ANTHROPOLOGY THE STUDY OF HUMANITY FROM ITS EVOLUTIONARY ORIGINS TO TODAY’S CULTURAL DIVERSITY KEY CONCEPT CULTURE KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO ACT AS A MEMBER OF SOCIETY KNOWLEDGE OF EXPECTATIONS KNOWLEDGE OF APPROPRIATE AND WRONGFUL ACTIONS ANTHROPOLOGY FOCUSES ON STUDY OF HUMANS AND ALL ASPECTS OF BEING HUMAN FIELD HAS MANY CONCEPTS AND SUBJECTS IN COMMON WITH OTHER SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES KEY CONCEPTS DISTINGUISH ANTHROPOLOGY FROM OTHER SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINES KEY CONCEPTS SOCIETY CULTURE COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE HOLISTIC PERSPECTIVE ETHNOCENTRISM CULTURAL RELATIVISM GLOBALIZATION SOCIETY SHARED GEOGRAPHICAL TERRITORY PEOPLE LIVING IN ORGANIZED GROUPS WITH SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS OF BEHAVIOR SOCIETY COMPOSED OF RELATIONS BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS OF INDIVIDUALS SOCIAL INSITUTIONS MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE FAMILY LAW RELIGION ECONOMIC SYSTEM POLITICAL SYSTEM SOCIAL ROLES AND STATUSES SOCIAL ROLE AND STATUS STATUS IS THE SOCIAL POSITION YOU OCCUPY. FOR EXAMPLE, MOTHER, FATHER, DAUGHTER, SON, SISTER, BROTHER AND SO ON SOCIAL ROLE IS THE CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR ASSOCIATED WITH SOCIAL STATUS ANTHROPOLOGY UNIQUE SOCIAL SCIENCE Time Depth Global Focus Comparative Approach Holistic Four Field Approach Core Concept of Culture Globalization HOLISTIC View Cultures from holistic perspective Culture as integrated whole. No part of culture can be studied in isolation Anthropology concerned with all aspects of being human EXAMPLE OF HOLISM Arrangement of Furniture in USA reflects core cultural value of individualism Arrangement of rooms is directly related to marriage and family patterns which in turn related to way Americans earn a living Individual bedrooms reflect value on individualism & consistent with an economy where families are dependent on individual wage earners COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE Anthropology is comparative in its approach. Findings on cultural data drawn from throughout the world &throughout human history Collect data about behavior and beliefs in many cultures to understand the diversity of human cultures To understand common patterns in ways people adapt to their environment BENEFITS OF COMPARATIVE APPROACH Challenge commonly held assumptions about human life- ways based solely on European and North American perspective For Example “Marriage” Cultural Institution Marriage in US Monogamy not the preferred type of marriage in majority of societies CULTURE Learned values, beliefs, rules of conduct shared to some extent by the members of society, that govern their behavior with one another and their thinking about themselves and the world. Everything that people have, think, feel, experience, say and do as members of a society All cultures are comprised of material objects; ideas, values, attitudes and patterned ways of behaving. Four Fields ARCHAEOLOGY BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY STUDY OF PAST CULTURES PREHISTORIC AND HISTORIC RELAY ON EVIDENCE (ARTIFACTS) FROM MATERIAL CULTURE AND THE SITES WHERE PEOPLE LIVED EVIDENCE REVEALS HOW PEOPLE LIVED AND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN GROUPS OF PEOPLE. ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS STUDY OF LANGUAGE AND THE SPEAKERS USE OF LANGUAGE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND OTHER ASPECTS OF CULTURE CULTURE IS LEARNED THROUGH LANGUAGE SOCIOLINGUISTICS=SPEAKERS USE OF LANGUAGE IN EVERYDAY LIFE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Biological Anthropology Study of Human origins (evolution) and contemporary Human variation Primate social organization Interface between biology and culture. Example: People of the Andes Mountains have greater lung capacity which is an adaptation to low oxygen HUMAN VARIATION “Race” is always a SOCIAL not a biological concept Conventional Classification of “Race” is pseudoscience. Hair texture, skin color and facial characteristics are arbitrary and randomly selected Skin tone is function of evolutionary adaptation to climate Race as conventionally used is wrong! APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGIST MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGIST BRIDGES DISCIPLINE OF CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND BIOLOGY STUDIES SUSCEPTIBILITIES AND RESISTANCE OF CERTAIN POPULATION TO SPECIFIC DISEASE STUDIES HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY SUB-FIELD WITHIN BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY ANALYZE HUMAN REMAINS IN SERVICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND FAMILIES OF DISASTER VICTIMS USED TO DOCUMENT HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES&GENOCIDE APPLIED ARCHAEOLOGY CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION OF ARCHAEOLOGY TO PRESERVE AND PROTECT HISTORIC STRUCTURES AND PREHISTORIC SITES OUTGROWTH OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS TO PROTECT PREHISTORIC AND HISTORIC SITES CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY The ways people organize their living in societies The study of cultural behavior in recent and contemporary cultures Ethnology-building theories to explain cultural practices based on comparative study of societies throughout the world Ethnography, a holistic intensive study of groups, through observation, interview and participation CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ETHNOGRAPHY ETHNOGRAPHER FIELD WORK PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ETHNOCENTRISM The widespread human tendency to perceive the ways of doing things and beliefs about things in one’s culture as normal and natural and that of others as strange, inferior, and possibly unnatural One’s own culture is superior, the best and ALL others are inferior Everybody everywhere is a little ethnocentric CULTURAL RELATIVISM Counters Ethnocentrism Stresses the importance of analyzing cultures on their own terms rather than in terms of the culture of the anthropologist This does not mean that all cultural practices, cultural beliefs and behaviors can be condone Different from ethical relativism—all right and wrong relative to time, place, and culture so that no moral judgments of behavior can be made GLOBALIZATION OCCURRED IN THE PAST WHEN STATES AND EMPIRES EXPANDED THEIR INFLUENCE BEYOND THEIR BOARDERS CONTEMPORARY GLOBALIZATION BASED ON INTERCONNECTED ECONOMIES & TECHNOLOGY CULTURAL CHANGE DUE TO GREATER CONTACT AMONG CULTURES AMERICANIZATION BY PRODUCT OF GLOBALIZATION THE SPREAD OF DOMINANT AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN CULTURAL PRACTICES, CONSUMERISM, CULTURAL ICONS, AND MEDIA VIEWS OTHER CULTURES AS PASSIVE OTHER CULTURES RESIST AMERICANIZATION