rfield website Global Evolution Timeline Global models and database The Sun and Solid Earth Atmosphere and Oceans Organisms and Ecosystems Molecules and Cells © Bob Field 2007 1. Develop a global evolution website that features a five billion year timeline of the natural history of planet Earth. 2. Develop global models and a database of system properties and processes for the OASES and the biosphere. 3. Develop exhibits, indoor and outdoor informal science education programs, and academic courses. 4. Organize global evolution study groups to develop the global evolution timeline, database, and models. 1. Global Evolution Website: The GEEP shall develop and maintain a website for use by middle school to graduate school students and educators and professionals as well as the general public. The website will highlight the nearly five billion year natural history of planet Earth timeline of globally important physical and biological events. The website will apply Dr. Sam Ham’s principles of thematic interpretation to the greatest story rarely told: the remarkable four billion year sequence of events that preceded the Cambrian Explosion. The website will also include major elements of the global evolution models and other educational resources described below. 2. Global Evolution Models and Database: The GEEP will develop a time dependent preliminary global evolution model (PGEM) based on these events and a database of system properties and processes. The model will characterize the evolving structure and energy flow of the oceans, atmosphere, solid Earth, Sun, molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems in nominal 100 million year time intervals. The model will include surface processes as well as deep terrestrial and non-terrestrial sources of energy and materials. This effort emphasizes secondary research and heuristic models that have educational value. The global evolution website shall include a user-friendly database of system properties and processes that clarify the interactions of energy and matter based on the PGEM. 3. Educational resources and programs: The GEEP shall develop, conduct, and evaluate academic courses and projects and informal science educational programs. The programs will be based on the natural history timeline and global evolution models described above. The projects may be held in indoor and/or outdoor venues and may include nature walks and talks as well as virtual, permanent, temporary, and traveling exhibits for museums, nature venues, schools, and libraries. The programs will also be based on the principles of thematic interpretation and may emphasize the origins and relationships between physical and biological systems. They may examine the impact of global change on the natural history of the California Coast as a lead-in to the five billion year natural history timeline. The interpretation should be geocentric not anthropocentric and emphasize deep time not current human issues, although the latter may be used to generate interest and improve understanding. 4. Global Evolution Study Group: The GEEP shall organize an informal cross-disciplinary Global Evolution Study Group under the direction of the professor of global evolution studies. The group will identify and sequence the major globally important physical and biological events in the nearly five billion year natural history of planet Earth. The group will develop a time dependent preliminary global evolution model (PGEM) based on these events and the underlying system properties and processes. The group will address the standard W5H questions (who what when where why and how) in plain English. DR. BOB FIELD Adjunct Physics Professor Research Scholar in Residence I develop and supervise natural science projects for students in physics, physical science, chemistry, biology, math, K-16 and environmental education. My number one interest is Global Evolution Studies. I also develop natural history programs primarily for the local state parks and the Morro Bay State Park Museum of Natural History. I have a brief biographical sketch. Contact me at rfield at my calpoly.edu email address. My extensive website has three parts: NATURAL SCIENCE GLOBAL EVOLUTION NATURAL HISTORY drbobfield bobfield64 The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance (Socrates) Return to Physics Department Home Page GLOBAL EVOLUTION STUDIES The National Academy of Science says that it is the role of science is to provide plausible natural explanations of natural phenomena. The Natural History of Planet Earth is the product of nearly five billion years of global evolutionary processes that followed the first nine billion years of cosmic evolution. Complexity grows when energy flows in natural systems because simple building blocks evolve into complex materials and processes. The structure and evolution of the OASES (oceans, atmosphere, solid Earth, and Sun) and the biosphere (molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems) depend on interactions of energy and matter. The origin, evolution, diversity, abundance, and distribution of life are emergent properties of increasing environmental complexity. I am developing indoor and outdoor science education programs for youth and for the adults that influence them by applying Dr. Sam Ham’s principles of thematic interpretation to the greatest story rarely told: the remarkable four billion year sequence of globally important physical and biological events and processes that preceded the Cambrian Explosion. My goal is to secure an endowment for an organization to develop and maintain a global evolution website and related educational resources. Students, volunteers, educators, and other professionals can help by participating in and evaluating the intellectual merit and potential audience impact of the following projects: Global Evolution Endowment NHOPE Timeline.xls PGEM Events.doc PGEM Database.ppt OASESMCOE.doc NHOPE ISE project proposal 1. Develop a global evolution website that features a five billion year timeline of the natural history of planet Earth. 2. Develop global models and a database of system properties and processes for the OASES and the biosphere. 3. Develop exhibits, indoor and outdoor informal science education programs, and academic courses. 