SIOP Lesson Plan

SIOP Lesson Plan
Date: Nov 9th
Unit/Theme: Mi familia
Grade/Class/Subject: 6th grade, Spanish class.
Content Objective(s):
SWBAT demonstrate knowledge of key vocabulary by designing their own family tree in Spanish.
SWBAT compare and contrast families in Spanish speaking countries with families in the US.
Language Objective(s):
SWBAT use key vocabulary to describe and explain their family tree to the class.
SWBAT discuss the similarities and differences between families in Spanish speaking countries and the
Key Vocabulary
Mi familia, la madre, la mamá, el padre, el papá, el
hermano, la hermana, la abuela, el abuelo, la hija,
el hijo, el tío, la tía, el primo, la prima, la madrastra,
el padrastro, el suegro, la suegra, la nieta, el nieto.
¿Quién es? Es el ____. Es la ____.
¿Cómo se llama tu ___? Se llama ____.
¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia? Hay ____.
¿Cuántos años tiene tu ____?
Adjetivos sobre personalidad y apariencia física:
Paciente, reservado/a, simpático/a, talentoso/a,
artístico/a, inteligente, impaciente, bueno/a,
ordenado/a, estudioso/a, gracioso/a, trabajador/a,
perezoso/a, deportista, sociable, serio/a,
misterioso/a, alto/a, bajo/a, gordo/a, flaco/a,
bonito/a, feo/a, rubio/a, pelirrojo/a, largo, corto.
Supplementary Materials
*Word splash based on pictures about famous tv
show families, Ss can easily identify.
*Matching exercises.
*Word sort
*Chant about family members
*Hot potato
*Matching exercise
*Sentences to fill in the gaps with the vocabulary.
*Tic tac toe
*Card board to develop the family tree.
SIOP Features
Adaptation of Content
Links to Background
Links to Past Learning
Strategies incorporated
Guided practice
Independent practice
Comprehensible input
Grouping Options
Whole class
Small groups
Integration of Processes
Linked to objectives
Promotes engagement
Lesson Sequence
1) TW divide the group in four groups. Each group will get a picture of famous people. SW discuss what
they see in the picture and will write on a white board 3 words that come to their minds when they see it.
2) Each group will show the words and picture to the others.
3) Ss will compare and contrast their pictures and words to pick only one word that describes the best the
relationship between the pictures.
4) TW show a picture of the Simpsons family to influence Ss word splash.
5) TW present the content and language objectives to the students by asking them to read them and
describing what they will be able to do during and after the class.
6) TW model how to label each family member on the picture of the Simpsons family with the words on
the board to check preknowledge.
7) TW check the matching outcome asking and answering questions about each family member:
¿Es Marge la mamá?
¿Quién es el papá de Lisa?
8) SW read sentences about the description of a family while reviewing the key vocabulary.
9) SW answer questions using the same family tree from the previous exercise while playing hot potato.
10) SW be divided into groups of five and will sing a short chant about family members. The group that
sings it better and faster will get a prize.
11) SW answer questions about the Simpsons family while playing thumbs up-thumbs down.
12) SW develop a word sort based on male and female words related to family members.
13) SW play tictactoe establishing the relationship among the different family members of the Simpson
14) SsW develop in pairs a guide where they have to write down the word that describes the relationship
between Bart Simpson and his family members.
15) SsW develop a Zip Around with questions and answers about Simpsons family members.
16) SsW go back to the pictures they saw at the beginning of the class and will describe the family tree.
17) TW model how to do a family tree using the following sentences about each family member:
Ella es mi _______.
MI mamá tiene _______ años.
Ella es bonita y amable.
Él es mi _______.
Mi hermano tiene _______ años.
Él es bonito e inteligente.
18) SW do, present and describe their family trees to the class.
19) After each presentation, a different SW ask a question to the one presenting.