Pre-AP World History Unit 2 Study Guide: Roman Empire

Pre-AP World History
Unit 2 Study Guide
The unit 2 exam will consist of multiple choice, matching, a map, and primary source analysis.
In order to review and prepare yourself, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of
1. Who were the earliest Romans and how was Rome founded?
2. Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire using specific
3. How did the Republic transition to an Empire?
4. What were the Punic Wars?
5. How was violence a significant aspect of the Roman Empire?
6. Identify some major architectural developments of the Roman Empire
7. Why is Pompeii significant to the study of ancient Rome?
8. In what ways did the Roman Empire help Christianity grow as an idea and religion?
9. In what ways were the teachings of Christianity similar or different from the Roman or
Greek religions?
10. What factors contributed to the decline of the (western) Roman Empire?
11. Define:
a. Aqueduct
b. Republic
c. Plebian
d. Patrician
e. Senate
f. Consul
g. Triumvirate
h. “Bread and Circuses”
i. Pax Romana
j. Diaspora
k. Edict of Milan
12. Identify:
a. Etruscans
b. Romulus/Remus
c. Hannibal
d. Nero
e. Vespasian
f. Augustus
g. Julius Caesar
h. Theodosius
i. Jesus of Nazareth
j. Constantine
This completed study guide as well as ANY missing work must be turned in on the day
you take the test, Wednesday, November 5th