4. Organize global evolution study groups to develop the global evolution timeline, database, and models. go to natural science projects, natural history programs, globalevolution, or rfield home page Global Evolution © Mike Baird Sun impact atmosphere biosphere oceans upper crust lower crust sediments Natural History of the California Coast Natural History of Planet Earth subcontinental lithosphere oceanic crust oceanic lithosphere upper mantle click on any figure lower mantle core Solar and Global Evolution Models How do global changes impact the California coast? The Natural History of the California Coast poster exhibition planned for the summer of 2009 may be seen by 90,000 visitors to the Hearst Castle National Geographic Theater lobby. It illustrates the impact of global evolutionary processes by relating local natural history to global natural systems themes from Dr. Art Sussman’s Guide to Planet Earth using Dr. Sam Ham’s principles of thematic interpretation. Plausible Natural History publications birds, marine mammals, Monarch Butterflies, tide pools, kelp forests, coral reefs, lichen, algae, fungus, trees, wildflowers, mountains, molecules, cells, Planet Earth, The Facts of Life: From the Oceans to the Stars, etc. Living Natural History programs Montana de Oro State Park, Museum of Natural History, Pismo State Beach, Elfin Forest, Morro Bay Estuary, Oso Flaco State Park, Lopez Lake, Big Sur, Point Lobos, Yosemite, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Wild Animal Park, Sea World, etc. Shared Reading Program (PREFACE?) High Tide author Mark Lynas travels around the world to investigate local impacts of global warming These eight guiding questions are common to all of our informal science education programs: 1. What do you see (observations and descriptions)? 2. What are natural systems made out of (composition and structure)? 3. How do natural systems work (material properties and interactions with energy)? 4. How do natural systems change over time (evolutionary processes)? 5. Where do natural systems come from (origin and/or formation from building blocks)? 6. What are the relationships between the parts of a system (interactions and/or common origins)? 7. What are the relationships between natural systems (interactions and/or common origins)? 8. How do natural systems become more complex over time (entropy decreases)? I want to form an informal cross-disciplinary Global Evolution Study Group to identify and sequence globally important physical and biological events in the nearly five billion year natural history of the planet. The group can also help develop a database of system properties and processes, global evolution models, a global evolution website, natural history exhibits, academic courses, and indoor and outdoor informal science education projects. The Global Evolution Study Group will meet once or twice a month to define questions and to share information that we collect from books, journals, websites, and experts at museums and universities like UCSB, etc. Students and faculty in physics, chemistry, biology, math, engineering, education, and liberal arts are welcome to participate. Global evolution involves the Sun, solid Earth, oceans, atmosphere, molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems. If you have any interest in one or more of these subjects, send an email to rfield at the email address at calpoly.edu. © Bob Field 2007 The Natural History of Planet Earth Timeline: Five Billion Years of Solar and Global Evolution -4900 -4800 -4700 -4600 -4500 -4400 -4300 -4200 -4100 -4000 -3900 -3800 -3700 -3600 -3500 -3400 -3300 -3200 -3100 -3000 -2900 -2800 -2700 -2600 -2500 -2400 -2300 -2200 -2100 -2000 -1900 -1800 -1700 -1600 -1500 -1400 -1300 -1200 -1100 -1000 -900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 now oceans and atmosphere solid Earth and Sun molecules and cells PreHadean Hadean -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 Archaean -300 -200 -100 ZAMS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 Era Proterozoic from to MYA MY MY Phanerozoic Name ten or more globally important events in any column. Think about the W5H: who what when where why how Emphasis on connections not collections organisms and ecosystems What do we know about the natural history of planet Earth? Our planet formed from dust left over when a massive cloud of cold dilute gas and dust condensed to form the Sun 4.6 billion years ago. The Moon formed from remnants of a collision between Orpheus and the Earth after the Great Iron Catastrophe formed the Earth's core. Our planet's surface was initially too hot to form a crust. Four billion years ago, the Earth was still heavily bombarded by a flux of extraterrestrial objects. Continents did not exist when the Earth first formed but grew over time. Most of the water on Earth is in liquid oceans, but much of it has at times been buried in the land, vaporized into the atmosphere, or frozen solid. Life existed before DNA, proteins, chlorophyll, and rhodopsin evolved. The solar flux incident on the top of the atmosphere has increased by 40% over the history of the Earth. During the Proterozoic Era, photosynthetic bacteria helped remove most of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and released oxygen which was toxic to most bacteria at the time. Eukaryotes evolved by serial endosymbiosis several times. Eukaryotes are masters of multicellularity whereas bacteria are masters of metabolic diversity. Plants and animals are relatively recent evolutionary developments. Invertebrates ventured out of the seas before vertebrates invaded the land. Whales and other marine mammals are recent © Bob Field 2007 additions to the oceans. Geologic Time Scale Geological Time Scale copyright 2005 - geology.com http://www.geology.com/ http://geology.com/time.htm Geological Timeline Era/Period/Epoch Time (Myr ago) Archaeozoic (Archean) era 5000-1500 Proterozoic era 1500-545 Cambrian period 545-505 Ordovician period 505-438 Silurian period 438-410 Devonian period 410-355 Carboniferous (Mississipian/Pennsylvanian) period 355-290 Permian period 290-250 Triassic period 250-205 Jurassic period 205-135 Cretaceous period 135-65 Paleozoic era Mesozoic era Tertiary period Cenozoic era "Recent Life" Quarternary period www.talkorigins.org/origins/geo_timeline.html Paleocene epoch 65-55 Eocene epoch 55-38 Oligocene epoch 38-26 Miocene epoch 26-6 Pliocene epoch 6-1.8 Pleistocene epoch 1.8-0.01 (Lower Paleolithic) 0.50-0.25 (Middle Paleolithic) 0.25-0.06 (Upper Paleolithic) 0.06-0.01 Holocene epoch 0.01-0 Time MYA 4 Event Development of hominid bipedalism 4-1 Australopithecus exist 3.5 The Australopithecus Lucy walks the Earth 2 Widespread use of stone tools 2-0.01 Most recent ice age 1.6-0.2 Homo erectus exist 1-0.5 0.3 Homo erectus tames fire Geminga supernova explosion at a distance of roughly 60 pc--roughly as bright as the Moon 0.2-0.03 Homo sapiens neanderthalensis exist 0.050-0 Homo sapiens sapiens exist 0.04-0.012 Homo sapiens sapiens enter Australia from southeastern Asia and North America from northeastern Asia 0.025-0.010 Most recent glaciation--an ice sheet covers much of the northern United States 0.020 Homo sapiens sapiens paint the Altamira Cave 0.012 Homo sapiens sapiens have domesticated dogs in Kirkuk, Iraq 0.01 First permanent Homo sapiens sapiens settlements 0.01 Homo sapiens sapiens learn to use fire to cast copper and harden pottery 0.006 Writing is developed in Sumeria www.talkorigins.org/origins/geo_timeline.html Time MYA Event 200 Pangaea starts to break apart 200 Primitive crocodiles have evolved 200 Appearance of mammals 145 Archaeopteryx walks the Earth 136 Primitive kangaroos have evolved 100 Primitive cranes have evolved 90 Modern sharks have evolved 65 K-T Boundary--extinction of the dinosaurs and beginning of the reign of mammals 60 Rats, mice, and squirrels have evolved 60 Herons and storks have evolved 55 Rabbits and hares have evolved 50 Primitive monkeys have evolved 28 Koalas have evolved 20 Parrots and pigeons have evolved 20-12 The chimpanzee and hominid lines evolve 