To "Journal of Policy Modeling" Subject: Response to Editorial Board's comments Dear Editor-in-Chief, We open by thanking the referees for the insightful comments on our earlier submission, which provided clear guidance on how we might improve the paper, as well as some positive critiques. We have implemented most of the reviewer suggestions (text highlighted in grey), and we were pleased to have the opportunity to expand and improve the paper in line with these suggestions. We detail below the changes that have been made in line with the reviewer’s comments. Response to comment # 1: 1) Recast the paper with greater policy discussion and make sure that the hypothesis testing is policy guided. R: Again we thank the referees for this thoughtful suggestion, which forced us to develop a further discussion on the policy implications of our analysis. Based on this comment, we have re-written the paper in line with recent papers published in the Journal of Policy Modeling (e.g. Konstantakopoulou and Tsionas, 2014) In practice, we have added a Section devoted to policy implications. In addition, some policy guidelines have been reported in the abstract as well as in the Conclusion section. Response to comment # 2: 2) As we have published in JPM quite a number of papers on related subjects, please cite them in your bibliography. R: As suggested, some relevant JPM papers have been cited. We thank again the referees for the thoughtful suggestions and insights, which have enriched the manuscript and produced a more balanced and better account of the research. We hope the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication in The Journal of Policy Modeling. Needless to say, we are available to make any further changes. We look forward to your reply. The authors. Marcella Lucchetta, Michael Donadelli, Antonio Paradiso Reference Konstantakopoulou, I., Tsionas, E. G. (2014) Half a century of empirical evidence of business cycles in OECD countries, Journal of Policy Modeling, 36, 389-409. 1 Explaining the US-Canada productivity gap: the role of spillover effects and human capital* Michael Donadelli Research Center SAFE Marcella Lucchetta Ca’Foscari University Antonio Paradiso Ca’Foscari University Abstract This paper investigates the sources of the US-Canada productivity gap. We rely on a standard production function in which disembodied technology is assumed to be driven by spillover effects and human capital, and apply a general-to-specific-approach to identify those variables that best explain the level of productivity in the two countries. We find that the absence of investment spillover effects, low innovation rate, and non-recognition of high-skilled workers’ credentials in Canada represent the main sources of the gap. Overall, our empirical findings suggest that Canada may close its productivity gap with the US by adopting policies that (i) support the development of new patents (i.e. R&D investments); (ii) stimulate the diffusion of “high-tech projects”; and (iii) improve intra-country market competition. Keywords: Productivity; Solow growth model; spillover effects; human capital JEL: O4; O51; C22. _________________________________ * We thank Monica Billio, Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Fulvio Corsi, Gianni De Nicolò, Alessandro Gioffrè, Patrick Grüning and Lorenzo Prosperi for their helpful suggestions. We also thank the seminar participants at the Brunel University and Ca’Foscari University of Venice. Authors’ e-mails:;; All remaining errors are our own responsibility. 