Service of Worship - Gibsonville United Methodist Church

Enjoy a cup of coffee or a juice box in our Welcome Center located on the ground level at the North entrance of the building. We also
invite you to pick up information about the various ministries at Gibsonville United Methodist Church.
United Methodist Church
501 Church Street, Gibsonville, North Carolina 27249 –
Welcoming the Children at Gibsonville United Methodist Church
NURSERIES: For children Birth - 3 years old, we offer nurseries for both Sunday School and Worship. The Infant Nursery cares for
children ages Birth - 18 months of age and the Toddler Nursery 18 months – 3 years. Both nurseries are located behind the Sanctuary
on the 1st Floor.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Begins at 9:45 AM and all children (age 3 through 5th grade) gather in Room 210. The children then divide
into three age groups for their lesson, 3-5 year olds – Room 211, 1st & 2nd grades - Room 209, 3rd – 5th grades –Room 210.
KID’S OWN WORSHIP (Children’s Church): A Worship enrichment program is offered for children ages 4 through 2 nd grade.
After the Children’s Time, children are invited to leave the Sanctuary with their leaders for a time of fun and learning. Children may
then be picked up immediately after worship in Room 210.
Gibsonville United Methodist Church exists to
WELCOME people to faith in Jesus Christ, EQUIP us
with a faith that helps us grow as disciples, and SEND us
into the world to serve and to make a difference for Jesus’
Opportunities this week for Worship, Study, and Service
July 6, 2014
4th Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 AM
9:45 AM
Sunday School
7 PM
Alive in Christ
6 PM
7 PM
7 PM
Chancel Choir
11 AM
12:30 PM Lunch with
Please sign the attendance pad as it is passed to you. If you have a prayer request, please fill out a
prayer card located in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate.
Board of Trustees –
After Worship Service
Welcome and Announcements
5 PM Staff
7 PM
Boy Scouts
7 PM
Fruit Sunday
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11 AM
Ice Cream Social
Guest Speaker – Gary
Youth – The Walk after
12:30 PM Lunch with
Pastor Sybil
Worship Assistants For July 6, 2014
Acolyte: Lillie Cline
Altar Guild: Susan Ezekiel & Susan McNeill
Camera Operator: Gary McIntyre
Counters (Offering) Green Team: Don Blalock, David Teague &
Tim Wood
Greeters: Coy & Ginger Jarrett
Kid’s Own Worship: No Kids Own Worship
Liturgical Color of the Day: Red
Nursery (Infant): Edith Apple
Nursery(Toddler): Jennifer Kimbro
Head Usher: Mark Shepherd
Worship Assistants for July 13, 2014
Acolyte: Lexie Whitfield
Altar Flowers: Terry & Susan McNeill
Altar Guild: Susan Ezekiel & Susan McNeill
Camera Operator: Van Moore
Counters (Offering) Green Team: Don Blalock, David Teague &
Tim Wood
Greeters: Coy & Ginger Jarrett
Kid’s Own Worship: Diane Jones
Liturgical Color of the Day: Red
Nursery (Infant): Paula Lewis
Nursery(Toddler): Breanna Lewis
Head Usher: Mark Shepherd
Ministers: All Our Members
Pastor: Rev. Sybil Parks –
Home Phone Number: (336) 603-8135/Cell Phone Number (336) 529-3005
Director of Christian Education: Diane Jones – Cell (336) 255-3477/Office (336) 449-4810
Administrative Assistant: Edith Younger –
Music and Creative Worship Arts Team: Bonita Chrismon & Susan Pyles
Custodian: Kibble Davis
Pastor Sybil Parks
*Mutual Greeting
Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
*Chiming the Trinity
This is the Lord’s Day and it is our great privilege and responsibility to worship Him with His
people. Gathered by God in worship: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
*Call to Worship
From 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Leader: The Lord is the Spirit who gives us life,
People: Where he is there is freedom from trying to save ourselves…
Leader: And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us,
People: We become more and more like him.
Leader: Let it be so in our worship.