10-4 Ramapithecus exist www.talkorigins.org/origins/geo_timeline.html Time MYA 545 Event Cambrian explosion of hard-bodied organisms 528-526 Fossilization of the Chengjiang site 517-515 Fossilization of the Burgess Shale 500-450 Rise of the fish--first vertebrates 430 Waxy coated algae begin to live on land 420 Millipedes have evolved--first land animals 375 The Appalachian mountains are formed via a plate tectonic collision between North America, Africa, and Europe 375 Appearance of primitive sharks 350-300 Rise of the amphibians 350 Primitive insects have evolved 350 Primitive ferns evolve--first plants with roots 300-200 Rise of the reptiles 300 Winged insects have evolved 280 Beetles and weevils have evolved 250 Permian period mass extinction 230 Roaches and termites have evolved 225 Modern ferns have evolved 225 Bees have evolved www.talkorigins.org/origins/geo_timeline.html Time MYA Event 4600 Formation of the approximately homogeneous solid Earth by planetesimal accretion 4300 Melting of the Earth due to radioactive and gravitational heating which leads to its differentiated interior structure as well as outgassing of molecules such as water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide 4300 Atmospheric water is photodissociated by ultraviolet light to give oxygen atoms which are incorporated into an ozone layer and hydrogen molecules which escape into space 4000 Bombardment of the Earth by planetesimals stops 3800 The Earth's crust solidifies--formation of the oldest rocks found on Earth 3800 Condensation of atmospheric water into oceans 3500-2800 Prokaryotic cell organisms develop 3500-2800 Beginning of photosynthesis by blue-green algae which releases oxygen molecules into the atmosphere and steadily works to strengthen the ozone layer and change the Earth's chemically reducing atmosphere into a chemically oxidizing one 2400 Rise in the concentration of oxygen molecules stops the deposition of uraninites (since they are soluble when combined with oxygen) and starts the deposition of banded iron formations 1600 The last reserves of reduced iron are used up by the increasing atmospheric oxygen--last banded iron formations 1500 Eukaryotic cell organisms develop 1500-600 Rise of multicellular organisms 580-545 Fossils of Ediacaran organisms are made www.talkorigins.org/origins/geo_timeline.html Solar and Global Evolution are parts of Cosmic Evolution ~ age (BY) generic structure 12 10 5 3 0.01 0.001 0.0000001 galaxies stars planets plants animals brains society table from Chaisson139 image from Science Yearbook average power density (W/kg) 0.00005 0.0002 0.01 0.1 2 15 50 when energy flows, complexity grows Interactions between Earth systems sun impact atmosphere biosphere oceans upper crust lower crust sediments subcontinental lithosphere oceanic lithosphere upper mantle lower mantle Condie33 Fig 1.33 oceanic crust core Abundance in Universe in %0.07% 0.04% 1 1 Na Mg 11 23 12 24 0.02% 0.1% 0.01% Periodic Table of Chemical Elements 0.02% everything else K Ca Cr Mn Fe Ni 19 39 20 40 24 62 25 55 26 56 28 59 } 92% H ~8% He 2 4 C N O Ne 6 12 7 14 8 16 10 20 Al Si P S Cl Ar 13 27 14 28 15 31 16 32 17 35 18 40 Sun creates energy as a Stars build bigproduct atoms Sunlight is the waste product when from small onesit fuses of “hydrogen burning” 1 4 and helium the “spent 4 H is → He fuel” The Sun internal structure and size of layers density, mass, gravity, pressure, volume temperature internal energy distribution energy sources: fusion energy, gravitational contraction composition – hydrogen, helium, “metals”, free electrons material properties energy transport: convection, conduction, radiation mass flow in convection evolution of the Sun – composition ,density, temperature, fusion rate, luminosity formation of the Sun zone fusion core r < ¼ radiative volume ~r3 1/64 r < 0.7 1/3 Hot and Heavy convective r > 0.7 2/3 fusion core Sun’s structure radiative zone convective zone total mass energy 1/2 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/80 1/100 relative values used in our LANL solar evolution cases metals composition Mg 0.000492 Ne 0.000129 C 0.002272 N 0.000697 O 0.006323 relative volume relative mass fusion core 16 convective zone 27 radiative zone 343 relative heat flow convective zone 641 1000 988 1000 fusion core 481 radiative zone 492 1000 800 600 relative total energy 400 relative fusion power 200 convective zone 7 radiative zone 12 0 fusion core radiative zone convective zone 0 convective zone radiative zone 356 fusion core 637 fusion core 988 layers volume (cm3) mass (g) average density (g/cm3) relative volume relative mass relative average density fusion core 2.22E+31 9.57E+32 43.19 16 481 30784 radiative zone 4.86E+32 9.79E+32 2.01 343 492 1434 convective zone 9.10E+32 5.37E+31 0.06 641 27 42 whole Sun 1.42E+33 1.99E+33 1.40 1000 1000 1000 layers total energy (ergs) fusion power (erg/s) luminosity (erg/s) relative total energy relative fusion power relative heat flow fusion core 1.95E+48 3.80E+33 3.80E+33 637 988 988 radiative zone 1.09E+48 4.62E+31 3.85E+33 356 12 1000 convective zone 2.00E+46 0.00E+00 3.85E+33 7 0 1000 whole Sun 3.06E+48 3.85E+33 3.85E+33 1000 1000 1000 Density (g/cm^3) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0E+00 1E+10 2E+10 3E+10 4E+10 5E+10 6E+10 7E+10 radius (cm) Guzik - LANL solar evolution code local gravity g (cm/s2) 250000 local gravity g 200000 g(R) = GM(R)/R2 150000 100000 50000 Earth surface gravity g = 981 cm/s2 0 0E+00 1E+10 2E+10 3E+10 4E+10 5E+10 6E+10 7E+10 radius (cm) Guzik + Field 4BY Enclosed H and He Mass 1.5E+33 enclosed H mass (g) 1.0E+33 enclosed He mass (g) 5.0E+32 0.0E+00 0E+00 1E+10 2E+10 3E+10 4E+10 5E+10 6E+10 7E+10 radius (cm) Guzik + Field Stellar Opacity 5 -4 X=0.7 Z=0.02 4 3 log K (cm2/g) -2 2 0 1 2 0 -10 -8 -6 -1 -2 4 5 6 7 8 log T (K) Rosseland mean opacity curves are labeled by log density (g/cm-3) Ostlie & Carroll 275 Luminosity Gradient 5E23 4E23 dL/dR = 4πR2ρε 3E23 2E23 1E23 0E00 0E+00 1E+10 2E+10 3E+10 4E+10 5E+10 6E+10 7E+10 radius (cm) Guzik + Field Solar Evolution 1.0 0.9 Relative Value 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 L= 4πR2·σT4 T/Tsun R/Rsun L/Lsun 0.4 cycle 17 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0E+00 1E+09 2E+09 3E+09 Time (years) 4E+09 Guzik + Field Luminosity vs. Radius metal content influences solar luminosity and lifetime 8E+33 4.5 BY Z=0.01 Luminosity (ergs) 7E+33 3 BY Z=0.01 6E+33 1.5 BY Z=0.01 ZAMS Z=0.01 5E+33 4.5 BY Z=0.02 3 BY Z=0.02 4E+33 1.5 BY Z=0.02 3E+33 ZAMS Z=0.02 2E+33 1E+33 0E+00 0E+00 2E+10 4E+10 Radius (cm) 6E+10 8E+10 Guzik Field Lopez x70y28z02 112005 luminosity increases as core hydrogen is depleted Luminosity vs. Radius X=.70, Y=.28, Z=.02 Luminosity (ergs/s) 7E+33 6E+33 5E+33 4E+33 9 BY 3E+33 7.5 BY 2E+33 4.5 BY 6 BY 3 BY 1E+33 1.5 BY ZAMS 0E+00 0E+00 2E+10 4E+10 6E+10 8E+10 Radius (cm) Guzik Field Lopez x70y28z02 112005 H Mass Fraction (X) vs. Radius X=.70, Y=.28, Z=.02 0.7 0.6 ZAMS X 0.5 X 1.5 BY X 0.4 3 BY X 0.3 6 BY X 4.5 BY X 7.5 BY X 0.2 9 BY X 0.1 0.0 0E+00 2E+10 4E+10 6E+10 8E+10 Radius (cm) Guzik Field Lopez x70y28z02 112005 Equations of Stellar Structure dhillon phy213 website The Solid Earth size of layers