2 “Yet Canada does underperform. We are not as productive as we could be. Our potential growth is slowing. Moreover, this is occurring as the very nature of the global economy, in which we previously thrived, is under threat. This debate can no longer be avoided." [Mark J. Carney, Governor of Bank of Canada, 2010] 1. Introduction It is widely accepted that productivity improves standards of living within a country. Over the longrun, wages, wealth, and per capita GDP are strictly linked to countries’ productivity performance (Salvatore, 2008). Because of the increasing gap in the level of productivity between the United States (US) and Canada (CAN) (see Figure 1), both academics and policymakers have raised concerns about long-term growth prospects in Canada. Our ultimate goal is to identify a range of possible causal factors of this productivity gap. To accomplish this, we estimate a standard growth model for both the US and CAN. This approach is very useful for those economists who are interested in understanding the determinants of growth and/or productivity in a specific country.1 Of course, this allows them to compare countries’ standard of livings as well as design “alternative” or “ad hoc” policies (Greiner et al., 2005; Cooray et al., 2013). Figure 1: Productivity (1950-2011): United States vs. Canada. Notes: Productivity is measured as real GDP at constant 2005 US$ divided by number of employed persons. Red arrows indicate the distance between productivity in the US and Canada. Source: Penn World Table 8.0. 1 For a detailed analysis on the sources of economic growth in the G7, G20 and World Economy see Jorgenson and Vu (2013). 3 In the spirit of Greiner (2003), Rao (2010), and Kumar and Pacheco (2012), among others, we estimate a Solow growth model where the TFP depends on the structure of the “stock of knowledge”. The literature that focuses on factors explaining the evolution of technology across countries is relatively large. Alternative structures embody variables associated to research activity, productivity spillovers, market structure, trade competition, physical infrastructures, level of human capital, institutions quality.2 An important strand of the endogenous growth literature has emphasized the importance of spillover effects in TFP growth (Romer, 1986; Lucas, 1988; Grossman and Helpman, 1991; Greiner, 2003; López-Pueyo and Mancebón, 2010; Roper et al., 2013). Knowledge spillovers may have a strong impact on productivity as the stock of knowledge developed by one independent firm (or organization) spreads to, and is used by, other firms. Consistently with an increasingly globalized world where technology increases continuously, we assume that trade openness (open) and investment-GDP-ratio (irat) represent adequate factors to capture the knowledge spillover effect, and thus, to explain the technology progress. In addition, as suggested by existing studies (Romer, 1990; Aghion and Howitt, 1998), we assume that the human capital is crucial in understanding the technological progress. Therefore, an “ad hoc” human capital index (hci) is employed. Since open and hci may have non-linear effects on growth (Edwards, 1998; Kalaitzidakis et al., 2001), in addition to a standard linear effect, a non-linear (i.e. quadratic) term for both open and hci in the specification of the stock of knowledge is included. All the variables embodied in our Solow growth model (i.e., productivity, physical capital per worker, openness, human capital index, investment ratio) are non-stationary.3 In practice, we look for a long-run relationship using an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ADL) approach. We start the analysis by specifying a general model where the growth rate of the stock of knowledge is a function of irat, open, open2, hci and hci2. Both for the US and CAN, the explanatory variables included in the model (i.e. lagged values of dependent variable and current and lagged values of independent variables) are then selected according to a general-to-specific approach