Árbol genealógico

Nombre _____________________________________________________
Fecha _______________________________________________________
Árbol genealógico
Your árbol genealógico will have a mínimum of 10 family members.
You must turn your checklist in with your completed árbol genealógico. Spelling
does count! Make sure you are paying attention to the models and structure I’ve
included below.
I have at least 10 family members.
Some of my family members are masculino.
Some of my family members are feminina.
I used the correct possessive adjective of “my” before my family members.
Por ejemplo- “mi madre,” “mis hermanos.”
At least 5 of my family members have ages.
Mi sobrina Annaliese tiene 2 años. Mi sobrino Alec tiene 3 años.
I have included myself, with my name and age.
Me llamo Señora Benko. Tengo ____ años.
You are going to create a family tree. You may use your own family or you may invent a family.
Here are the requirements:
*Use something other than notebook paper. Your family tree should be no smaller than 8.5x11
inches, but no larger than 12x14 inches. Do not use lined notebook paper. You may use
computer paper, construction paper or a piece of posterboard cut to the correct size.
Title: Your project should be titled “La familia de ____________(your first and last name)
Double check that you have spelled everything correctly, and be sure to follow ALL directions!
Poster: Overall neatness, followed directions on size, title, something to represent each person,
layout, effort. _______/10 points
Vocabulary: Each person is labeled in Spanish (spelled correctly) and the possessive adjectives
mi/mis. ________/15 points
Speaking presentation: Three people are presented, introducing each person with “Este or
Esta”, name, correct possessive adjective, and one other fact about the person. ____/10 points.
Total: ______/35 points.
You must have something that represents each person. (Picture from magazine or comic
strips, button, pasta, bow, comic strip character, candies, etc. You may use pictures of
people, shoes, cars, pens, instruments- be creative!
Family members are presented in rows representing generations.
You must have at least 10 people, not including yourself. You may include pets, but they
don’t count as people.
Label everyone as he/she relates to you, using vocabulary in Spanish. (Mi hermano, mis
padres, etc.)
Use the correct possessive adjectives: Mi for singular family members, and Mis for plural
family members.
Include a name for each person.
Include yourself, labeled “Soy yo.”
For the speaking presentation, you are going to introduce us to three people. You will
tell us his/her name and one other thing about him/her. There should be some variety
in these comments. (Age, where he/she lives, nationality).
Example: Esta es mi tía. Ella se llama Marina. Ella es de Chicago.
Este es mi hermano. Él se llama Theo. Él tiene 14 años.