density, mass, gravity, pressure, volume composition – iron silicon oxygen magnesium nickel material properties temperature thermal energy distribution heat flow sources radioactive decay of U, Th, and K heat loss as Earth cools gravitational energy released as Earth cools latent heat released as inner core freezes energy transport: convection, conduction, radiation mass flow in convection evolution of the Earth’s structure formation of the Earth Zeroth order model of the Earth has three layers mantle atmosphere crust mantle core core First order model of the Earth shows layers Seismic studies reveal density variations due to composition and phase differences. atmosphere - radiation lithosphere - conduction upper mantle - convection lower mantle - convection D” - conduction convection is powered by radiogenic heat sources and produces chemical evolution outer core – convection? inner core - conduction ICB CMB Density (kg/m^3) 14000 Core Density (kg/m^3) 12000 10000 ICB 8000 CMB lithosphere R < 6371 km upper mantle R < 6291 km lower mantle R < 5701 km D” R < 3630 km outer core R < 3480 km inner core R < 1221.5 km 6000 4000 Mantle 2000 0 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 radius (m) 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 Whole Earth Element Mass Percent Ca 17 Al S 16 6 Cr 5 Ni 18 other 5 Fe O Si Fe 320 Mg 154 Mg Ni Ca Si 161 Al S O 297 Cr other McDonough Whole Earth, Crust, Mantle, Core Element Mass Percent Mg 15.4 Mg 3.2 Whole Earth Crust Mantle Core CaAl Ni 1.6 1.7 1.8 Al 8.41 Ca 5.29 Ca 2.53 Mg 22.8 Si 16.1 Si 26.77 Si 21 Fe Fe 7.07 O Fe 32.0 Al Fe 2.35 6.26 Si Mg Ni 5.2 Ni Si 6 Ca Fe 85.5 O 44 Al O 45.3 O 29.7 S Cr Relative Mass Abundance of Elements on Earth zeroth order model - composition layers core mantle lithosphere whole Earth layers core mantle lithosphere whole Earth Fe 855 63 63 320 O 0 440 440 297 Si 60 210 210 161 Mg 0 228 228 154 Ni 52 2 2 18 Ca 0 25 25 17 Al 0 24 24 16 S 19 0 0 6 Cr 9 3 3 5 other 5 6 6 5 McDonough Element Density (kg/m^3) Element Density (kg/m^3) 14E+03 Core boundaries Fe O Si Mg Density (kg/m^3) 12E+03 10E+03 ICB 8E+03 CMB 6E+03 Mantle 4E+03 2E+03 000E+00 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 radius (m) based on McDonough Major Elements in Crust and Mantle (%) (not counting oxygen) Major Elements (%) 30 25 Crust Upper Mantle 20 Lower Mantle Crust + Mantle 15 10 5 0 Mg * Al * Si * Ca * Fe * Elements Elements 2006-07-18 mfischer b revision Temperature (K) 6000 Liquid Outer Core Mantle Temperature (K) 5000 4000 ICB 3000 2000 CMB boundaries Temperature (K) 1000 0 0E+0 solidus temperature (K) 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 radius (m) based on Stacey Appendix G heat density (J/m^3) 45E+09 Core heat density (J/m^3) 40E+09 35E+09 ICB 30E+09 25E+09 Mantle 20E+09 CMB 15E+09 10E+09 5E+09 000E+00 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 radius (m) 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 enclosed heat (J) 18E+30 Mantle enclosed heat (J) 16E+30 14E+30 12E+30 10E+30 8E+30 6E+30 4E+30 Core 2E+30 00E+0 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 radius (m) 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 Stacey Table 6.4 Heat Loss Budget (TW) INCOME 8.2 Crust radioactivity 19.9 Mantle radioactivity 1.2 Latent heat and gravitational energy released by core evolution 0.6 Gravitational energy of mantle differentiation 2.1 Gravitational energy released by thermal contraction 32 TW TOTAL EXPENDITURE 8.2 Crust heat loss 30.8 Mantle heat loss 3.0 Core heat loss 42 TW TOTAL 10 TW NET LOSS OF HEAT radiogenic heat flow (W) radiogenic heat flow (W) 30E+12 Mantle 25E+12 20E+12 19.9 TW in mantle 8.2 TW in crust…… 28.1 TW whole Earth 15E+12 10E+12 5E+12 00E+0 0E+0 Core 1E+6 2E+6 CMB 3E+6 4E+6 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 radius (m) based on Stacey latent heat flow (W) latent heat flow (W) 4E+12 1 BY 3E+12 2 BY 2E+12 Core ICB 3 BY Mantle 1E+12 4 BY 000E+00 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 radius (m) based on Stacey total heat flow (W) 45E+12 total heat flow (W) 40E+12 Mantle boundaries 35E+12 current total heat flow (W) 30E+12 radiogenic heat flow (W) 25E+12 current lost heat flow (W) 20E+12 current ΔGBE heat flow (W) latent heat flow (W) 15E+12 10E+12 Core 5E+12 00E+0 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 CMB 3E+6 4E+6 radius (m) 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 relative heat flow 1000 1000 800 809 600 617 heat flow in ocean crust vs. continental crust? 400 200 23 49 inner core outer core 0 lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere Absolute and Relative Energy, Heat, and Heat Flow first order model – composition and phase layers inner core outer core lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust internal energy (J) 3.15E+29 5.35E+30 9.12E+30 2.09E+30 1.20E+29 1.70E+31 heat sources (W) 9.85E+11 1.11E+12 2.43E+13 8.22E+12 8.17E+12 4.28E+13 total heat flow (W) 9.85E+11 2.10E+12 2.64E+13 3.46E+13 4.28E+13 4.28E+13 relative internal energy 19 315 537 123 7 1000 relative heat relative sources heat flow 23 23 26 49 568 617 192 809 191 1000 1000 1000 zeroth order model - composition layers core mantle lithosphere whole Earth internal energy (J) 5.67E+30 1.12E+31 1.20E+29 1.70E+31 heat sources (W) 2.10E+12 3.25E+13 8.17E+12 4.28E+13 total heat flow (W) 2.10E+12 3.46E+13 4.28E+13 4.28E+13 relative internal energy 333 659 7 1000 relative heat relative sources heat flow 49 49 760 809 191 1000 1000 1000 relative volume relative mass inner core lithosphere 17 21 inner core lithosphere7 37 outer core 156 upper mantle 162 upper mantle 246 relative heat flow lower mantle 554 outer core 308 lower mantle 492 1000 1000 800 809 relative internal energy inner core 19 lithosphere 7 upper mantle 123 600 relative total heat sources 617 400 200 23 49 inner core outer core 0 outer core 315 lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere inner core 23 outer core 26 lithosphere 191 upper mantle 192 lower mantle 537 lower mantle 568 Volume, Mass, Density, Energy, Heat, and Heat Flow first order model – composition and phase layers inner core outer core lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust volume (m^3) 7.63E+18 1.69E+20 6.00E+20 2.67E+20 4.03E+19 1.08E+21 mass (kg) 9.83E+22 1.83E+24 2.92E+24 9.63E+23 1.25E+23 5.94E+24 average density (kg/m^3) 1.29E+04 1.08E+04 4.87E+03 3.61E+03 3.11E+03 5.48E+03 internal energy (J) 3.15E+29 5.35E+30 9.12E+30 2.09E+30 1.20E+29 1.70E+31 zeroth order model - composition layers core mantle lithosphere whole Earth volume (m^3) 1.77E+20 8.66E+20 4.03E+19 1.08E+21 mass (kg) 1.93E+24 3.88E+24 1.25E+23 5.94E+24 average density (kg/m^3) 1.19E+04 4.24E+03 3.11E+03 5.48E+03 internal energy (J) 5.67E+30 1.12E+31 1.20E+29 1.70E+31 heat sources (W) 9.85E+11 1.11E+12 2.43E+13 8.22E+12 8.17E+12 4.28E+13 total heat flow (W) 9.85E+11 2.10E+12 2.64E+13 3.46E+13 4.28E+13 4.28E+13 heat sources (W) 2.10E+12 3.25E+13 8.17E+12 4.28E+13 total heat flow (W) 2.10E+12 3.46E+13 4.28E+13 4.28E+13 Relative Volume, Mass, Energy, Heat, and Heat Flow first order model – composition and phase layers inner core outer core lower mantle upper mantle lithosphere whole