Course Expectations for - My CCSD

Course Expectations for:
Tech Theatre II/III/IV
Mrs. Chadwick
Room 404/405
Ext. 4097
This course is designed to continue the practice of technical skills used in theatrical production. Students will review and/or be
instructed in safety procedures and regulations, stage lighting, sound, scenery construction, stage hardware, costuming, properties,
theatre architecture, theatre management and backstage responsibilities. Students will develop a portfolio of their work in
technical theatre. All Technical Theatre students are required to work on Liberty High School theatre department productions in
some technical capacity. There will be required work calls after school and on Saturdays during productions. There is a
$30 course fee.
To understand the importance of safety in the theatre and to apply basic principles of safety training in a theatrical
2. To learn and apply basic elements of theatre design through classical and contemporary script analysis.
3. To learn the history and organization of the technical staff in a theatrical production.
4. To develop skills in technical aspects of theatrical production.
5. To use basic hand tools required in technical theatre.
6. To apply artistic discipline in collaboration with others.
7. To learn techniques of scene painting.
8. To examine how scenic techniques have changed throughout history.
9. To interpret and implement design drawings in the set up of a production.
10. To identify and assemble various scenery units.
11. To operate various kinds of backstage equipment safely.
12. To assist in the acquisition and maintenance of theatrical properties and costumes.
13. To explore and apply research of historical theatrical properties and costumes.
14. To examine the use of stage make-up in a theatrical production.
15. To use developed skills in theatrical production.
16. To examine careers in technical theatre.
17. To develop a professional resume and portfolio.
18. To design specific technical elements and *integrate them into a total theatrical production concept.
19. To examine and implement the management responsibilities of crew leadership.
20. To examine and implement stage and house management responsibilities in a theatrical production.
21. To examine contemporary developments in theatrical design and special effects.
22. To synthesize knowledge of life and other arts into technical theatre.
23. To read and analyze important classical and contemporary theatrical literature.
By the completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of safety regulations in the theatre.
2. Demonstrate skills in the technical aspects of a theatrical production.
3. Demonstrate practical applications and varied uses of stage lighting and sound equipment.
4. Correctly identify all tools, lighting instrumentation, stage scenery, and special effects equipment used in our theatre.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the construction of different types of stage scenery.
6. Construct a set for actual productions.
7. Design classical and contemporary character costume and make-up and develop morgues for each.
8. Design classical and contemporary stage settings, lighting effects, sound effects and properties for productions.
9. After completing Technical Theatre III and IV, the student will be able to successfully complete a CTE exit exam and
Portfolio review
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-Students are required to have a composition notebook for this class.
-Students are expected to keep all course materials and notes for the duration of the semester.
-Students may write in blue or black ink or pencil in this course.
-Students are expected to come to class prepared, with all materials, daily.
All Advanced Tech students are required to be on the crew of at least production each semester and complete a minimum of 10
hours per quarter outside of class time. When on the running crew for a show, those hours will count toward the required 10
hours. Students will receive extra credit for hours worked over and above the required amount. Each student is required to write a
play critique of each production.
Student grades are based on
Daily Skills Practice (30%), which includes but is no limited to tech work plans, and working during class hours
Journal/Notes (15%) which includes think tanks and vocabulary
Pre-Performance/Tech hours/Quizzes (20%)
Performance Evaluation (35%) which includes but is not limited to projects, tests, peer and self evaluation of theatre department
required performances.
Crew/Work Hour Opportunities:
Saturday, September 27 – 9 AM- 5 PM
Nevada Thespian Technical Theatre Conference @ Arbor View High School
($30 fee due by Sept. 11 to participate in the Conference)
Monday, October 13 – 6:30 PM
Lip Sync Competition
There will be two additional rehearsals for this that are required if you work the show.
