Nutritional Analysis - Garnet Valley School District

Nutrition Analysis
Name: ______________________
Period ____ ACE BDF
The Harris-Benedict Equation for Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) is commonly used to
figure energy requirements based on sex, height, weight and age.
W = weight in kilograms --------> Weight in pounds divided by 2.2
H = height in centimeters -------> Height in inches multiplied by 2.54
(Someone 5’ 8”= 68 inches) now multiply that by 2.54
A = age in years
Men: BEE = 66.5 + 13.8(W) + 5.0(H) - 6.8(A)
Women: BEE = 655.1 + 9.6(W) + 1.9(H) - 4.7(A)
Betty is a 47 year-old female. She is 5’5” and weighs 147 pounds. What is her BEE?
Women: BEE = 655.1 + 9.6(W) + 1.9(H) - 4.7(A)
W= (147 pounds)/(2.2 pounds/kg) = 66.8 kg
H= (65 inches)(2.54 cm/inch) = 165 cm
A= 47 (years old)
BEE = 655.1 + [(9.6)(66.8 kg)] + [(1.9)(165 cm)] - [(4.7)(47 age)]
BEE = 655.1 + 641 + 313.5 – 221 = 1389 calories
If Betty gets regular physical activity, her BEE may need to be multiplied by a factor of
1.2-1.5 to account for extra calories needed during exercise. A factor of 1.2 represents
an average amount of activity, where 1.5 would be a very high amount of activity. We’ll
say Betty gets an average amount of activity. In this case her needs would be:
1389 calories (1.2) = 1666 calories
1. **Find your personal BEE. Show your work below.
2. **If you get an average or high amount of physical activity, find your new suggested
daily caloric intake.
3. **Calories you should be consuming a day _____ (USE THE ANSWER TO #2)
Day 1 calories consumed _____
Day 2 calories consumed _____
Day 3 Calories consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Protein Needs
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends daily protein intake for healthy
adults as .8-1.0 g of protein/kg body weight.
Example: Jay weighs 168 pounds. How much protein does he need per day?
(168)/(2.2g/kg) = 76.4 kg (His weight in kilograms)
76.4 kg (.8 g/kg) = 61 g
76.4 kg (1.0 g/kg) =76 g
*61 – 76 grams of protein per day
***This should be a range***
4. **How many grams of protein should you personally have a day? Show your work
below. Find your weight in kg, (you did this already for #1), and multiply it by .8, and
also by 1. This will give you two numbers- this is your range of how much protein you
need a day.
5. ** How many grams a protein should you have a day? ______
Day 1 grams of protein consumed _____
Day 2 grams of protein consumed _____
Day 3 grams of protein consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Fat Needs
Fat intake should equal 30% of your total day’s calories. (USE YOUR #2 ANSWER).
Example: Jackie should be consuming 1600 calories per day. How many calories and
grams of fat should she be consuming each day? 1 gram of fat = 9 calories
1600 calories (.30) = 480 calories from fat (480 calories)/(9 calories/g) = 53 grams of fat
per day
6. ** How many calories from fat AND grams of fat should you be consuming everyday?
Show your work below. Remember** to divide by 9 to get GRAMS.
How many grams of fat should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 grams of fat consumed _____
Day 2 grams of fat consumed _____
Day 3 grams of fat consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Saturated Fat
7. **Limit saturated fat to no more than 10 percent of your total calories. Lowering
calories from saturated fat to 7 percent can further reduce your risk of heart disease.
Choose which percent you want to work with and find how many of your daily calories
should come from saturated fat. (This means take your #2 answer, and multiply that
number by either .1 or .07). Then find how many grams that would be. (Divide by 9 for 9
calories per gram of saturated fat).
How many grams of saturated fat should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 grams of sat. fat consumed _____
Day 2 grams of sat. fat consumed _____
Day 3 grams of sat. fat consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Carbohydrate Needs
The USDA recommends that 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories come from
For example: To consume 60% of total daily calories from carbohydrate sources:
A moderately active 18-year old male who requires 2800 calories a day would need to
consume 1680 calories from carbohydrate sources.
A moderately active 18-year old female who requires 2000 calories a day would need to
consume 1200 calories from carbohydrate sources.
For you, pick a number from .45-.65 and multiply this by your #2 answer
8. ** How many of your calories should come from carbohydrate intake? Show your
work below. There are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates. Divide by 4 to find how
many grams of carbs you should have a day.
How many grams of carbohydrates should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 grams carbohydrates consumed _____
Day 2 grams of carbohydrates consumed _____
Day 3 grams of carbohydrates consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
9. **How many grams of fiber should you be consuming a day?
Men=38 g
How many grams of fiber should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 grams fiber consumed _____
Day 2 grams of fiber consumed _____
Day 3 grams of fiber consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Try to stay within the American Heart Association guidelines. Women: no more than 100
calories per day which equals 6 teaspoons or 24 grams. Men: no more than 150 calories
per day which equals 9 teaspoons or 36 grams.
10. **How many grams of sugar should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 grams sugar consumed _____
Day 2 grams of sugar consumed _____
Day 3 grams of sugar consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Limit sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams a day — or 1,500 milligrams if you're age 51
or older, or if you are African-American, or you have high blood pressure, diabetes or
chronic kidney disease.
11. **How many milligrams of sodium should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 mg of sodium consumed _____
Day 2 mg of sodium consumed _____
Day 3 mg of sodium consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
Keep dietary cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams a day. Cutting cholesterol to less
than 200 milligrams a day can benefit anyone at high risk of heart disease. Choose one
of these for your suggested daily intake.
12. **How many milligrams of cholesterol should you be consuming everyday? _____
Day 1 mg of cholesterol consumed _____
Day 2 mg of cholesterol consumed _____
Day 3 mg of cholesterol consumed _____
Circle one: On average, would you say you are: below, on target, or above your daily
13. No one is perfect in their diet. 1. How would you grade yourself overall? Choose two
areas in which you would really like to improve in. 2. Explain what your target amounts
were in those two areas where you want to improve, and how you personally compared
over the course of three days. 3. How could you improve, meaning what type of foods
should you eat more or less of? Look at your notes for help because this needs to be
very specific. 4.Why is it important to have the suggested amount of nutrient that you
are analyzing? 5. What type of risk are you creating by having too much or too little of
that nutrient? Use the rest of the page to respond to the questions above.