Earth continental crust ocean crust relative volume 7 156 554 246 37 1000 relative mass 17 308 492 162 21 1000 relative internal energy 19 315 537 123 7 1000 relative heat relative sources heat flow 23 23 26 49 568 617 192 809 191 1000 1000 1000 zeroth order model - composition layers core mantle lithosphere whole Earth relative volume 163 800 37 1000 relative mass 325 654 21 1000 relative internal energy 333 659 7 1000 relative heat relative sources heat flow 49 49 760 809 191 1000 1000 1000 convection model for an ideal gas force / area = viscosity x velocity gradient constant P = (ρ-Δρ)k(T+ΔT)/mp force = Δρ(πru2 ΔR)gR ΔR cylinder area = 2πruΔR Δρ(πru 2 ΔR)g R/(2πruΔR) = η Δvmass/Δr Δr vmass ru Δρ ru gR / 2 = η Δvmass/Δr vmass = Δρ ru gR Δr / 2η what if you have molten rocks? Typical Cartoon of Mantle Convection and Plumes Stacey318 Radiogenic Heat Flow (W) Radiogenic Heat Flow (W) 120E+12 100E+12 Total U-235 80E+12 K-40 U-238 60E+12 Th-232 40E+12 20E+12 0000E+00 -5 -4 -2 -3 Time (BY) -1 0 Thermally important radioactive elements in the Earth μW/kg estimated total energy/atom μW/kg of isotope of total Earth heat (MeV) isotope element content (kg) (1012 W) total heat 4.5 BYA (1012 W) 238U 47.7 95 94.35 13.15x1016 12.5 25.1 235U 43.9 562 4.05 0.0954x1016 0.54 45.1 232Th 40.5 26.6 26.6 47.2x1016 12.56 15.7 0.0035 7.14x1020 (total K) 2.5 30.2 28.1 117.3 40K total 0.71 30 These energies include all series decays to final daughter products. Average locally absorbed energies are considered; neutrino energies are ignored. (after Stacey Table 6.2) Temperature Evolution (K) assume temperature changes linearly with time 6000 Core Temperature (K) 5000 Mantle 4000 3000 boundaries 4 BYA 2 BYA 0 BYA 2000 1000 0 0E+00 1E+06 2E+06 4E+06 3E+06 Radius (m) 5E+06 6E+06 7E+06 latent heat flow (W) latent heat flow (W) 4E+12 3E+12 2E+12 Core ICB Mantle 2 BYA after 2 BY of freezing 1E+12 now after 4 BY of freezing 000E+00 0E+0 1E+6 2E+6 3E+6 4E+6 5E+6 6E+6 7E+6 radius (m) based on Stacey before and after the Great Iron Catastrophe enclosed GBE vs. volume 2.5E+32 enclosed GBE (J) GBE (joules) 2.E+32 "average density" enclosed GBE (J) almost exactly 3GM2/5R 1.5E+32 1.E+32 5.E+31 0.E+00 0.E+0 2.E+20 4.E+20 6.E+20 8.E+20 1.E+21 1.2E+21 volume (m3) before and after the Great Iron Catastrophe shell ΔT vs. volume 40000 If iron accretes first, core is much hotter and mantle much cooler than if uniform composition accretes. (if layers retain all GBE) shell ΔT (K) 20000 0 -20000 -40000 0.E+0 2.E+20 4.E+20 6.E+20 8.E+20 volume (m3) 1.E+21 1.2E+21 models of growth of continental volume (%) 100 75 50 1992 geochemical BYA: % 0: 100 0.6: 90 2.6: 10 3.6: 0 4.5: 0 25 0 4 3 2 BYA 1 0 from VanAndel Fig. 13.6 The Atmosphere size of layers density, mass, gravity, pressure, volume composition – nitrogen oxygen water argon carbon dioxide aerosols material properties temperature global energy budget and distribution – latitude season altitude heat flow sources absorbed sunlight Earth’s radiated energy air-sea interactions energy transport: convection, conduction, radiation mass flow in convection evolution of the atmosphere – composition structure density circulation origin of the atmosphere Average Global Energy Budget (W/m2) 343 planet (21 + 69 + 16) + (22 + 90 + 125) = 343 incident reflected outgoing shortwave flux shortwave flux longwave flux 343 21 69 16 22 90 125 surfaceatmosphere heat transfer atmosphere emitted by clouds back scattered by air absorbed by clouds emitted by surface reflected by clouds 20 emitted by H2O, CO2, aerosols 12 0 absorbed absorbed by H2O, CO2, by clouds aerosols 48 absorbed by H2O, O3, aerosols emitted by H2O, CO2, aerosols reflected by surface 169 390 327 24 8 16 sensible heat flux 16 90 latent heat flux 90 surface (20 + 48) + (120 + 248 + 16 + 90) = 542 after Salby45, etc. atmosphere (90 + 125) + 327 = 542 169 + 327 = 496 surface 390 + 16 + 90 = 496 atmospheric composition (fraction by volume) Methane (CH4) 0.000001745 Helium (He) 0.00000524 values are for dry air water vapor is shown as an additional 1% but varies enormously Krypton (Kr) 0.00000114 Neon (Ne) 0.00001818 Carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.000381 Argon (Ar) 0.00934 Nitrogen (N2) Oxygen (O2) Argon (Ar) Oxygen (O2) 0.20946 Carbon dioxide (CO2) Neon (Ne) Helium (He) Nitrogen (N2) 0.78084 Methane (CH4) Krypton (Kr) Hydrogen (H2) Water vapor (H2O) composition by mass? Hydrogen (H2) 0.00000055 Water vapor (H2O) 0.01 Temperature vs. Altitude f Sun Thermosphere Temperature of the atmosphere -130F 60 miles 50 Mesosphere 40 30 miles -70F 75% of air 32F ozone layer Stratosphere 20 10 Troposphere 60F sea level ocean After Tarbuck temperature (K) 400 300 200 100 0 0 20000 40000 80000 60000 altitude (m) 100000 120000 temperature (K) 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 ~6.6 K per kilometer 0 2000 6000 4000 altitude (m) 8000 10000 Density (kg/m3) Density (kg/m3) 1E+0 1E-1 ~10X decrease per 15-20 km ascent 1E-2 density (kg/m3) calculated density (kg/m3) 1E-3 1E-4 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 altitude (m) Calculated Enclosed Mass (kg) Enclosed Mass (kg) 5E+18 half of the mass of the atmosphere is below an altitude of 6 km and is enclosed in a volume of 500 million km2 x 6 km or 3 billion km3 or 3x1018 m3 4E+18 3E+18 2E+18 1E+18 0E+00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 altitude (m) 0.12 Equinox Solar Flux vs. Time of Day Equator 0.1 Tropic of Cancer 0.08 0.06 0.04 Arctic Circle 0.02 North Pole 0 0 midnight 4 8 6 am 12 Noon 16 20 6 pm 24 midnight 0.12 Summer Solstice Solar Flux vs. Time of Day Tropic of Cancer 0.1 0.08 0.06 North Pole 0.04 0.02 0 24 2 Midnight 4 6 6 am 8 10 12 Noon 14 16 18 6 pm 20 22 24 Midnight 2000 Spectrum of Sunlight observed on Earth visible window scattering by N2, O2 and aerosols Intensity 1500 sun is directly overhead no clouds direct beam only absorption by ozone, water, and CO2 1000 500 0 0.3 0.5 UV Visible 1 1.5 Infrared 2 2.5 Wavelength 3 Ultraviolet Average Flux at 35N on Summer Solstice Absorption Losses Scattering Losses Flux at Surface 50 Flux (W/m^2) 40 30 20 10 0 cda cma dda atmospheres dma Field - solar flux code Visible Solar Energy 0.5 micron peak Sun is 6000K Sun 2 Blackbodies 1 Greenhouse CO2 and H2O gases absorb far infrared atmosphere transparent to visible light Earth Far Infrared Energy 10 micron peak Earth is 300K Blackbody Radiation 300 5800K solar energy absorbed by Earth Intensity 250 200 373K water boils 150 100 273K water freezes 255K atmosphere 50 0 0 5 10 Wavelength 15 20 25 30 l Greenhouse Gases Absorb Blackbody Radiation 30 288K Earth's surface Intensity 25 20 CO2 O3 15 H2O 10 255K atmosphere 5 0 0 5 10 15 Wavelength (microns) 20 25 30 l f Sun Average Visible Reflectances of common substances Clouds 50% Sand 40% Water 8% Plants 15% Soil 20% Snow 60% Energy Transfer in a Day 0.12 What is the hottest time of day? 0.1 0.08 heat gain desert heat loss 0.06 ocean heat loss 0.04 land heat loss 0.02 0 24 2 Midnight 4 6 6 am 8 10 12 Noon 14 16 18 6 pm 20 22 24 Midnight atmospheric circulation bottom heated absorbed heat peaks at Equator no rotation with rotation Average Global Energy Budget (W/m2) 343 incident shortwave flux 