Hands on Biome

Hands on Biome-Building
The objective of this project is to have students build a model biome so that they
gain and understanding of the abiotic and biotic factors that help create that biome.
To build this model-biome students should bring with them a box of at least 1 foot
by 1 foot and construct a biome within it. Inside the box the students should put
representative plants and animals. They should show the terrain of the land (ie.
mountains, streams or underwater terrain). The inside can be painted and decorated
as they please. The outside of the box should display the following material:
precipitation levels
world map showing the location of this biome
Creative writing:
Have the students pretend to be a plant or animal and write an autobiography about
themselves. They should include life history information from birth do death. Have
them describe their daily interactions with abiotic and biotic factors in the
environment. What do they do everyday?
Explain WHY you chose the biome and the organism that you wrote about.
Interdisciplinary Project:
Students should identify a scientist in the Biomes of the World pages that he or she
would like to become. They should read up on their scientist to see what it takes to
be them! They should find out where that person in working presently. With this
information they can get maps, photos, and information on the climate, wildlife,
points of interest and recreational opportunities in the area. This research should be
done in the library and on the internet.
The student will then play the role of either:
The scientist (which he choses) and have them explain what the current
research questions are.
A forest ranger who is giving a tour of the area that the scientist works in.
Adapted from Biomes in a Box by:Anne McDonald and Michael O'Hare
1991 Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute