Basic Chemistry What is Chemistry?

What is Chemistry?
 Study of composition, structure, and properties of
 Chemicals are the substances that make up everything
on Earth
 Inorganic Chemistry studies every kind of substance
that does not require a living organism to exist
 Organic chemistry is only substances that can be made
by living organisms and must have a carbon (C)
What is an Atom?
 Resembles a solar system
 Largely emptiness
 Building blocks of matter
 Smallest unit of matter
 Radioactive decay transforms original atom
to another atom
 Smallest particle of an element that keeps
all properties of that element
Mass vs. Weight
 Mass = quantity of matter of an object
 Weight = force of gravity on an object
Elements in Living Things
Elements = pure substances that
cannot be broken down
The four most abundant elements in
living things are carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, and nitrogen or C, H, O, & N,
Parts of an Atom and Charge
 Nucleus
 Made up of protons (+) and neutrons (neutral)
 Makes up most of the mass of an atom
 The # of protons = atomic number
 # protons + # neutrons = atomic mass number
 Electrons (e‾ ) make up most of the volume of an
atom; have a negative charge
Compounds and Molecules
 Compound = 2 or more elements chemically combined
 Chemical combination is accomplished by bonding
 Covalent Bond = sharing of 2 or more pairs of e‾
 Ionic Bond = transfer of e‾ ; based on electrical charge
 Molecule = simplest part of a substance that can exist
in a free state
 Ion = atom/molecule with an electrical charge; if an element
has lost e‾ , the atom is positively charged, while if an
elements has gained an e‾ , then it is electrically charged
More about Bonding
 A chemical bond is the energy required to hold atoms
together (union of atoms)
 Bonds are created by the activity of electrons
 Bonds broken release energy
 Bonds formed store energy
 Electrons farther away from the nucleus have the greatest
potential energy (stored energy); kinetic is energy of motion
Types of Chemical Bonds
Polar covalent
Electrons are shared Electrons are shared Electrons are
No difference in
difference of
The Four Types of Bonds
 Covalent – sharing electrons
 Ionic – transferring electrons
 Hydrogen – weak bonds between molecules
 Polar molecules, such as water and DNA
 The H⁺ of one molecule bonds with the O¯ of another water
molecule (H₂O)
 van der Waals forces – weak attractions between
nonpolar molecules
The force that an atom exerts on its
Honors Biology:
Chapter 3 – Biochemistry
 Water, water everywhere! – that aqueous molecule that is one of
the most crucial compounds of life . Mickey Mouse ――›
 Water: is neutral; however, it is polar because there are uneven
charges. The area where O is has a somewhat (-) charge &
 ‹―― where the 2 H atoms bind O have a slightly (+)
 is the universal solvent – Consider an ionic compound (cmpd)
like NaCl: the (+) end of a water molec attracts the (-) end of the
Cl ‾ and the (-) end of water attracts the (+) end of Na+, so NaCl
breaks apart (dissociates)