343 planet (90 + 16) + (22 + 215) = 343 reflected outgoing shortwave flux longwave flux 90 16 22 215 absorbed and reflected by clouds, H2O, O3, aerosols atmosphere emitted by surface 368 368 surfaceatmosphere heat transfer absorbed and emitted by clouds, H2O, CO2, aerosols 106 106 68 68 latent and sensible heat flux reflected by surface 169 390 327 106 surface (68) + (368 + 106) = 542 after Salby45, etc. atmosphere (215) + 327 = 542 169 + 327 = 496 surface 390 + 106 = 496 OASES HW #2B incident SW flux W/m2 use global 343 averageuse global average =90/343 gas SW reflection 0.262 =68/343 gas SW absorption 0.198 =368/390 gas LW absorption 0.944 surface SW reflection 0.086 surface SW absorption 0.914 surface latent and sensible heat 0.214 surface LW net absorption 0.786 =16/(169+16) =1-C6 =106/(169+327) =1-C8 fraction of unity 343 ©Bob Field 2006 fraction of unity HW2B =C4*C2 above absorbs from above gas SW absorption W/m2 only absorbs 68fromonly =C5*C16 gas LW absorption W/m2 =C10+C11 gas W/m2 368 not counting436 non-radiative flux non-radiative flux not counting =C7*(1-C3-C4)*C2 surface SW absorption W/m2 169 =E14*(C12+C17) surface LW absorption W/m2 +LH+SH 327 =C13+C14 surface W/m2 496 =C15-C17 radiating flux W/m2 390 =C8*C15 latent and sensible heat W/m2 106 =(C16/0.0000000567)^0.25 surface temperature K +LH+SH 0.603 =327/(327+215) E14 fillfill in in E14 !!! !!! LW down LW down welling fraction welling fraction gasgas to Earth from to Earth 288 Use the information in the diagram Use the information in the diagram of a simplified global ener Every row is a fra Use physics andsens com Use physics and common SW is short wavelen SW is short wavelength as in Hintto - Be Hint - Be sure accs bonus gas temperature K =((C12+C17)*(1-$E$14)/0.0000000567)^0.25planet temperature K =(((C12+C17)*(1-$E$14)+(C16-C11))/0.0000000567)^0.25 248 254 The Oceans size of layers density, mass, gravity, pressure, volume composition – water salt dissolved gases and organics particulates organisms material properties temperature global energy budget and distribution – latitude season altitude heat flow sources absorbed sunlight air-sea interactions energy transport: convection, conduction, radiation mass flow in convection evolution of the ocean – salt ice evaporation flow patterns depth area origin of the ocean Elemental composition of sea water (by mass) Sulfur 0.0885 Magnesium 0.135 Sodium 1.05 Calcium 0.04 Potassium 0.038 Bromine 0.0065 Chlorine 1.9 Carbon 0.0026 Oxygen Hydrogen Hydrogen 10.8 Chlorine Sodium Magnesium Sulfur Calcium Potassium Oxygen 85.7 Bromine Carbon wikipedia Abundance of Dissolved Gases Ratio of Total Amount in Ocean Gas Dry Air Sea Water to Atmosphere N2 78% 12 ppm 0.004 O2 21% 7 ppm 0.01 CO2 0.036% 90 ppm 62 H2O 0.3% 97% 100,000 vapor transport 10 precipitation precipitation 27 evaporation & transpiration 17 94 evaporation percolation 104 return flow 10 oceans hold 340 M cubic miles units - 1000 cubic miles/year groundwater flow After Stowe global average of 40 inches of precipitation per year recycles 120,000 cubic miles of water Sea Water & Fresh Water Oceans hold 97.4% of Earth’s water with a sphere depth of 1.7 miles Reservoir Fresh% Sphere Depth Atmosphere 0.04 1 inch Lakes 0.4 1 foot Ground Water 25 60 feet Polar Caps & Ice 75 180 feet from Stowe 500 million square km area x 3 km depth = 1.5x109 km3 volume of stored water Reservoir Oceans Ice caps & glaciers Groundwater Lakes Soil moisture Atmosphere Streams & rivers Biosphere volume of water (106 km³) 1370 29 9.5 0.125 0.065 0.013 0.0017 0.0006 1408.7047 Percent of total 97.25 2.05 0.68 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0001 0.00004 1.4x109 km3 volume x 1000 kg/m3 x 109 m3/km3 = 1.4x1021 kg wikipedia Average reservoir residence times Reservoir Oceans Glaciers Seasonal snow cover Soil moisture Groundwater: shallow Groundwater: deep Lakes Rivers Atmosphere Average residence time (years) 3,200 years 20 to 100 years 2 to 6 months 1 to 2 months 100 to 200 years 10,000 years 50 to 100 years 2 to 6 months 9 days wikipedia Ocean and Atmosphere simplified heuristic models 1. An Earthlike planet rotates on its axis. There is no atmosphere. The planet is dry except for an ocean located on the Equator in a canal that is three kilometers deep and 3000 km wide (or less) and encircles the planet. Ignore any non-uniform heating effects from the Sun. I claim that the steady state solution is that the ocean water moves with the Earth so that an observer on Earth sees no currents in the ocean. True or False? 2. Would the same argument also apply if the entire featureless planet were covered with 3 km deep water? The equatorial bulge of the Earth due to its rotation will also appear in the global ocean so that the water depth would be 3 km at all latitudes. Since no water is flowing between latitudes, no Coriolis effects will appear even though water at different latitudes has different velocities but the same angular velocity. Therefore I claim that on a water covered planet, an observer would observe no currents in the ocean relative to the sea floor. True or False? 3. The same argument applies to the atmosphere of a featureless planet whether or not there is an ocean covering it. No winds appear as long as the planet is uniformly heated. If the ocean is top heated uniformly and the atmosphere is bottom heated uniformly, then the ocean will still have no currents, but the atmosphere will have a vertical air flow (thermals) that resembles Benard cells, but no Hadley cells between latitudes. True or False? 4. Do local perturbations produce transient flow patterns due to flow instabilities particularly in the lower viscosity atmosphere? 5. In the case of non-uniform heating, fluids flow between latitudes and the velocity differences between masses of air (and water) at different latitudes produce Coriolis effects. True or False? ocean conveyor belt http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/rbehl/ConvBelt.htm Thermohaline (temperature- and salinity-controlled density) circulation of the oceans can be simplistically defined by a great conveyor belt. In this model, warm, salty surface water is chilled and sinks in the North Atlantic to flow south towards Antarctica. There, it is cooled further to flow outward at the bottom of the oceans into the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific basins. After upwelling primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the water returns as surface flow to the North Atlantic. While traveling deep in the ocean the originally nutrientdepleted water becomes increasingly enriched by organic matter decomposition in important nutrients (e.g., phosphate, nitrate, silicate) and dissolved CO2. Figure courtesy of Jim Kennett and Jeff Johnson, University of California Santa Barbara. Ocean currents distribute nutrients and moderate temperatures by transferring tropical heat to arctic surface currents are driven by winds which result from non-uniform heating of the globe Keith Stowe, Exploring Ocean Science Sun pelagic zone (water column) Ocean Zones pelagic / benthic plankton & nekton Sun 10% 50' 0' 300' 40' 15' 2' UV V B G Y O R IR photic zone (light) Ocean Zones aphotic