Conceptual Physics (2015-2016) Syllabus Instructor: Mrs. Karen Wolfson Classroom: 610 Email: Office Hours: Before school every day 8:00-8:45 am and after school 4:00-4:30 pm. Additional times by appointment. Course Description: Prerequisites: Algebra I or Algebra I, Parts 1 & 2 Conceptual Physics will introduce students to fundamental physical laws that govern our universe. These laws will be connected to many everyday applications. The approach encourages students to reason, predict, and draw conclusions based on experimental observations. Skills in laboratory procedures, quantitative manipulations, and graph interpretations are developed, including the use of appropriate technology applications. Units covered include forces and motion, electricity and magnetism, waves, optics, and modern physics. Students are expected to keep all lab work and discussion notes in an orderly notebook. Homework is given on a nightly basis in order for the student to be prepared for the following class. Since all concepts are developed through activities and laboratory work, class attendance is vitally important. Students would be prepared to take the Physics SOL (Virginia does not currently offer this SOL). This course is not intended for students who are planning to pursue the sciences in college. Students who are awarded a credit for Conceptual Physics cannot receive an additional credit if they enroll in Physics. Textbooks & Materials: Textbook: Conceptual Physics: The High School Physics Program. (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006) Replacement Cost: $23.33 You may keep your book at home or in your locker to use on homework. A separate set of books will be available for use in class. Necessary Classroom Materials: Students should have: Pencil or pen (blue or black ink only) Loose-leaf paper for class work and quizzes Bound composition notebook for labs (graph paper is preferred) 3-ring notebook for keeping and organizing class handouts, notes, and homework Calculator (a scientific calculator is not necessary) Conceptual Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Page 2 Grading Policy: Quarterly Grade Calculation: Semester Grade Calculations: Homework Class Participation Laboratory Work Quizzes Projects Tests Quarter Grade Quarter 1 Grade: 50% Quarter 2 Grade: 50% 1st Semester Grade up to +3% 10% 20% 20% 20% 30% 100% Quarter 3 Grade: 50% Quarter 4 Grade: 50% 2nd Semester Grade Graded Assignments Homework Homework will be assigned every day and started in class. Homework will be checked from the student’s notebook or collected at the beginning of each class. Generally, homework will be checked for completion. At the end of each quarter, the average level of homework completion will be used to increase the quarter grade as shown below: + - Complete Mostly complete Partially complete +3% to Quarter grade +2% to Quarter grade +1% to Quarter grade Completing all homework will vastly help the student’s understanding (and grade). Bell-Ringers & Class Participation (10%) Each day there will be a bell-ringer exercise as students enter the classroom. The bell-ringer will be based on information from previous classes, assigned readings, and homework. Bell-ringers will be checked as part of class participation. Students will be assessed for participation in class discussion and laboratory work including lab safety. Occasionally, a portion of this grade may be influenced by group evaluations. Students must check for material missed due to absences. Lab Work (20%). Lab work will be turned in at the conclusion of each laboratory exercise. Lab work is checked for EFFORT, not for agreement with the textbook. A full lab report includes a purpose, hypothesis, materials list, procedure, data and analysis, and a conclusion. In general, students will be asked to complete only a portion of this for each activity. See the handout on Lab Report Format. Quizzes (20%) There will be several quizzes during each quarter. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced, may be written or practical (lab skills) and will include material from all material covered up to that point. Conceptual Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Page 3 Projects (20%). There will be several projects during the year. Projects are extended lab work based on real world problems. Projects will include written lab work and presentations to the class and other audiences. Projects may be assigned to be completed individually or as part of a group. Occasionally, a portion of this grade may be influenced by group evaluations. Tests (30%) There will be several hour-long tests during each semester. Tests will be announced in advance. Each test will cover representative material from all material covered up to that point, and will include multiple choice, short answer, and essay items. . Academic Honesty: Academic Integrity is outlined in the student handbook (pages 12-13). Students are expected to submit their own, individual work for a grade. Students are not permitted to complete assignments as part of a group unless specifically noted by the teacher. If you aren’t sure, ASK. Lab Behavior: Prior to working in the laboratory, students and parents will sign a detailed Laboratory Contract explaining the safety procedures. All students are expected to comply with safety rules and regulations during all classroom and laboratory exercises. Violation of the safety contract that results in unsafe behavior may result in being removed from the laboratory for the lab, receiving a failing grade for the lab, removal from the laboratory portion of the course and/or dismissal from the course. Make Up Policy: Work that is missed due to an absence must be turned in as described in the student handbook (page 10). Students should make arrangements to make up missed bell-ringers and class work as soon as possible. Titan Time and office hours are good times to make up missed work. Homework, lab work, and projects must be turned in on (or before) the next class day that the student is present. Late homework will not be counted towards the quarter bonus. Late lab work and projects will be assessed a 15% per day penalty. A test or quiz must be made up on (or before) the next class day that the student is present or it will be recorded as a zero. Conceptual Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Page 4 Physics Classroom Procedures: We have procedures in society for common activities so that groups of people who live, work and play together can function in society in an efficient and generally acceptable manner. There are also procedures in our classroom. We will use the procedures below to establish a classroom culture. Please keep these procedures in your class notebook for reference. Entering the Classroom – You should enter the classroom quietly upon arrival and immediately sit in your assigned seat. Take out your homework and prepare for the bell-ringer. There should be no loitering outside the door or around the classroom. Classroom Materials – You should enter the classroom prepared each day with your class notebook, writing utensil and calculator. Part of your grade assessment will be class preparedness. Failure to bring the necessary materials to class will affect this grade. When You Are Tardy – If you arrive to the class after the late bell rings, enter the classroom quietly, sign the tardy list and get to work. Do not disrupt the class to discuss your reason for being late. If you have a late pass, show it to me when I check in with you during class. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MATERIAL MISSED WHILE YOU ARE GONE. Bell-ringers - A bell-ringer will be on the board each day at the beginning of class. Bell-ringers will be based on information from the previous day’s class, assigned readings, or homework. Upon being seated, you should prepare your materials and begin the bell-ringer. Bell-ringers will be checked as part of class participation. Student Questions – If you have a question during class about anything that is being covered, please raise your hand and wait to be recognized. Please do not yell out in class or get up from your seat as this is disruptive. This also applies to questions that may arise during tests and quizzes. Answering Questions – Routinely, I will ask questions of individuals in the class related to the topic that we are covering. If I do not call on an individual by name, please raise your hand and wait to be recognized. If your name is not called, please do not say the answer out loud. You will get your turn to answer many questions. Announcements – If announcements are made over the intercom during the class period, everyone is expected to remain quiet and listen. Even if the announcements do not pertain to you, they may be important to others in the class. Homework – Homework will be started in class. I will tell you which parts you should complete before leaving class. Classroom Books – You do not need to bring your book to class. If we need a book during class, borrow one from the class set. Return it neatly when you are finished. Conceptual Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Page 5 End of Class Dismissal – The class will be dismissed by the instructor - not the bell. When the bell rings, we will quickly finish any activity or discussion that is going on and I will dismiss the class. If we are finishing a topic, remain seated until I have indicated that the class is dismissed. If class ends before the bell rings, please do not stand by the door. Wait at your seat until you are dismissed. Laboratory Activities - During laboratory activities, work in your assigned group and obey the safety requirements that will be discussed in the pre-lab discussion (e.g., wearing safety goggles, no horseplay). There are no exceptions concerning laboratory safety. Language – You all have important contributions to make to the class. However, if your contribution is prefaced with inappropriate language, your idea may not be taken seriously. Profanity is not acceptable in the classroom. Please use language in class that is suitable and appropriate for everyone in the class. Throwing Away Trash – If you need to throw a piece of trash away please wait until there is an appropriate moment to do so. Do not get up in the middle of a presentation or discussion to throw trash away. The tossing of trash toward the trashcan (basketball style) is not acceptable. Returning Papers/Questioning Grades – I will return assignments to you in your folder. If you have a question about your grade on an assignment, please write a note on a separate piece of paper and staple it to your graded paper. If you believe I have made a mistake, please explain it politely and suggest how you would like it to be corrected. Place it in the turn-in bin and allow me two class days to look it over. If you don’t hear back from me within two class days, please send an email to remind me to make time to go over the note with you and make changes if required. Turn-In Bins – Some assignments will be passed to the right-hand side of the classroom and turned in to the numbered bin for the class. Once work has been turned in, it is not to be retrieved by students. Retrieving, altering, or looking through collected papers will be considered a violation of academic integrity. Nurse/Restroom Visits - If you need to visit the nurse or restroom during class, please try to wait until there is an appropriate break in the discussion or activity so that class disruption can be kept to a minimum. Fill out a pass in your planner (pages 22-23) but do not fill in the date or time. Signal me by raising two crossed fingers—I will make every effort to get to you quickly, without disrupting the class. Once I sign your pass you may sign out of the classroom, and sign back in when you return. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MATERIAL MISSED WHILE YOU ARE GONE. Fire Alarms – If the fire alarm sounds during class, please follow me out of the building in a silent, single-file line. The emergency route is posted by the door and will be discussed the first day of class. Stay with the class. I will take attendance outside. The alarm is not over until we are seated back in the classroom. Conceptual Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Page 6 Lock Down – If a lock down is announced, please move quickly and silently to the corner of the classroom away from the door. If you are near the door, you can help by closing the door and covering the door window. Remain silent and listen for instructions. Food, Drinks, Gum & Candy – May not be consumed in science labs for safety reasons. Only covered drinks are permitted, and only in the desk-area of the classroom. Food or drink brought into the classroom will be sent to the main office for you to collect later. Lab Dress Code – Students are expected to wear clothing consistent with the school dress code as described in the student handbook (pages 14-15). During experiments, students will wear closed-toe shoes. Flip flops, sandals, and high heels are not permitted. There are no exceptions concerning laboratory safety. Cell Phones & Electronic Devices – Will be used during class for instructional purposes only. Keep them silent and put away until you are instructed to use them appropriately. Devices used inappropriately will be sent to the office for you to collect later. Office/Phone Call or Visitor – If the office calls over the intercom or on the phone, or a visitor knocks, it is not a reason to begin talking in class. Please continue working quietly and I will address the visitor or call as quickly as possible. If there is a call during a laboratory activity, please keep the talking in your groups to a minimum until the call is completed. These procedures are intended to promote Courtesy Safety Efficiency Students should keep this syllabus for reference. Please return the following page, signed and dated, to Mrs. Wolfson. Support Our Classroom There are several items that our classroom needs to be productive and comfortable. If you would like to help, please donate any of the following: box of tissues hand soap It is not required that you donate an item. No academic credit will be given for donations. Conceptual Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Page 7 Tear off this page. Sign and return to Mrs. Wolfson. Mrs. Wolfson 2015-2016 Conceptual Physics Syllabus Review I have read the syllabus for Conceptual Physics and the course requirements. I agree to be involved in the partnership that is described in the Student Handbook and in this syllabus. Date:_______________________ Student Name:__________________________________________________________ Student Signature:_______________________________________________________ Student email: __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian phone:__________________________________________________ When is the best time to contact you by phone? ________________________________ What times do you prefer not to be called? ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian email:___________________________________________________