Cell Choice Board

Cell anatomy and physiology project
Choice board
Due Date: 11/10/2014
What is a choice board? It is an assignment that gives students a choice of activities to
Why use a choice board? Choice boards are used to provide students a way to express their
understanding using their favorite learning style. Not all students are writers, some prefer to
build models, create videos, etc.
The choice board below presents nine options. Students must complete a minimum of three
activities and must earn between 85 & 105 points. The manner in which the points are
earned is the student’s choice. Maximum possible point values are given. Creative, wellwritten, professional looking work is expected if full credit is to be awarded. Exclusions are
found beneath the choice board.
Create a YouTube
Use BookBuilder to
Create a 3-d Cell
video of iMovie to teach
write and illustrate a
mobile. It must be
all of the following:
book. Hyperlink terms
suspended, and must
turgor in plant cells,
in the glossary that can
include 3D models of
diffusion, and active
instruct 4 grade
all organelles, scaled
transport across cell
students about cells,
to size, and will be
organelles, and their
presented via iMovie or
40 points
an oral presentation.
40 points
30 points
Create a peek-a-boo
Write a narrative based
Bake, frost, and
poster comparing plant on the cell city analogy
decorate a 3D animal
and animal cells. Flip
worksheet. You will
cell cake. Use this to
up the organelles to
answer questions on
assist you. Bring plates
reveal typed
the worksheet, write,
and plastic forks to
explanations of
and illustrate your
feed your class. Clean
organelle functions.
analogy narrative.
up after your class!
25 points
15 points
15 points
Create a jigsaw puzzle
of a plant & animal cell
Create a board game
Create a bi-fold
from your own
to assist the players to
brochure, or
drawing. Attach it to
learn the organelles,
commercial promoting
foam core board, and
their functions, and the the three games found
cut into pieces. All
way they work
here. You must tell
organelles must be
together. Storable,
what the student will
present, & correctly
colorful, instructive,
learn, how the game
and fun.
works, and identify +/-.
15 points
30 points
Use all 6 panels!
15 points.
No play dough, or clay, use of WikiHow, Wikipedia, or eHow.