zone photic / aphotic (dark) f Sun pelagic zone (water column) Ocean Zones pelagic / benthic photic / aphotic photic zone (light) aphotic zone (dark) f Nereus & 50 Nereid Sun neritic province oceanic province (above continental shelf) (beyond continental shelf) pelagic zone (water column) Ocean Zones pelagic / benthic photic / aphotic neritic / oceanic photic zone (light) aphotic zone (dark) f space and Sun Sun water world atmosphere photic zone (light) pelagic zone (water column) aphotic zone (dark) “continental crust” oceanic crust Sun atmosphere ocean continental crust oceanic crust f Sun atmosphere upwelling continental crust ocean stellar temperature SolarSeaFlux Flow Chart ©Bob Field 2003 stellar radius blackbody radiation reduced by inverse square distance flux above atmosphere radius of planetary orbit atmospheric absorption and scattering losses flux above sea surface wavelengths atmospheric composition: absorbers & scatterers reflection losses and refraction at air-sea surface incidence angle seawater absorption and scattering losses polarizations seawater composition: absorbers & scatterers seawater depth horizontal receiving surface flux reflected by air-sea interface transmission angle flux spectrum incident on horizontal surface flux spectrum absorbed in last meter flux spectrum scattered in last meter absorption and scattering coefficients of air and water 10 10 actual curves of components depend on concentrations ( l 0) ( l 0 ) ( l 0 ) 1 p ( l 1 ) ( ( l 0 ) ( l 0 ) ) y ( l 2 ) ( ( l 0 ) ( l 0 ) ) g( l 3 ) ( ( l 0 ) ( l 0 ) ) air( l ) air( l ) air( l ) air( l ) ( ( l 0) ( l 0) ) 0.1 0.01 0.01 30 0 l1 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 l 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 l2 Field - solar sea flux code transmitted sunlight in pure water vs. depth (0, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 meters) max 0.8 0.6 Tz l z k 0 Hy ( l ) 0.4 0.2 0 0 30 0 l1 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 l Hx( l ) 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 l2 Field - solar sea flux code zone areas surface area (m2) disk area (m2) 3E+14 2.6E+14 2E+14 1.3E+14 1E+14 1.0E+14 6.4E+13 3.1E+13 3.1E+13 0E+00 torrid temperate 2.1E+13 1.8E+12 frigid hemisphere zone temperatures average temperature (K) noon peak temperature (K) 400 350 361 361 353 300 287 250 269 255 250 200 195 150 100 50 0 torrid temperate frigid hemisphere required latitudinal heat outflow (W) 7E+15 6E+15 5E+15 4E+15 3E+15 2E+15 1E+15 0E+00 0 10 20 30 40 50 latitude (degrees) 60 70 80 90 hypothetical air speed or water speed (m/s) 1.5 air speed (m/s) water speed (m/s) 1.0 air delta T = 40 K 4000 m high column density = 1.228 kg/m3 specific heat = 1000 J/kg-K 0.5 water delta T = 10 K 10 m deep column density = 1000 kg/m3 specific heat = 4186 J/kg-K 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 latitude (degrees) 60 70 80 90 water 1/mfp (1/m) vs. wavelength 1E+4 1E+3 1E+2 1E+1 1E+0 1E-1 1E-2 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 wavelength (nm) Flux absorbed per meter (W/m3) flux absorbed per meter vs. depth (m) 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 depth (m) 20 25 30 Organisms and Ecosystems 1700 pounds of particulate is detritus 240 pounds phytoplankton 60 pounds zooplankton 1 pound of large animals Sun ocean 60 tons of organic matter in ocean is dissolved organic molecules (yellow matter) one ton of organic matter in ocean is particulate after Stowe 86% of particulate is detritus = 30 gC/m2 12% is phytoplankton = 4 gC/m2 3% is zooplankton = 1 gC/m2 0.05% is large animals = 0.02 gC/m2 Sun ocean 98.3% of all organic matter in ocean is dissolved organic molecules = 2000 gC/m2 1.7% of all organic matter in ocean is particulate = 35 gC/m2 after Stowe Distribution of Animal Species 200,000 ocean animal species (98% benthic) 4,000 pelagic animal species one million land animal species (75% insects) Plant Production Open Ocean Ocean Fish Production Land Upwelling Coastal Upwelling The land is over three times more productive per square mile than the oceans. There is more carbon production on land (25 billion tons per year) Open Ocean than the much greater oceans (20 billion tons per year), even though the Earth is 72% ocean. In the oceans, the coastal areas account for 18% of the plant production but only 10% of the area. Upwelling areas account for 0.5% of the production but only 0.1% of the area. after Keith Stowe, Exploring Ocean Science Ocean Fish Productivity/Area Plant Productivity/Area 200 175 150 100 75 50 Upwelling 125 150 Land Upwelling 200 100 Coastal waters Open Ocean 50 Coastal Open waters Ocean 25 0 0 Tjeerd van Andel, Science at Sea: Tales of an Old Ocean considerations universe requirement oceans recycles per year steps of bacterial decompostion* nitrogen phosphorus 200 15 1 1 6 1 10 4 3 1 *before sinking below the photic zone from Stowe & Thurman Seasonal Abundance of Sunlight, Nutrients, Phytoplankton, Grazers Nutrients Phytoplankton Jan Sunlight Grazers Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec After Stowe 276 productivity (gC/m /day) 2 0.9 continental shelf 0.6 0.3 central ocean 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec after Keith Stowe, Exploring Ocean Science high latitudes productivity (gC/m /day) 2 0.9 temperate 0.6 0.3 central ocean 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec after Keith Stowe, Exploring Ocean Science continental shelf Sun annual carbon cycle in the atmosphere 110 93 109 +1 7 -7 90 ocean billions of tons of carbon +3 Sun where is the carbon? (billions of metric tons) carbon dioxide gas in atmosphere 700 humus 2000 sediments 20,000,000 photosynthesis removes 4 billion tons of carbon from atmosphere per year Dissolved organic matter ~2000 fossil fuels 5000? from Biology of plants 5th Ed. by Raven et al. page 115 dissolved gas 40,000 ocean deep ocean 38,000,000 Molecules and Cells What do cells do? Modern cells are chemical factories: complex, highly efficient, self-replicating. Cells store and release energy to build up and break down biomolecules... Store, exchange, and transform: matter energy information The Origin of Life Complex molecules form and evolve Simple proto-cells form and evolve Modern cells evolve and diversify All living things are related to a common ancestor 5 kingdoms: bacteria algae fungus plant animal Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach The natural of molecules is the The cell is selection the building block of life. essence of the origin and evolution of life. All cells are descended from cells. C H O Life’s Origin page 15 by Walter Schopf A Mammal Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen A,Sulfur B, and Phosphorus Calcium 2.4 C 0.13 are 0.13 0.23 S N B Bacteria P C Comet What are building 61 the 63 56 26 29 31 blocks10.5of molecules? 