Key Terms - Cengage Learning

Chapter 1, Anthropology and
Human Diversity
Key Terms
The comparative study of human societies and
Holistic approach
In anthropology, an approach that considers
cultures, history, language and biology
essential to a complete understanding of
human society.
Cultural Anthropology
Study of human behavior that is learned rather
than genetically transmitted, and that is typical
of groups of people.
The set of social relationships among people
within a given geographical area, including
their status and roles.
The learned behaviors and symbols that allow
people to live in groups. Primary means by
which humans adapt to their environments.
The way of life characteristic of a human
Historical ethnography
Description of the cultural past based on
written records, interviews and archaeology.
Anthropological linguistics
A branch of linguistics concerned with
understanding language and its relation to
Focuses on the reconstruction of past cultures
based on their material remains.
Societies for which we have no usable written
A material remain of a past culture.
Urban archaeology
Archaeological investigation of current-day
Cultural resource management
Protection and management of archeological,
archival, and architectural resources.
Biological Anthropology
The study of humankind from a biological
Concerned with tracing the evolution of
humankind in the fossil record.
Human Variation
Concerned with mapping and explaining
physical differences among modern human
A member of a biological order of mammals
that includes human beings, apes, monkeys
and prosimians.
Applied Anthropology
The application of anthropology to the solution
of human problems.
Forensic Anthropology
Study and identification of skeletized or badly
decomposed human remains.
The notion that one’s own culture is more
beautiful, rational, and nearer to perfection
than any other.
The belief that some humans are superior
because of inherited characteristics.
Biopsychological Equality
The fact that all human groups have the same
biological and mental capabilities.
The belief that some human populations are
superior to others because of inherited,
genetically transmitted characteristics.
Ideology that claims there are biologically fixed
races with different moral, intellectual, and
physical characteristics that determine
individual aptitudes and that such races can be
ranked on a single hierarchy.
Cultural Relativism
Understanding values and customs in terms of
the culture of which they are a part.
Emic perspective
Examining society using concepts,
categories, and distinctions that are
meaningful to members of that culture.
Etic perspective
Examining society using concepts,
categories, and rules derived from science;
an outsider’s perspective which produces
analyses that members of the society being
studies may not find meaningful.