WEATHER PATTERNS and CLIMATE STUDY GUIDE Study Guide Chapter 3: Weather Patterns Study your handouts and the study guide on page 102 High vs. Low Air Pressure Systems (pg. 78) Four Types of Air Mass - Figure 2 (pg. 73) North American Air Masses – Figures 3 (pg. 74) Types of Fronts and their symbols – Figure 5 (pg. 76) Understand how and where storms form – (pg. 81-83, 86-88) Reading Weather Maps – Figure 21 & 22 (pages 96 – 97 - 98) Vocab Words to study: Air Mass Maritime Continental Polar Tropical Warm Front Cold Front Stationary Front Occluded Front Thunderstorm Hurricane Storm Surge Lightning Tornado Meteorologist Practice Questions 1. What causes each type of front – warm, cold, stationary, occluded? What type of weather does each cause? 2. How is air pressure related to good and bad weather? 4. How do hurricanes and tornadoes form? What are the dangers of each? 6. How is information displayed on a weather map? * Weather Station Models* Study Guide Chapter 4: Climate 7 Climate change Study your class notes (Factors that Influence Climate) and the study guide on page 142 Temperature Zones – Figure 1 (pg. 109) Rain Shadow – Figure 4 (pg.112 - 113) The Seasons – Figure 7 (pg. 115) Vocab Words to study: Climate Tropical Zone Polar Zone Marine Climate Continental Climate Leeward Windward Monsoon Practice Questions 1. What factors cause a climate to be wet of dry? 2. What factors cause a climate to be warm or cold? 3. What causes the earth’s seasons? Temperate Zone