6.4 10 all 1.4 0.06 about 0.12 - 97% 2.7 0.3 CHO 0.08 - many common molecules are made from CHONSP C H O O H H O C S N H O H O C H O P N O O O O H H O O N H P H H O N H O N H S C H S Methane can form new molecules O methanol methane H H O C H H formaldehyde formic acid biochemists give big names to small molecules CHONSP molecules are abundant in space: 100 tons per year of IPDs land on Earth (interplanetary dust particles) Cradle of Life pages 133-5 by William Schopf H H C O H H H C H O H H H C N H C C C C C H H C C O C H C C H H C C H H C C O H C N H H C C C N N C N H N C C N H C H Organic molecules have many variations on a few themes S fatty membrane spheres form naturally in meteors CO, H2, PO4 are building blocks of phospholipids found in cell membranes R Pi C C C C C C C C C C C C backbone of phospholipid (H and O not shown) glucose is a building block of carbohydrates H C H O H O H H C O H glucose O O C H H C O H H C H H H H C C O O H H O C O H C H C H H H O O C C C H O H H H C O 6 CH2O + energy + catalyst H C H O photosynthesis makes glucose from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water O O C C O O O C O O C O H H O H O C C O O 6 O2 H C O H Sunlight O H O H H H H O H O C H H H C H O C H O H H C C O O H O H O H H H H 6 CO2 glucose O 6 H2O glucose supplies energy to make ATP H H O C3H3O3 H C O H O C O C O C H H H glucose C H C O H O H H ATP H ATP C O ATP H ATP C H C O H C O C O C H H O H C3H3O3 aerobic fermentation makes 2 more ATP respiration liberates energy by oxidizing glucose into .... . O O O O H H O O O O O H H O O O 6 O2 H C O H H H C C O O C H H C C O O H H glucose O respiration liberates energy by oxidizing glucose into carbon dioxide and water O O C C O O O O C C O O O O C C O O 6 CO2 ATP ATPH ATP O C ATP H ATP HATP C ATP O H ATP ATP H H ATP ATP ATP C H ATP ATP ATP O C H ATP ATP ATP O ATP ATPH ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATP ATPH ATPC H ATP O C ATP O ATP H ATP ATP H O H O H H H O H O H H H O H O H H 6 H2O fructose is an isomer of glucose: table sugar forms by joining them H C H O C O H H H H H H C O O C H O C H H O H C H H C C O O H H H H C C H O O H H H C O H 6 CH2O + energy + catalyst C H O table sugar H2O G F cellulose G H2O G H2O G H2O G H2O G H2O G H 2O G simple sugar building blocks combine to form carbohydrates when water is squeezed out ribose is a building block of ATP, RNA.. H C ribose deoxyribose O H H H C H C H O H H H C H 5 CH2O + energy + catalyst C C O O H H H O C H H O C C H O O H H O H C H O nucleic acids are building blocks for energy and information in ATP, RNA... H C N H C N 5 HCN + energy + catalyst H H C N H C N C C N C H N H N N C H adenine H C N H C N Nucleotides are combinations of nucleic acids, ribose sugar, and inorganic phosphate H2O R D Pi Pi R Pi monophosphates relay signals within a cell H2O U G C T A Pi Pi Pi triphosphates transport energy for transfer RNAs, membrane synthesis, and sugar synthesis. R A Pi H2O H2O Pi R Pi R U H2O R C A Pi H2O R Pi G nucleotide building blocks combine to form RNA and DNA when water is squeezed out H H O C H O H C C H H H O C C H O O H H amino acids are readily made from simple molecules by adding energy H O water glycine H H H O H N C C O H H H C O H H C N formaldehyde hydrogen cyanide amino acids are readily made from simple molecules by adding energy H O water generic H amino acid H H H O N C C H O H H C O R H C N hydrogen cyanide “R”-aldehyde amino acids are building blocks of proteins that function as enzymes and structures H H O H N C C O H H O H N C C H C H H H H H H H C C C C O H N C C H C H O H H C C C N O H H C H H H all 20 amino acids have the same backbone C H O N S and all have H and OH on the ends ribosomes synthesize proteins by translating mRNA to tRNAs that are attached to amino acids 1 H2O H2O H2O 2 3 H2O 4 H2O 5 H2O 6 H2O 7 H2O 8 9 G U A C G C A U A C AA U G U C A G G C U G A U C C U A C U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA after Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach ribosomes reuse tRNA and mRNA not necessarily an intelligent design H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O His Ala Tyr Val Thr Val Arg Leu Gly some of the 20 amino acids are represented by more than one of the 64 triplet codons G U A C G C A U A C AA U G U C A G G C U G A U C C U A C U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA after Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach Catalysts are vital to many processes: Proteins help produce complex molecules Modern cellular processes are highly regulated after Trefil and Hazen The Sciences: An Integrated Approach Which self-replicating molecules came first? DNA+RNA+Protein World RNA+Protein World RNA World no record of early biochemistry Peptide (PNA) World? Thioester World? Clay World? Molecular and metabolic evolution may be relatively simple and rapid Chance affects diversity and abundance Necessity provides natural selection All inheritable biological changes are based on molecular evolution D A Pi D T Pi D C Pi D A Pi D G Pi mRNA provides the message to link amino acids into proteins His Ala Tyr Val Thr Val Arg Leu Gly How does a computer “design” its own software? U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA How does information evolve? U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 5 duplication 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 How does information evolve? U G CAU GC GUAU GU UACAGU C C GAC UAG GAU GA 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 5 deletion and insertion 1 4 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 H H O C H H C O H C O H H H C O H H C O H H C O H H O H N C C O H H H C H H CCC C C H H C CC N H H The Facts of Life All cells come from other cells All cells have membranes, proteins, carbs, & DNA All cells use similar metabolic processes All cells use the same genetic code for replication C C C C C C C C His Ala Tyr Val Thr Val Arg Leu Gly All 1cells descended from a last common ancestor 2 R Pi C C C C The first cells came from non-cellular materials and were much simpler than any modern cells D A G UA C G C AU G CAU G C G UAU G U UACAG U C C GAC UAG GAU GA Pi D T Pi D C Pi D Pi A R A D Pi G Pi Pi Pi Let me be crystal clear: Complex patterns do not require intelligent designers! http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/photos/photos.htm Eukaryotes are world champs of multicellularity and cell differentiation Identical Cells Multiply by Dividing Identical cells differentiate to develop into a multicellular organism protocells feed on molecules replication processes evolve LCA bacteria metabolic processes evolve archaea eucarya sulfur hotter hot salt sun methane lateral and vertical proto gene transfer cell Last common ancestor appears LCA branches into The first eukaryote grew archaebacteria, eubacteria, and 10,000 times larger than eukaryote predecessors other bacteria because its metabolic processes diversify membrane lostevolve its cell wall. autotrophs Multicellularity (the labeled branches) evolved independently a number of times Animals Fungi Red algae Green algae Plants Brown algae Diatoms Eukarya Ciliates Sorogena last common ancestor Myxomycetes Cellular slime molds Foraminifera A molecular phylogeny of the major groups of organisms, showing that multicellularity (the labeled branches) evolved independently a number of times. The tree is based on a small subunit of the ribosomal RNA. The rectangles indicate terrestrial groups. Methanosarcina Myxobacteria Cyanobacteria Actinomycetes Archaea Bacteria 2 2 4 8 8 32 16 128