*Patriotic Hymns
My Country Tis of Thee (Stanzas 1 & 4)
America the Beautiful (Stanzas 1 & 3)
*Light of Christ Leads Us Into Worship
Diane Jones
The Great Thanksgiving
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
An Independence Day Prayer
Prayers of the People
Leader: Lord in your mercy…
People: Hear our prayers.
Gloria Patri
Glory Be to the Father
Glory be to the father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
The Giving of our Tithes and Offerings
First time visitors you are our guests. Your presence is your gift today.
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; praise him
above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication
Diane Jones
Giving and Receiving
We practice Communion by intinction: Each person is invited to come forward in lines from
both sides, cup your hands as a sign of receiving, receive a small piece of bread from the pastor,
and dip it into the cup of grape juice and eat. (Persons seated on the right will dip into the cup
on the right and persons seated on the left will dip into the cup on the left). Then, you may kneel
or stand at the altar rail and pray or you may return to your seat by the side aisle and silently
pray. If you would like to be served in your pew, please indicate that to an usher.
Prayer in Unison
Abba Father, we give thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us.
Walking always in your grace, grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your
Spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Open My Eyes, That I May See
*The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World
Children’s Time
Diane Jones
Children ages 4 through 2nd grades are invited to follow the leaders to Kid’s Own Worship.
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 11:28-30; Acts 2:17-18
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.
Today is Communion Sunday. All money left on the altar rail during communion will be put in the
Emergency Assistance Fund.
Renew Our Strength
Ann Moore
*Please stand in praise of God if you are able
Communion servers today are David and Maria Harrison.
Pastor Sybil Parks
Holy Communion
As United Methodists, we practice an "open table" for Holy Communion. This means that you do
not have to be a Methodist to take part in Communion. This is the Lord's Table and Christ
invites anyone (children, youth, and adults) to come and receive His love and grace when
receiving the elements. If you desire to receive from Christ, you are invited to come forward.
We also have gluten-free Communion wafers at the altar rail.
Lunch with the Pastor next Sunday, July 13 after Worship (around 12:30pm): Once a month
Pastor Sybil invites those who are new to the church to join her and go out to lunch together. This informal
time is a great way to get to know each other and to connect with those who are new to the church. No
reservations needed…just tell Pastor Sybil that Sunday.
Church Wide Ice Cream Fellowship Today at 4:00 PM: Ice-cream and toppings will be available in
the fellowship hall. Come and make your own creation at 4:00pm! Then around 5:00pm, we will hear from
Gary Williams, a pastor/speaker, retired police officer. Gary goes around to churches sharing his story and
he is described as an “awesome” speaker. This is the perfect time to invite a friend, neighbor, or relative to
come to church!!
Prayer Station Pray-ers: Those who participate or anyone interested in participating in the prayer station
will meet Monday, July 7 at 7:00pm in the conference room. Contact the church office for additional
 Second Worship Service: The second worship service team will meet Tuesday, July 8 at 7:00pm in the
Wharton Class room. Committee members are: Bonita Chrismon, Anita Johnson, Diane Jones, Wallace
Kale, Terry McNeill, Ann Moore, Pastor Sybil Parks, Susan Pyles, Michelle Rash, Tim and Sue Wood. If
you have a passion to help develop a second service, call Pastor Sybil or show up at the meeting.
 PB&J Ministry & Activities: Our PB&J continues during the summer months. Please meet in the
Fellowship Hall at 10:15am every Wednesday through August 20. The entire congregation is invited to join
this outreach by donating food items for the bagged lunches. Items needed: paper lunch bags, juice boxes,
chips, jelly and individual fruit cups. Please bring items to the basket at the Welcome Center. Monetary
donations are also welcome.
Pastor Sybil and Diane Jones are beginning activities with some of the children who receive PB&J lunches.
We need a youth or two to commit to go with us and we need at least one male adult (you don’t have to do
anything, just be a male presence). Please contact Pastor Sybil or Diane to get on the schedule OR WE
 Youth – Next Sunday, July 13: We will be leaving after worship next Sunday to join our extended youth
group at The Walk. Don’t forget your swim suits and towel. Bring a friend!
 Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees will meet in the conference room next Sunday, July 13
immediately following the worship service. For additional information contact Ricky Fogleman, chairperson
at 449-0870.
 Leadership Team: The Church Leadership Team will meet Monday, July 14 at 7:00pm in the conference
room. For additional information contact Donna Rickard, chairperson at 656-3749.
 Terrific Tuesday – July 15 - Putt-Putt, Pizza, Popcorn and Proverbs: $5 for pizza and putt-putt.
Meet at the church at 5:30pm and return for popcorn and Proverbs. On Tuesday, July 22, we will tour the
Butterfly Farm, play games and have a picnic. Meet at the church at 9:45 am. We will return at 2:00pm.
 Terrific Tuesday for Adults and older youth in July: July 15th at 5:30pm. Join the children for
some putt-putt and pizza. While they are doing popcorn and Proverbs, join Pastor Sybil in the Youth Room
to experience LifeTree, hear about some thought provoking issues, have meaningful conversations and
wonder together about God in real life. The LifeTree Program for the night will be: Overcoming Hardships.
 More VBS Fun at our Sister Churches: Friedens Lutheran Church: July 13-19.
 Ghana Medical Mission: Gibsonville UMC is partnering with Elon University for their medical mission
trip for pre-med students and doctors/professors. We will be collecting items for them through July. Here
are a few over the counter items: multivitamins (adult and children), Prenatal vitamins, depressors,
toothbrushes and paste, hand sanitizers, surgical masks(ear loop type) duct tape, gloves (surgical and heavy
duty, large)… A complete list with specifics is available in the gathering area, narthex, church office, and by
email. Collection box is in the gathering area. Monetary donations are also welcome.
Remember In Prayer
Requested By:
Prayer Request
Eddie Brown
Dianthia Morrow and family
Minh Pham
Kendra Hiatt
Comfort and peace
Complete and total healing from severe head
injury. Praises for strong steps forward
Long Term Prayer Needs
Carol Beck, Eddie Brown, Etta Brown, Tootie Burke, Dee Dee Ezekiel, Pam Fagan, Logan Forbis, Anita
Johnson, Nell Gerringer, Janis Hawk, David Hix, David Learned, John Learned, Michael Meehan, Beverly
McLeod, Bill Modlin, Van Moore, Dianthia Morrow, Carol Neece, Betty Overman, Craig Robertson,
Katherine Schipp, Beverly Souther, Juanita Wicker
Extended Care Facilities and Homebound
Lorraine Apple – The Oaks, Rm 214-1, 1670 Westbrook Avenue, Burlington, NC 27215
Etta Brown – Edgewood Place, Room 2198, (Phone: 570-8336)
Nell Gerringer – 103 S. Joyner Street, Gibsonville, NC 27249
Beatrice Jadlocki – Liberty Commons, 791 Boone Station Road, Burlington, NC 27215
Betty Overman – 7005 Stella Drive, Whitsett, NC 27377
Jane Trim – Alamance Healthcare, 1987 Hilton Road, Burlington, NC 27217
Margie Underwood – Cedar Ridge, Apt 305, 2860 S. Mebane Street, Burlington, NC 27215
Amy Whitesell – Blakey Hall, Rm 211, Elon, NC 27244 (Phone: 506-2369)
Military Personnel
Cameron Barfield, Alan Bowlsby, Jeremy Cobb, James Dahl, Mike Gidcumb, Jimmy Hawks, Jay Lawler,
Jerry Moize, Jr., Rick Moor, Tommy Pollard, Jeffrey Shepherd, Jonathan Small, Evan Strickland, Jr., Aaron
Traywick, Chuck Walker, Joshua Webster
Our Stewardship for 6/29/14
Sunday School Attendance: 33
Worship Service Attendance: 134
Offering Received for Operating Budget: $3,967.00
Offering Received for Building Fund: $1,498.00
Weekly Offering Needed for 2014 Operating Budget: $6,343.00
Weekly Offering Needed for Building Mortgage Payment: $1,643.00