IPTN2200 - Production Safety Systems

IPTN-2200 EM
Room 102 (Classroom) or LAB
Monday Evenings, 5:45pm-8:15pm
Three credit hours for financial aid, tuition, and other considerations.
Joe Zorn
Schriever Campus
Office Hours:
In the office most days. Prior appointments are advised
joseph.zorn@fletcher.edu, mudbug00@gmail.com
None to purchase.
API RP 14C – Student printed document
BSEE 20 CFR 250 – Paper copy or e-link in class
Note taking materials, ink pens, highlighters, spiral notebook, Loose leaf
paper, etc.
Contains information on all Laws and Regulations that Lessees must
follow when operating on an the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), A summary of OSHA
regulations, BSEE regulations, USCG regulations, and API Recommended Practices that are
followed offshore.
COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Gives the students a basic understanding of Regulations and Laws
that govern the oil & gas industry.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
1. Understand basic concepts of Laws and Regulations referring to Oil
& Gas Operations Offshore.
2. Know where to find and look up current laws, regulations and
policies governing offshore operations.
3. Demonstrate a knowledge and awareness of the basic oilfield
terminology and operations with respect to requirements and
inspections by Governmental Agencies.
EVALUATION AND GRADING: written test, ongoing oral evaluation, class participation and final written
exam. To satisfactorily complete this course, an overall
Average of C or better is required.
100 pts
Average of Daily Post Tests
100 pts
Daily Assignments
100 pts
Final Exam
100 pts
Total Available Pts
400 pts
100-89.5 A – Excellent
89 – 79.5 B – Above Average
79 – 69.5 C - Average
69 – 60 D – Below Average
Below 60 F – Failure
A grade of “W” will be issued if the student officially withdraws from the Course by the
drop Date of 24 October 2014
Note: A grade of “F” will be issued any time the teacher has to drop the student
during the semester, especially for excessive absences.
 Adhere to all school and departmental guidelines
 Attend all scheduled class meetings
 Be prepared for class by bringing all required materials and completed
assignments to class
 Complete all assigned work and submit all work by the assigned due dates
 Behave in an appropriate manner.
 Actively participate in discussions and provide constructive feedback
 Inform the instructor immediately of technology difficulties or Problems that
may delay submission of assignments.
 Provide the instructor with an e-mail address (If you do not have one, you can
set up a free account through Yahoo or Hotmail etc.)
ATTENDANCE: 90 % of success is showing up!
The first step in being a successful student is showing up for class, physically and mentally. This course is
designed to enrich and prepare students for the oil and gas industry through assigned reading, research,
and classroom discussion. Daily assignments are part of the student’s grade. Students should notify the
instructor whenever they are aware of upcoming absences.
1. This is a 16 week summer session. Students are expected to attend ALL classes. When a student
is absent from class, the student is responsible to get notes from classmates and make
arrangements with instructor for missed assignments. Don’t delay! You will get behind quickly.
2. Tardies are disrespectful to other class members as well as disruptive to the class. Students are
considered tardy when they arrive more than 5 minutes after assigned class start time. Two
times tardy will be recorded as one absence.
3. If a student leaves during class without permission, and does not return, the entire day is
considered an absence, regardless of the remaining class time in that day.
4. Two unexcused absences will drop your final grade one letter.
5. Students may be dropped from class for excessive absence (more than 6 unexcused hours) with
an “F” for the course. Students with excessive absences may be encouraged to withdraw with a
“W” before receiving the “F”.
1. Students must stop talking when roll call begins.
2. Students must TURN OFF Cell phones and other technology equipment except computers
before entering the classroom, and these items must remain off during class time. DO NOT
3. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom.
4. NO TOBACCO in is allowed on campus. This includes electronic cigarettes. This is a state law.
1. Students should complete all weekly assignments in a timely manner.
2. If possible, review the material that is posted in Joule and is associated with each lesson to help
you understand the concepts during class
3. Assignments will not be accepted any later than the due date without extenuating
1. Students will take minimum of 5 Block Exams and a Final Exam.
2. Students must attend class at the scheduled times for these exams. If a student is not present, a
score of “I” will be earned for that exam until a make-up test is given. Make-Up tests will only
be administered for documented, excused absences or with prior permission of the instructor.
3. If a student misses a test and has documentation for the absence, arrangements to take the
make- up test must be made as soon as possible. Makeup tests must be taken as soon as
possible after returning to school.
4. Final Exams must be taken during Final Exam Week on the schedule date and time.
5. Exam allotted time will be given before exam start.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: Every student has his/her own e-mail account, which is
The e-mail address is password: P@ssword
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. In
addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed through the regular institutional
procedures as a result of academic misconduct, your instructor will assign an “F” for the exercise or
examination that evidences academic misconduct for the first offense and assign an “F” for the course
for repeated offenses.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: The FTCC complies with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act. Students with disabilities who seek accommodations must make their requests known by
contacting Student Affairs at the beginning of each semester. If a disability is identified later in the
semester, a non-retroactive accommodation plan will be developed.
TRANSFER OF COURSE CREDIT: Transferability of this course is not guaranteed. It is at the discretion of
the receiving institution to accept the course for transfer credit. Student(s) should check with the receiving
institution concerning this course.
Dress Code: In the classroom setting, dress respectfully. Sexually suggestive or distractive clothing will
not be allowed. For safety concerns, students’ attire shall be of the following when working in the LAB
during class time:
1. Long Pants
2. Shirts with sleeves, without offensive writing or graphics
3. Shoes with toes enclosed. Steel toe shoes or “clapper” protection may be required by the
instructor on some activities. (provided)
4. Safety Glasses in lab (provided)
5. Gloves (provided)
When working in the lab at other than scheduled class time, the personal protective equipment listed
above must by used whenever the air compressor is in use, or when using tools and equipment.
Students that are not dressed properly will be asked to leave and return in the proper clothes. You are
in a technical field and we will work with different equipment, tools and parts. The industry you have
chosen will require this type of clothing and it important to get used to wearing it.
Students are advised to keep clothing suitable for lab use in their vehicle, so that they may change if an
unannounced lab activity is part of a class.
Safety and Compliance
Class Activities and Topics
Introduction, Syllabus, Expectations,
8 Undesirable Events, SAC Reference
Sheet, Safe Chart, P&ID, SAT Tables
API RP 14C Safety Device Testing and
Record Keeping
30 CFR 250 – Penalties
Appendix A – Component Safety, Pt 1
P&ID Safety Device Study, Pt 1
P&ID Safety Device Study, Pt 3
API RP 14C Testing and Record Keeping
API RP 14C Safe Chart Study
August 20, 2014
August 22, 2014
September 1, 2014
October 16-17, 2014
October 24, 2014
November 24-28, 2014
December 9-12, 2014
Production and References 101
PowerPoint API RP 14C Regs
PINC List, NTLs Post Test
30CFR 250 Regs
Appendix A – Component Safety, Pt 1
Safety Devices – Lab Study
P&ID Safety Device Study, Pt 2
P&ID Safety Device Study, Pt 4
API RP 14C Testing and Record Keeping
Create Virtual Skid Safe Chart
Fall Classes Begin
Last day to add or drop a class without a “W” grade
Labor Day Holiday – College is closed
Fall Break ( Thursday and Friday)
Last day to drop FLETCHER Campus Based Classes with a “W”
Thanksgiving Holidays – College is closed
Regular Class Final Exam Week