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Introduction to


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• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

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Human Resources…

• Are an organisation’s greatest assets

• All other resources get connected through men

• To make them deliver they need to be –

– Properly selected

– Properly trained

– Properly motivated

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Definitions of HRM

• Byers & Rue: “HRM is the function facilitating the most effective use of people to achieve both organisational and individual goals”

• Michael Jucious: “HRM is that field of management which deals with planning, organising & controlling the functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilising a labour force such that organisational & individual goals are fulfilled”

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HRM is

• Process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees such that they are motivated to achieve both the organisational and individual goals

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Till now…

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

Page 6

Importance of HRM

• Importance of human resources can be discussed at four levels:

– Corporate

– Professional

– Social

– National

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• HRM can help an enterprise in the following ways:

– Attracting talent through effective HRP

– Developing necessary skills & attitude with training

– Securing cooperation through motivation

– Retaining talent through the right policies

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• HRM helps improve quality of work life and contributes to growth in the following ways:

– Opportunities for personal development

– Motivating work environment

– Proper allocation of work

– Healthy relationships between individuals & groups

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• Society benefits from good HRM in many ways:

– Good employment opportunities

– Development of human capital

– Generation of income & consumption

– Better lifestyles

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• Drivers of development of a country

• Deliver economic growth

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Till now…

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

Page 12

Functions of HRM

• The process of HRM consists of 4 basic functions:

– Acquisition of human resources

– Development of human resources

– Motivation of human resources

– Maintenance of human resources

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Acquisition Function

• Process of identifying and employing people possessing required level of skills

– Job Analysis


– Recruitment

– Selection

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Page 14

Development Function

• Process of improving, moulding and changing the skills, knowledge and ability of an employee

– Employee Training

– Management Development

– Career Development

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Motivation Function

• Process of integrating people into a work situation in a way that it encourages them to perform / deliver to the best of their ability

– Understanding needs

– Designing motivators

– Monitoring

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Maintenance Function

• Process of providing employees the working conditions that help maintain their motivation and commitment to the organisation

– Satisfaction Levels

– Retention

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Till now…

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

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Organisation of HRM




















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Role of HR Manager

• Job Design / Job Analysis

• Human Resource Planning

• Recruitment & Selection

• Training & Development

• Performance Appraisal

• Compensation / Benefits

• Personnel Information Systems

• Employee Motivation / Assistance

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Page 20

Till now…

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

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• HRM is the process of effectively employing people in an organisation

• HRD is the process of training & development of employees to make them effective

• HRD is an important subset of HRM

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Page 22

Till now…

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

Page 23

Limitations of HRM

• HRM only a ‘support function’!

• Training programs only a ‘cost’!

• Not an ‘as & when needed’ function!

• Not specifically qualified / trained people!

• Inadequate information systems / records!

• Misunderstood as HRD!

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Page 24

Till now…

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

Page 25

Challenges before HRM

• Globalisation (More productivity)

• Technological Trends (New skill set)

• Increasing Service Sector (Customer


• Working Trends (9 to 9!)

• Demographic Trends (Young India!)

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Page 26

Summary (Unit – 1)

• HRM: Concept & Its Definition

• Importance of HRM

• Functions of HRM

• HRM Department: Organisation & Role

• HRM vs. HRD

• Limitations of HRM

• Challenges before HRM

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