via the Autometrics algorithm implemented in PcGive package. We find that in the US both irat and hci are statistically significant, and hci enters linearly. Differently, in CAN there is no role for irat. In addition, hci enters nonlinearly. Specifically, an inverted U-shaped relationship is observed. These findings imply that there is no spillover effect on physical investment in CAN and that hci has a positive impact on productivity up to a certain level. We argue that these empirical regularities might be caused by (i) weak investments in applied innovation as sustained by Rao et al. (2008); (ii) a relatively low degree of market competition in CAN (Conference Board of Canada (CBC), 2004; Schwab and Sala-i-Martin, 2013); (iii) a low correlation between the technological progress and the employment of high-skilled workers (Lee, 1999). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the empirical strategy. Section 3 describes data and reports summary statistics. Section 4 reports the main empirical findings. Section 5 discusses policy implications. Section 6 concludes. 2 3 See Isaksson (2007) for a literature review. Results are available upon request. 4 2. Model and estimation specification We start from a standard Cobb-Douglas production function with constant returns expressed in per worker terms. Formally, ðĶðĄ = ðīðĄ ððĄðž , (1) where y is the output per worker, A is the stock of knowledge, k is the per worker capital stock. We assume that A evolves as follows: ðīðĄ = ðī0 ð ððĄ+ðūâðĄ , (2) where A0 is the initial stock of knowledge, t is a time trend, and ððĄ takes the following form: ððĄ = ð ððððĄðĄ + ð1 ðððððĄ + ð2 ðððððĄ2 + ðŋ1 âðððĄ + ðŋ2 âðððĄ2 , (3) where irat represents the investment-GDP-ratio, open is the trade openness (i.e. import plus export divided by GDP), hci is the human capital index based on years of schooling and returns in education. By combining Eqs. (2) and (3), Eq. (1) can be re-written as follows: 2 2 ðĶðĄ = ðī0 ð [ð ððððĄðĄ +ð1 ðððððĄ +ð2 ðððððĄ +ðŋ1 âðððĄ +ðŋ2 âðððĄ +ðūâðĄ] â ððĄðž (4) ðððĶðĄ = ðððī0 + ð ððððĄðĄ + ð1 ðððððĄ + ð2 ðððððĄ2 + ðŋ1 âðððĄ + ðŋ2 âðððĄ2 + ðū â ðĄ + ðž ððððĄ . (5) Eq. (5) can be written in an ADL form adding lags of dependent and independent variables on the right-hand side: 4 ðððĶðĄ = ðððī0 + ∑ð ð=1 ðð ð·ðð + ð â ðĄ + ∑ðð=1 ðð ðððĶðĄ−ð + ∑ðð=0 ðð ððððĄðĄ−ð + ∑ðð=0 ðð ðððððĄ−ð + 2 2 + ∑ðð=0 ðð ðððððĄ−ð + ∑ðð=0 ðð âðððĄ−ð + ∑ðð=0 ðð âðððĄ−ð + ððĄ , (6) where n-max = 35 and ð·ðð (for ð = 1, … , ð ) indicates dummies for picking up eventually large outliers in residuals. Eq. (6) represents the General Unrestricted Model (GUM), which may contain irrelevant variables that could generate biased coefficients. Autometrics algorithm is used to reduce the GUM to a so-called specific model, which is supposed to pass all diagnostic tests and capture the leading features of the dependent variable in both countries. From the specific model, the longrun solution is obtained by setting ðĨ = ðĨðĄ−1 = âŊ = ðĨðĄ−ð for each variable (i.e. it is assumed that all variables converge to a steady-state value). 3. Data statistics and sources 4 The ADL has several desirable statistical properties, such as the precise estimates of long-run parameters and valid tstatistics, even in presence of endogenous explanatory variables. Inder (1993) demonstrates that endogeneity bias problem is minimal and negligible in ADL. 5 The max number of lags is selected via the BIC criteria. 