WS 2-1 Waters Polarity

WS 2-1: Waters Polarity
1. What makes earth unique among all the planets in the solar system that we know about?
2. If there are 600 atoms of Hydrogen in a glass of water, how many atoms of Oxygen are in that water?
3. Explain why the oxygen atom in water has a slight negative charge.
4. What is the name of the bond formed between water molecules?
5. Finnish the following analogy to help explain the way water molecules stick together
Water molecules stick together like _________________. Though the oxygen of one water molecule
___________ to the Hydrogen of another water molecule, if two oxygen’s come near each other they
will ____________ and if two hydrogen’s come near each other they will __________.
6. Explain why the two pictures below are incorrect:
Analyses & Application Questions:
When heat energy is transferred to an object, its molecules begin to vibrate more rapidly. When an
object cools its molecules vibrations slow.
7. Why would hydrogen bonding keep water molecules from vibrating as more heat energy is added?
When liquid water boils, water molecules begin to move so quickly that they actually break away from
the water molecules around them and go into the air as steam.
8. What needs to break before a liquid water molecule can become steam?
9. Why would hydrogen bonding cause the boiling point of water to be so high?
10. If water couldn’t hydrogen bond, why would there be less liquid water on earth?
Water will freeze when the molecules slow down so much that every water atom becomes hydrogen
bound to each other.
11. Would liquid water ever freeze if something were added to water that stopped hydrogen bonds from
being able to form?
Water molecules before salt is added
Water molecules after salt is added
12. Looking at the picture above, can water form as many hydrogen bonds when salt is added?
13. Analyze the pictures below to determine why sprinkling salt on ice causes ice to melt.