My Name is Michael Ringland, my electoral address is 2 Rosemont

My Name is Michael Ringland, my electoral address is 2 Rosemont Avenue, Woollahra. 2025 NSW.
My living address is 151 Ashbrookes Road Mount White 2250, NSW. My phone contact is
0417427398 and my email address is nickysdad@gmail,com. I have never made a submission to a
government authority, I hope this is acceptable, it is heartfelt.
I will begin this submission with the words of my Prime Minister Mr Tony Abbott. “Carbon dioxide is
(source: or the written text, I include a transcript of a
radio show featuring John Laws and Mr Abbott (I can’t vouch for the show, I never, ever listen to Mr
And imagine the administration costs of doing that? What’s the point of it if you take it away with
one hand and give it back with the other?
Exactly right. Even if they were trying to give it all back to you, there would still be the deadweight
costs, all the extra bureaucrats. See, one of the things that people haven’t quite twigged to is that
carbon dioxide is invisible, it’s weightless and it’s odourless.How are we going to police these
Given the level of understanding of Science underlying that quote I went to the CSIRO, and looked for
answers to a question of how to use the non-renewable resources to provide for the increased levels
of energy we consume, and an answer to the question is there a problem with the level of Carbon in
our atmosphere that requires us to consider using increased levels of non fossil fuel for our energy
The Government of Australia has provided me the answer. Yes, there is a level of concern, yes we
need to examine other sources to provide power. In my own case I have elected to pay additional
amount to get “green” energy from my energy supplier. I think this is a wonderful scheme, and would
urge it’s continuation.
I further checked check with NASA. That organisation provides us with detailed scientific
measurements of carbon levels, and they concur with the CSIRO, leading me to conclude that
“Huston, there is a problem” to paraphrase the movie Apollo 13.
Here’s what NASA say
I could quote sources from my New Scientist, Scientific America journals, or the IPCC. I tried to
download the 5th report, but my internet connection is wireless, and not sufficient to do that, I’m sure
you are familiar with it’s contents however.
My conclusions after years of interest in the topic is we should prepare ourselves for a continually
increasing temperature, beyond the records we have experienced in the last year. This means
minimising our emissions of carbon.
I have a further vested interest in provision of power. My life can depend upon it.
I own a property 60 Km North of Sydney, and Mount White, on the NSW central coast. I am
surrounded by native bush. I am fire aware, and have in place
a) A generator sufficient to power the house, air conditioning, water pumps, bore water and
associated farming requirements.
b) A bomb storage container / unit, obtained from the Department of Defence am told, The purpose
of this is to be a last resort shelter should an eventual fire occur (for which I have planned, rather than
hoped one would not eventuate).
c) a cleared area around my house, fire pumps and hoses at the ready 24/7.
d) Sufficient diesel to run my farm without street power for 3 months, then I need another truck load.
Like most rural people who grow their own food I am very aware of the combination of increased
heat, reduced humidity and rainfall creating a firestorm hazard sufficient to kill me and my wife and
any family visiting at the time. It is that serious.
I would hope you receive many submissions like mine, being from Australians who care about the
future generations being able to enjoy a lifestyle not dissimilar to mine. We will quote facts and
figures, but some sources I traced back to are of a local Plumber, perhaps intent upon increased
income from installing solar hot water units. I have one on an investment property in Sydney, it used
to be my home in the 1980’s - and the north facing roof was ideal for the “investment” of a solar hot
water unit. Hardly a money making investment, but one I felt was required if I had the resources to put
my money where my ideals are. It has been solar powering the house with hot water since.
“Renewable energy for (the period) ending December 2012, representing 13.14% of the total
production in Australia. For comparison, in 2011, 29,302 (GWh) of renewable sourced electricity was
produced (to year ending September 2011), representing 9.6% of the total electricity production….
development of renewable energy in Australia has been encouraged by government policy
implemented in response to concerns about climate change, energy independence and economic
stimulus. A key policy that has been in place since 2001 to encourage large-scale renewable energy
development is a mandatory renewable energy target, which in 2010 was increased to 41,000
gigawatt-hours of renewable generation from power stations” .
I obtained that information from the source for all internet “at home” scientists, Wikipedia.
In closing I would urge the facilitation of renewable energy supplies. Making carbon reduction a reality
is of prime importance to an Australian who wants this country to support my great grand children in a
manner different from the proposed eventuality should we not heed the warnings.
I am a retired physiotherapist who practiced “evidence based medicine” and worked to the principle
“First, do no harm”. I would urge this enquiry to adopt similar tactics.
Thanking you for your attention in this matter. Michael Ringland.