5 We use annual data for the period 1950-2011. Descriptive statistics of all the variables (for US and CAN) involved in the estimation are reported in Table 1. All series have been retrieved from the Penn World Table 8.0. An exception is the investment ratio (i.e. irat), which is taken from “United Nations Statistics Division – National Accounts Database”. Table 1: Descriptive statistics: United States and Canada (1950-2011) Code ðððĶ ððð ððððĄ ðððð ðððð2 âðð âðð 2 Description Log of real GDP per worker Log of real capital stock per worker Gross fixed capital formation divided by GDP Imports plus exports divided by GDP (trade openness) Square of trade openness Mean 10.96 (US) 10.86 (CAN) 12.12 (US) 11.52 (CAN) 0.21 (US) 0.22 (CAN) Std. Dev. 0.30 (US) 0.24 (CAN) 0.28 (US) 0.42 (CAN) 0.02 (US) 0.02 (CAN) Min 10.37 (US) 10.31 (CAN) 11.53 (US) 10.71 (CAN) 0.17 (US) 0.18 (CAN) Max 11.44 (US) 11.18 (CAN) 12.57 (US) 12.55 (CAN) 0.24 (US) 0.26 (CAN) 0.17 (US) 0.52 (CAN) 0.07 (US) 0.15 (CAN) 0.082 (US) 0.34 (CAN) 0.31 (US) 0.85 (CAN) 0.03 (US) 0.30 (CAN) 0.02 (US) 0.17 (CAN) 0.01 (US) 0.12 (CAN) 0.09 (US) 0.73 (CAN) Human capital index per person based on years of schooling and returns to education Square of human capital index 3.22 (US) 2.92 (CAN) 0.32 (US) 0.27 (CAN) 2.63 (US) 2.46 (CAN) 3.62 (US) 3.39 (CAN) 10.50 (US) 8.60 (CAN) 2.02 (US) 1.60 (CAN) 6.93 (US) 6.05 (CAN) 13.1 (US) 11.49 (CAN) Notes: Real GDP and capital stock are calculated at constant 2005 US$. 4. Estimation results OLS estimates of the specific models (for US and CAN) proposed by Autometrics are reported in Table 2. Notice that our diagnostic tests confirm that both models are correctly specified. BanerjeeDolado-Mestre cointegrating test confirms the existence of the long-run relations; the factor loadings are negative and statistically significant. Trade openness enters with both a linear and a quadratic term in the US and CAN, producing a turnaround value of 0.30 (=|3.73⁄(2 â (−6.28))|) and 0.64 (=|1.73⁄(2 â (−1.36))|), respectively; hci enters linearly in the US, and with a quadratic relationship in CAN with a turnaround value of 3.18 (=|−3.39⁄(2 â (0.53))|). Figures 2 and 3 report these nonlinear patterns for the US (see Panel (e)) and CAN (see Panels (e) and (f)), respectively, along with additional estimations results. Table 2: Estimation results: United States vs. Canada (1950-2011) Panel (A): US ln yt ï― ïŦ 0.733 ln yt ï1 ïŦ 0.266 ln yt ï 2 ï 0.348 ln yt ï3 ïŦ 2.379 ïŦ 0.005 t ï 0.308 ln kt ïĻ SE ïĐ ïĻ 0.109ïĐ ïĻ 0.128ïĐ ïĻ 0.107 ïĐ ïĻ 0.568ïĐ ïĻ 0.001ïĐ ïĻ 0.127 ïĐ ïŦ 0.890 ln kt ï1 ï 0.450 ln kt ï 2 ïŦ 0.296 iratt ï 1.449 opent ïŦ 2.440 opent2 ïĻ 0.164 ïĐ ïĻ 0.129 ïĐ ïĻ 0.117 ïĐ ïĻ 0.359ïĐ ïĻ 0.768ïĐ ïŦ 0.073 hcit ï 0.022 DU 80s ïĻ 0.047 ïĐ ïĻ 0.006 ïĐ ECT : ï0.389 ïĻ ln y ï 6.119 ï 0.013 t ï 0.338ln k ï 0.761irat ïŦ 3.727 open ï 6.276 open2 ï 0.187 hci ïĐ ïĻ 0.079ïĐ 6 R 2 = 0.999 sĖ = 0.0086 LJB = 1.120éë0.57ùû LM (1) = 0.000éë0.99ùû LM ( 2) = 0.069éë0.93ùû LM ( 4) = 0.074 éë0.99ùû BPG = 1.012éë0.45ùû RESET = 0.096éë0.76ùû BDM = -4.93** Panel (B): CAN ln yt ï― ïŦ 0.955 ln yt ï1 ï 0.241 ln yt ï 2 ïŦ 0.344 ïŦ 0.121 ln kt ï1 ïŦ 1.165 hcit ï1 ï 0.194 hcit ï 2 ïĻ SE ïĐ ïĻ 0.088ïĐ ïĻ 0.085ïĐ ïĻ 0.308ïĐ ïĻ 0.027 ïĐ ïĻ 0.355ïĐ ïĻ 0.112ïĐ ï 0.153 hcit2ï1 ï 0.494 opent ï1 ïŦ 0.388 opent2ï1 ï 0.050 DU 54 ïŦ 0.051 DU 55 ïĻ 0.047 ïĐ ïĻ 0.167 ïĐ ïĻ 0.127 ïĐ ïĻ 0.011ïĐ ïĻ 0.012ïĐ ïŦ 0.045 DU 56 ï 0.081 DU 60 ïĻ 0.011ïĐ ïĻ 0.010ïĐ ECT : ï0.286 ïĻ ln y ï 1.202 ï 0.422ln k ïŦ 1.727 open ï1.357 open2 ï 3.394 hci ïŦ 0.533 hci 2 ïĐ ïĻ 0.063ïĐ R = 0.998 sĖ = 0.0095 LJB = 1.453éë0.48ùû 2 LM (1) = 0.866éë0.36ùû LM ( 2) = 0.833éë0.44ùû LM ( 4) = 0.702 éë0.59ùû BPG = 0.601éë0.83ùû RESET = 0.781éë0.38ùû BDM = -4.50 ** Notes: Estimation method: OLS. ECT stands for Error Correction Term. LJB = Lomnicki-Jarque-Bera test of normality of the errors; LM(i) = Breusch-Godfrey serial correlation LM test at lag order i; BPG = Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey heteroskedasticity test; RESET = Ramsey RESET test of functional misspecification; BDM = Banerjee-Dolado-Mestre test of the long-run relation conducted on