Wednesday – Saturday November 12-15 @ 6:30 PM
The Addams Family Performances
Saturday, November 15 @ 2:00 PM
The Addams Family Performances
Friday & Saturday, December 13 & 14 - 6:30 PM
Broadway Revue
Wednesday – Saturday, January 8 – 11
6:30 PM
Student Directed One Acts
Wednesday, Jan 15
Regional Registration Deadline
Tuesday, Jan 21 - 6:30 PM
Advanced Theatre/Regional Showcase
Thursday – Saturday, January 23-25
Nevada Thespian Regional @ BGHS
Thursday – Saturday, February, 20 – 22 6:30 PM
Nancy Drew Performances
Tuesday, February 25 – 1:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Hairspray Auditions
Wednesday, February 26 – 1:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Hairspray Auditions
Wednesday, March 5
Deadline for Nevada Thespian State Conference
Friday & Saturday, March 7 – 8 - 6:30 PM
Advanced Theatre Showcase
Monday – Friday, March 10-14
Fine Arts Week
Monday, March 10
Mime for a Day Benefit
Tuesday & Wednesday, March 11 & 12
Fine Arts Assemblies
Thursday, March 13 - 6:30 PM
Fine Arts Concert
Monday & Tuesday, March 17 & 18 - 1:30– 5:00 PM
Talent Show Auditions
Wednesday – Saturday, Mar 19-22
Nevada Thespian State Conference @ CSN
Tuesday, March 25 - 1:30 – 5:00 PM
Talent Show Rehearsal
Monday, March 31 - 1:30 – 5:00 PM
Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday, April 1 - 6:30 PM
LHS Talent Show
Wednesday & Thursday, May 6 & 7
Spring Musical Previews
Thursday – Saturday, May 7 – 10 - 6:30 PM
Work calls are not specified here, but will be scheduled in VSM and posted. Rehearsals for specific
shows will also be scheduled in VSM.
Participation in Liberty High School Theatre Productions
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Various production opportunities will be available for all Liberty High School students throughout the year. Because
success in theatre demands self-discipline and an educated mind, and because any students who participates in a production
represents the LHS Performing Arts Department and Liberty High School, a student who wishes to be involved in LHS
Theatre activities must satisfy the following criteria:
1. Student-Parent-Teacher contracts must be signed. Signed contracts must be signed and returned at the next rehearsal.
Attendance at rehearsals is imperative.
2. By signing this contract the student and parent state that he/she understands the rules and regulations set forth
and will attend all scheduled rehearsals. A come or call rule applies. If a student is out sick, they understand
they must call or they may jeopardize their role.
3. If a student misses, is late for or leaves early from three rehearsals (unexcused absences, no call/no show)
they may be dismissed from the play. An unexcused absence is any absence without 48 hours prior notice
or any absence with failure to put in a conflict or “call” by 9am due to illness or emergency. VSM (Virtual
Stage Manager) at is used for all conflict notifications and scheduled rehearsals.
4. After school rehearsals are necessary. Most plays are not rehearsed during regular class hours. It takes a lot of work
to mount a major theatrical production and all students are required to attend after school and specified
weekend rehearsals. There will most likely be some scheduled rehearsals over holidays and/or days of from
school. For those going out of town, notice must be given to Mrs. Chadwick at the time this contract is
5. Students must be dressed appropriately for all rehearsals and performances. No open toed shoes or flip-flops
will be allowed. All students must wear comfortable clothing in which to move freely. No short skirts or
heels allowed, (unless part of a costume.)
6. Transportation to and from rehearsals, performances and conferences is the responsibility of the student and parent.
Arrangements for transportation to and from rehearsals must be made BEFORE the day of rehearsal.
7. Each student must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA for the current grading period, which will be verified by periodic
contact with each instructor.
8. According to CCSD Policy, students MUST attend EVERY class period on the day of a performance or rehearsal or
they will not be allowed to participate in the rehearsal or performance. If a student misses a dress rehearsal, they are
not allowed to perform in the show following the dress rehearsal but must attend the performance in order to perform
in the next performance.
9. Each student must show leadership by displaying admirable behavior qualities, building rather than destroying
cooperation and productivity.
10. Students must follow all written and spoken safety regulations or they will be discharged from the show.
11. Students representing Liberty by participating in competition, performing on stage or working as a technician in a
production are expected to present themselves as professionally as possible.
12. Each student must strive for a sound mind and body. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and/or the abuse of drugs are strictly
prohibited for the duration of the production including rehearsal weeks and production weeks. As always CCSD
polices regarding the abuse of these substances will be strictly enforced.
13. All food, drink and gum (except bottled water) are prohibited in the theatre and theatre classroom.
14. Students must be respectful of the theatre space and pick up after themselves following each rehearsal or event.
15. Technical staff (crews and tech theatre students) will have required Saturday work calls during productions. All
theatre students are encouraged to attend to help mount their production.
16. No cell phones or other electronic devices may be used during rehearsals accept during scheduled breaks or
with express permission of the Theatre Director.
17. Any student not adhering to these rules and all conduct/theatre etiquette behavior guidelines will be subject to
dismissal from the show.
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Audience Etiquette, A note from Mrs. Chadwick
Because our culture has rapidly moved from the art of live performance into the television and film industry, certain behavioral
standards have been lost. The longer I direct plays, the more I realize a desperate need to educate the public on "audience etiquette."
