Chapter 7 Notes

Electron Configuration and
Atomic Properties
Electron Spins and Magnetism
Orbital Energy
Electronic Configurations of Elements
Atomic Properties
OWLs Due on 28-November.
Electron Spin and Magnetism
There is an
additional quantum
number, and one
that is very
◦ Spin Quantum
Number (ms)
◦ Electrons can have a
spin of +1/2 or -1/2
◦ Since electrons are
charged particles, as
they move (spin, for
example), they
create magnetic
We’ll see how we fill electrons with spins
into orbitals soon, but we need to know
that there are 3 types of magnetic materials:
◦ Diamagnetic (non-magnetic)
◦ Paramagnetic (weakly magnetic)
◦ Ferromagnetic (strongly magnetic)
Orbital Energies (single e- species)
In single electron
species (hydrogen) or
even some ions, the
orbitals at each energy
level have the same
◦ Even if the orbitals are
different in physical size
This is a very simplistic
model that works for
few species
Orbital Energies (multiple e- species)
In multiple electron
species, orbital energies
are intermixed among
different “n” energy levels.
◦ Most common
◦ Leads to electron
configurations and systematic
filling for most elements and
The energies change
because electrons now
interact with other
◦ Repulsive forces
Electron Configuration in Atoms
The Pauli Exclusion
Principle states, simply,
that no two electrons
may have the same set of
quantum numbers.
Additionally, atomic
orbitals are filled from
the lowest energy up
when the atom is in the
“ground” state
◦ Lowest energy state
Electron Configuration in Atoms
This results in the following order:
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p,
6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p
You should know up through 4f
The total number of electrons is the same as the
atomic number
We have as many unpaired electrons in a specific
orbital (s, p, d, f) as we can fit.
◦ Hund’s Rule
And what does this mean for the Periodic Table?
◦ Flashback to the previous chapter……
Let’s Build Some Electron
Remember that there are always a few
◦ Focus on the rules rather than the
Remember your filling order.
Fill in a box diagram
Fill in an energy level diagram
Write it in notation
Use the atomic number and position of the
element on the periodic table to help!!!!
Hydrogen (ground state):
Atomic Number 1
# of electrons = 1
l = 0 (s orbital)
ml = 0 (one s orbital)
ms = +1/2
Helium (ground state)  Lithium (ground state)
Atomic Number 2
# of electrons = 2
l = 0 (s orbital)
ml = 0 (one s orbital)
ms = +1/2 and -1/2
Atomic Number 3
# of electrons = 3
n = 1, 2
l = 0,1 (s and p orbitals)
ml = 0 (one s orbital)
ml = -1, 0, 1 (3 p orbitals)
ms = +1/2 and -1/2
1s2 2s1
Carbon (ground state)
Atomic Number 6
# of electrons = 6
n = 1, 2 (second period on table)
l = 0, 1 (s and p orbitals)
ml = 0 (one s orbital), -1,0,1 (3 p orbitals)
ms = +1/2 and -1/2
◦ 1s22s22p2
What element is this?
What is the electronic
configuration for Calcium?
Shorthand Notation……
Sometimes we abbreviate electron
configurations using Noble Gas Notation:
◦ What element is this?
◦ [Ar]3d104s24p5
Back to the Periodic Table…..
Mendeleev’s periodic table
There are other types of electron
configurations we need to consider
(and terms)
Ground (lowest) versus excited (higher)
energy state….
Inner (core) shell and valence (outer)
shell electrons
Atoms versus ions (a topic for later in
Chapter 7)
Ground vs. Excited State
An excited state electronic configuration is
present when an atom (or ion) absorbs
energy and an electron is promoted to a
higher energy level
◦ This can occur even if the n energy level does not
exist in the ground state. The level is still there.
◦ Ground State Mg (1s22s22p63s2), 12 electrons.
◦ Excited State Mg (just one of many possible)
 1s22s22p63s13p1
 The atom must absorb energy for this to happen.
 When it transitions back to the ground state, that exact
amount of energy is given off
 Light
 Heat
 Kinetic energy transferred to another atom or molecule.
Inner versus Outer Shell
Inner (core) shell electrons are those in full
(“closed”) n energy levels
◦ Ordinarily those seen in the noble gas
◦ Take Aluminum for example
 1s22s22p63s23p1
 [Ne] 3s23p1
 [Ne] electrons represent the inner or core shell
 The 3s2 and 3p1 electrons are the valence or outer
 When ions are formed, only valence electrons are
gained or lost
 Al3+
Periodic Trends and Properties
Effective Nuclear Charge (Z*)
◦ As atomic number increases, so does the number
of protons. The nuclear charge increases, which
raises the energy of orbitals surrounding the
◦ Effective nuclear charge (Z*) = Z – (# of core
shell electrons)
◦ It is a relative number, used for basic
◦ It represents the nuclear charge experienced by
the highest energy, valence electrons
Atomic Size
Closely related to orbital configuration, energies
and effective nuclear charge
 Atoms with a greater nuclear charge “pull”
electrons in closer to the nucleus and are smaller
◦ Opposites attract
Covalent radius: Distance between two nuclei when two atoms are
bonded together (Cl2 as an example)
Metallic radius: Distance between nuclei when atoms of a metallic
element are near each other in a metallic crystal (say a block of Zn)
Ionization Energy
The energy required to remove an
electron from an element in a gaseous
Increases across a period because of
increasing orbital energy and effective
nuclear charge
Ionization energy trends
Ionization energy trends
Electron Affinity
The energy change when a gaseous atom
gains an electron
More negative values represent a greater
Filled shells (n energy levels) or orbitals,
represent the most stable electron
◦ Electrons of opposite spin are paired
◦ Energy levels may be full
Ions form because the energy level of that
electron configuration is particularly stable
 Most ions represent elements trying to
achieve noble gas electron configurations
 Valence (outer) shell electrons are lost
(cations) or gained (anions) to produce ions.
Cations (atom loses electrons)
Anions (atom gains electrons)
Ion sizes
Anions are normally larger than their
atom “parent”, because they are gaining
Cations are normally smaller than their
atom “parent” because they are losing
Anions are generally larger than cations