse His Truth
Jews become jealous of his popularity
They plot His death in secret
Jesus continues to teach
Satan cannot stop the Gospel
The Power of the Gospel
“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel,
for it is the power of God for salvation
to everyone who believes…for in it the
righteousness of God is revealed…”
Romans 1:16-17
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Jesus is seized by the Jews in the
dead of night
He is “tried” before dawn
He is convicted of blasphemy!
The Jews manipulate the Romans
Jesus is crucified at Jerusalem
Why the Cross?
Remission of sins requires a price Matt 20:28
Animal blood will not satisfy Heb 9:12
God sent His Son to shed His blood – the
perfect sacrifice for sin John 3:14-17
Jesus gave Himself Ephesians 1:7, Col 1:14
Jesus died once for all mankind Hebrews 2:9
Three days later, on Sunday, God
raised Jesus from the dead.
He walked out of His grave alive!
His disciples came to the grave and
found it open & empty.
For the next 50 days, Jesus appeared
alive to His disciples many times.
Why the Resurrection?
Because Jesus lives, so shall all
Christians live eternally
John 11:25
To show that He is Christ
Acts 17:3
God will raise us, too!
2 Cor. 4:14
To make us dead to sin
& alive to God
Romans 6:8-11
Salvation is for You, Today
Hear & Believe – Romans 10:13-15, 17
Acts 16:31
Confess Christ – Romans 10:9-10
Repent of your sins – Acts 2:38
Be baptized to have your sins erased
Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38
Now is the Time!
You Can Choose!
Right here, Right now
The Chance for Salvation has come
to each of us as well.
Do You Believe?
That Jesus was born the Messiah, the
Christ, the Son of God?
That He lived and died and was raised
to life again by God the Father?
That He lives in heaven today?
Do You Understand?
That SIN is disobedience to God – the
violation of His laws for all mankind?
That ALL people have sinned and are
therefore sinners in need of salvation?
And that this means you too, friend?
Are You Ready?
To REPENT of your sins?
To openly CONFESS Jesus the Christ
as your Lord and Savior?
To live a life of peace in OBEDIENCE
to the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
You are Ready to be
What can keep you from being
Acts 8:26-39
Even after 2000 years, the saving
power of the blood of Jesus Christ is
just as strong as ever.
Live Forever in Heaven!
“This is the promise that He has
promised us: eternal life!”
1 John 2:25
“And this is the record, that God has
given to us eternal life, and this life is in
His Son.”
1 John 5:11
Is there any other choice?
“How shall we escape if we
neglect so great a salvation?”
Hebrews 2:3