AP World History Final Exam Study Guide Due on the day of your final exam – 1.33 points each. 1. Which religion spread rapidly during a time of disorder and decline? 2. Result of fast-ripening rice. 3. Similarity between the Persian and Roman Empire. 4. Map of Barbarian migrations in to the Roman Empire. 5. Trans-Saharan trade route. 6. Group that introduced Islam into Africa. 7. Characteristics of Islamic art and architecture. 8. Spread of the Bubonic Plague. 9. Great Wall of China. 10. Spread of iron metallurgy in Africa. 11. Reconquista. 12. Epic of Gilgamesh – flood story or myth and belief in the afterlife. 13. Confucian values. 14. Explain how Muhammad might have come in contact with a monotheistic religion. 15. Who controlled the production of silk between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E.? 16. European feudal system. 17. Who was responsible for the spread of Buddhism over the Silk Roads? 18. Byzantium is most similar to what other empire? 19. Location of the Inca Empire. 20. Similarity between Islam and Christianity? 21. Hammurabi’s Code? 22. Where did Buddhism begin? 23. The Secret History of the Mongols. 24. House of Wisdom and Byzantine scholars preserved whose learning? 25. Spread of agriculture. 26. Grand Canal. 27. Similarity between the fall of the Han and Roman Empires. 28. Similarity between the Inca and Aztec societies. 29. Results of the Indian Ocean trade network. 30. Mongol Empire. 31. Bantu migrations. 32. Rivers and ancient civilizations. 33. Afterlife of the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. 34. Mali-Great Zimbabwe trade route. 35. Why study myths? 36. Similarity between Persian, Han, and Roman empires. 37. Mosque in Timbuktu. 38. Development of agriculture. 39. Crusades. 40. African griot. 41. Roman aqueducts. 42. Feudalism and the manor system. 43. Egyptian afterlife. 44. Sufis. 45. Event that led to the fall of the Han Dynasty. 46. Characteristics of civilizations before 600 B.C.E. 47. Which religion became dominant in Indonesia around 1200 C.E.? 48. Similarity between the spread of Buddhism and Christianity. 49. Between 200 B.C.E. and 200 C.E., what two empires traded along the Silk Road? 50. Similarity between Judaism and Hinduism. 51. Roman traditions. 52. Mesoamerican pyramid. 53. Location of the Persian Empire. 54. Sundiata. 55. Camels in Africa. 56. Effect of geography on Oceania. 57. Conversion of Islam in Africa. 58. Angkor Wat. 59. Marco Polo and Kublai Khan. 60. Arabic in North Africa. 61. Neolithic Age. 62. Hellenistic civilization. 63. Athenian democracy. 64. fall of the Mongol Empire. 65. reason for Polynesian migration. 66. Who conquered the Incas and Aztecs? 67. Hanseatic League. 68. Difference between the fall of the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty. 69. Results of Roman conquest in Gaul, Germany, Britain, and Spain. 70. Difference between India and Western Europe between 600 C.E. and 1450 C.E. 71. Islamic caliphs. 72. Shi Huanghi and Confucianism. 73. Bering land bridge. 74. West African trade routes. 75. location of the Byzantine Empire.