Columbian Exchange


Objective 20:

The Columbian Exchange

Should Columbus Day be celebrated as a national holiday?

Voyages of Christopher Columbus

• Under the sponsorship of the Spanish crown, headed for Asia by sailing west

• Landed in the Bahamas

• Made four voyages altogether

• Didn’t find gold or spices

• Did find a “new world”

Columbus Landing at Guanahani, 1492

1837-47 Rotunda, US Capitol, Washington

John Vanderlyn, an American whose revolutionary sympathies had led him to study and work in Paris in the early days of the empire, executed this painting in the American Capitol in Washington. His theme was

Columbus Landing at Guanahani, 1492, glorifying the arrival on this West Indian island of the historical figure who was regarded as the founder of the white and Christian Americas. His Indians crouch like wild animals, frightened and puzzled, and some of the explorer's Spanish sailors crawl on the ground, already hunting for gold.

The four voyages of Christopher Columbus.

He “discovered” “Hispaniola” [Haiti/DR] and the


Seven Myths of Spanish


• “Exceptional Men”

• “The King’s Army”—Neither paid nor forced.

• “White Conquistadors” – Invisible Allies

• “Spanish Conquest” – Myth of Completion

• “The Myth of (Mis) Communication”

• The Myth of Indian Desolation

• The Myth of Superiority

What Really Happened?

• Disease

• Native disunity

• Weapons – guns, steel, horses, war dogs, tactical skills, especially the steel sword

• Culture of War

• Global context of an age of expansion

Pre-Columbian America.

Pre-Columbian America had two great regions of trade and political power. In the north, the Aztec kingdom, centered on Tenochtitlán, dominated.

The adjacent Maya of Central

America were in decline. In

South America, about 1500, the Inca dominated the Andes mountain regions, linking them together through an extensive system of roads.

Conquest of Mexico

• 1519-1521 conquered the Aztec empire with only 450 men

• How?

– Superior weapons

– “Divide and conquer”

– Disease

Hernán Cortés

Broken spears lie in the roads;

We have torn our hair in our grief.

The houses are roofless now, and their walls

Are red with blood…

Elegy for Tenochtitlan

Cortes with Doňa Marina a.k.a. “Malinche”

Conquest of the Incan Empire

• 1530-40 conquered the Incan empire with only 600 men

The “Columbian Exchange”

TE : “…the global diffusion of plants, food crops, animals, human populations, and disease pathogens that took place after voyages of exploration by Christopher Columbus and other European mariners...”

Three main aspects of the

Columbian Exchange

• Biological exchanges

• Dietary exchanges

• Human migration

Biological exchanges

• Prior to Columbus’s voyages, Eurasia was

“thoroughly diseased” and the Americas had been in relative “biological isolation.” Why?

• Contact among cultures of Eurasia had been much more intense over the centuries.

• Eurasians had a long history of domesticating animals —a source of disease.

Diseases exchanged:

• Eurasia  Americas:

– Smallpox, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, influenza

• Americas  Eurasia:

– Syphilis?

Consequences of biological exchanges:

• Devastation of native populations of the

Americas and


• Within one century, some native populations declined


Images of Aztec smallpox victims.

Between 1500 and 1800 approximately one hundred million people* in the Americas and

Oceania likely died of imported diseases.

*The current population of the U.S. is 300 million so this was equivalent to 1 in 3

Americans living today.

Dietary exchanges

• Americas  Eurasia

– “New World Crops-

– Maize, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, manioc, papayas, guavas, avocados, pineapples, cacao, tobacco

Eurasia  Americas

– “Old World”

– Wheat, horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens

The incredible potato!!!

Export of Tobacco from Virginia









1616 1624 1638

“Drug and Taste Revolution”

Consequences of dietary exchanges:

• More balanced diets globally

• Increased calories in Eurasian diets  the amazing potato and also maize

• Basis of “national” foods and customs  tomatoes to Italy, spices to China, horses and cattle to the Americas

• A surge in global population!

Population increases:

World population:

• 1500: 425 million

• 1600: 545 million

• 1750: 720 million

• 1800: 900 million

World population more than doubled in three hundred years!!

This more than offset population losses due to disease.











World Population Growth, 1500-

1800 CE


1500 1600 1700 1800

Human migration

The massive de-population of the Americas due to conquest and disease:

• Enabled European migration and colonization

• Compelled forced migration of slaves from


Sugar and


“Every ton of sugar represented a life; every teaspoonful represented 6 days of a slave’s life.”

African Slave Exports per Century








16th c.

17th c.

18th c.

Destination of Africans in the

Atlantic Slave Trade






Central, South America

North America


The “Atlantic System”

Slave trade

• Transfers African culture to the Americas

• Between 1450 – 1850 it is estimated 12 million Africans were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean

• Portuguese and then Dutch, English, and


• European agents made agreements with local leaders to traffic slaves

• Enormous profits – up to 300 % on a voyage

• Sugar plantation labor

Manila galleon route and the lands of Oceania, 1500-1800

European exporation in the Pacific

Ocean, 1519-1780.

European trading posts in Africa and Asia, about 1700

European empires and colonies in the

Americas c. 1700

Economic Impact

• Gold and silver from America to Europe – who uses it to buy Asian goods

• Rise of the European commercial class and decline of the aristocracy

• Europe becomes the center of the world market

Some long-term effects of the Columbian Exchange:

• Creation of a global economy for the first time in human history

• European colonization of the Americas

• European Empires-beginning of “westernization”

• Cultural changes – Latin America, Atlantic Civilization

• Global population growth

• Permanent depletion or loss of many native American and

Oceanic cultures

• Uneven consequences around the globe

European exploration, 1450 –1600.

Spanish and Portuguese explorers and traders had established settlements in South America and the Caribbean by 1600, and commercial depots on the coasts of Africa, India, the Pacific islands, China, and Japan —at a time when

English, Dutch, and French explorations of North America had just begun.

World exploration.

The limitations on sea routes through the Middle East drove the trading nations of western Europe to seek alternate maritime passages to Asia. European navigators and cartographers rapidly built a map of the globe which included, by sailing west, the “New World” of the Americas and, by sailing south, a passage around Africa, linking with the Arab trading routes of the Indian Ocean. The voyages of the Ming Chinese admiral Zheng He were undertaken to demonstrate China’s strength even more than for trade.