Participating as an audience member in live theatre performances is a communal act in which the actors, technical crews, and audience
share in the performance. Because it is a living art, the audience needs to respond differently than it might to film or TV. A noisy,
insensitive audience can destroy the concentration of the performers and frustrate audience members who want to concentrate on the
Here are a few guidelines to help you have a productive experience as a cast, crew or audience member:
 Dress for the occasion. Attending a live performance is often a special occasion. It costs money and takes special plans. Dress
nicely to celebrate the event!
 Be prompt. Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the theatre and be seated. If the performance has already started, most theatres
will wait to seat you till intermission or a scene break. We try to follow this policy, because in many productions, cast members are
making entrances from the aisles in the auditorium. Also, this gives you time to review the program. If you are late or have had to
leave the theatre for any reason during the performance, please do not attempt to enter until an usher opens the door for you.
 No food or drink allowed. Please do not bring food, drink or gum into the theatre. Concessions will be available in the lobby but
must be consumed before re-entering the theatre.
 Be considerate. If you have to pass in front of people in your row to get to your seat, politely and quietly excuse yourself, and
proceed slowly with as little disturbance as possible.
 No Flash Photography. Flash photography during a live performance is dangerous to the performers. If you wish to take photos
please do not use a flash. Not only is it distracting to the other audience members, but, it can momentarily blind the actors and/or
crewmembers and cause them to loose concentration, focus and balance.
 No video taping unless pre-arranged with the theatre director. In most cases, videotaping is against copyright laws and strictly
prohibited by the licensing agents.
 Respect property. Don't spread out your belongings to the seats around you, even if they are empty. Please remove all hats when
entering the theatre. Never put your feet on the seat in front of you.
 Keep as quiet as possible. Talking, whispering, or unwrapping gum or candy will disturb other audience members and the actors.
Even coughing can cause a distraction, although many times it can't be helped.
 Turn off your beepers and cell phones!
 Young children. Children are welcome, however many plays can be quite long for them. If you have young children who have
difficulty sitting still and being quiet find a care provider for them and enjoy an evening away from the kids. If you wish to bring
them please take them into the courtyard outside the theatre if they become restless or noisy.
 Participate. Bring your active listening and imagination skills to the performance. Let your emotions respond to the message and
environment of the theatre.
 Stay and enjoy the entire performance. Don't leave once the performance has started or at intermission unless there is an
emergency. It is so disheartening to the performers to see a full house for the first act and empty seats after intermission.
 Appreciate. It is appropriate to applaud at the beginning of a production if the setting is especially pleasing, at the end of a solo
performance or an act. It is not appropriate to "cat call" or holler names of performers in the play as they enter the stage. Give a
standing ovation if you feel the play is especially well done or if there is a truly outstanding performance.
 Reward Talent. If you want to recognize the contributions of a cast or production crewmember, arrange to send flowers or a card
backstage. If you bring flowers to the theatre, one of our staff members will be happy to deliver them back stage for you. Don't go
up to the stage yourself during the curtain call to present them on stage. We will have special "production grams" available for
purchase in the lobby before the show and at intermission. Our staff will be happy to deliver them for you back stage.
 Spread the word. If you have enjoyed the performance, tell a friend or acquaintance. Word of mouth is the best advertisement a
theatre company can get. Your recommendation means a lot to the students who have worked so hard to make the production
possible. There's nothing better than playing to a full house and there's nothing more disheartening than when the number of cast
and crewmembers exceeds the number of audience members.
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Student Name_______________________________________ Class Period_______________
From time to time in theatre classes we watch videos that are non-rated, rated PG or PG13. For example, many versions of
Shakespeare’s classics are non-rated. According to Clark County School District regulations, we must obtain your
permission for your child to watch a movie that is non-rated or rated PG or PG13.
I DO / DO NOT (please circle one) give my permission for my child to watch non-rated, PG or PG13 rated movies in the
theatre classroom when the movie is directly related to the curriculum being studied.
Yes, I have read and fully understand the theatre course expectations and required performance/evaluation policy.
Parent Signature__________________________________________Date________________
Student Signature_________________________________________Date________________
___________I am interested in helping in any way I can.
___________I am interested in helping with technical support (set construction [Saturday work
calls], costume construction, props gathering or construction…)
___________I am interested in helping as a production assistant (backstage) or in the box office on show days.
___________I can help by ________________________________________________________
Parent volunteer phone numbers: ___________________________________________________
We are seeking donations of any kind. We are in need of “period” clothing and hats, furniture
and small props and paper good. If you have something you would like to donate please contact
me by phone so I can make arrangements to get items picked up if necessary. Thank you for
helping us out.
Please return this form to Mrs. Chadwick as soon as possible.
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