the significance of the coefficient y in the ECM. P-values for diagnostic tests are reported in square brackets. ** denotes statistical significance at 5% in the cointegration test. Figure 2: Additional estimation results for US productivity. Panel (a) = Fitted versus historical US labour productivity (lny US); Panel (b) = ECM residuals; Panel (c) = 1-step Chow breakpoint test; Panel (d) = 1-step ahead residuals with 95% confidence interval; Panel (e) =lny US as a quadratic function of open. 7 Figure 3: Additional estimation results for CAN productivity. Panel (a) = Fitted versus historical CAN labour productivity (lny CAN); Panel (b) = ECM residuals; Panel (c) = 1-step Chow breakpoint test; Panel (d) = 1-step ahead residuals with 95% confidence interval; Panel (e) = lny CAN as a quadratic function of open; Panel (f) = lny CAN as a quadratic function of hci. 5. Policy implications The ADL estimation results of our Solow growth model reveal that the US-Canada productivity gap relies on investment spillover effects and human capital. In CAN, spillover effects in physical investments are absent and human capital enters nonlinearly (see Table 2, Panel (B)). The absence of spillover effects in investments is probably caused by: (i) weak investments in applied innovation (Rao et al., 2008) as captured by the low share of ICT investment in total non-residential investment respect to US and the average of G7 countries (see Figure 4);6 (ii) a low degree in market competition (Conference Board of Canada (CBC), 2004; Schwab and Sala-i-Martin, 2013) that might reduce firms’ incentive to self-innovate and adopt new technologies by other domestic firms. A mild innovation rate affects also the employment level of high-skilled workers in CAN, which is lower than in the US (Lee, 1999). We argue that this gives rise to non-recognition of high-skilled workers’ credentials. As a result, high-skilled workers in CAN tend to be forced to accept a “nonsophisticated job”. Naturally, the inability of absorb qualified workers might depress both short6 Two additional statistics on the level of R&D investments and expenditures in the US and Canada are noteworthy (Source: Science and Technology Indicators - OECD). First, the rate of growth of the Gross Domestic Expenditure in R&D (as percentage of GDP) and Business Enterprise Investment in R&D (as percentage of GDP) in Canada over the last decade is negative (i.e. -0.24% and -1.08%, respectively). Differently, the United States display positive growth rates (i.e. 0.76% and 0.33%, respectively). Second, the rate of growth of the percentage of GDP used by the government to finance investment in R&D in Canada is much lower than in the US (i.e. 0.53 vs. 1.47). 8 and long-run productivity growth. This could explain why hci has an adverse effect on productivity in CAN after a certain level (see Figure 3, Panel (f)). To close the observed productivity gap, both fiscal and monetary authorities should focus on policies that (i) support the development of new patents; (ii) promote the diffusion of high-tech projects; and (iii) improve domestic market competition. These interventions should also stimulate the investment spillover effect within firms as well as increase the supply of high-skilled workers. In doing so, CAN might remove part of those frictions that increase the productivity gap with the US. Figure 4: Share of ICT investment in total non-residential fixed capital formation. Source: OECD, Factbook 2013. 6. Conclusions We estimate a standard Solow growth model - where disembodied technology is driven by spillover and human capital - to identify, via a general-to-specific-approach, the variables explaining the productivity in CAN and in the US over the last 60 years. 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