TREASURERS REPORT 16th December 2013
The 2013 year was one of the most difficult challenges that our
Board has had to endure since the disasters of 2006 and 2007.
Our financial position is not in a healthy state, despite all efforts by a
dedicated board and Management.
There are many reasons for this decrease in net profit, too numerous
to mention, i.e.:
Global Financial Crises
Many players and workers now work outside of our area
Non support of the club by certain sections of the club.
I do not believe that we should dwell in the past but because of the
numerous questions and innuendo, that relate to the financials, I
would like to remind all members of the financial performance of the
Club under the present committee:
The recent history of the Club’s financial results is as follows:
($62,290) Minus
($92,401) Minus
$74,270 Current Board's tenure
($79,570) Minus
I would like to thank my Board Members, Geoff, John, Mick, Ian,
Craig, all volunteers, who are always willing to put their hands up
and support the club with actions - not words.
I take my hat off and put my hand out to Geoff Turner, who, faced
with an extremely difficult dilemma in the resignation of the
President and a team member, stuck to his guns and headed up our
mc for the past few months, which I may add, with all the innuendo
and criticism which abounds in the club at the moment, has not been
pleasant to say the least.
I thank Natalie Moore and Ben Dean for their continued support of
the club, and of course my better half Jenny. Lindy and our
management team, John and Mark for a job well done in difficult
I thank our Rugby Team members, from Head Coach down to Under
6's for being truly dedicated people and doing a great job, (as results
clearly show).
No, the financial state of the club is not in a good state and I accept
responsibility. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, not that we
have addressed the losses from the Bistro. But believe me, there is a
bucket load of hard work to be done.
In Closing, I thank all the loyal members of this RUGBY CLUB, that
have provided continual support to the MC and me, and as
Treasurer, that if I leave this position, I am absolutely sure, that I
leave the position in a better place than it was, when we took over.
Thanks for your time and good luck to all in 2014.
I have attached the Q and A's as requested:-
Q and A
Alleygators AGM 2013
We thank you for your questions and have endeavoured to answer them the best that we can,
however statements that are personal opinions will not be included as question, we will we
comment if it is part of a direct question. This is in the light that we find one statement, derogatory
and untrue and there is at least one member of the board who is seeking legal advice to see if
Now to the Questions
Greg Williams
1. What has the Management committed done to address the dramatic decline in revenue (296,238)
(23%) Lower then 2012
The decline in revenue had some telling factors, as described in the treasurers report. Management
committee has endeavoured to lift the profile of the club and to address the problems caused by
losses in the Bistro. There are many high profile clubs on the Gold Coast and further afield, such as
Southport Bowls, that have folded given the current economic climate. This Board has been working
diligently in trying to keep our doors open. Whilst our results are not as we would prefer, we are still
operating, have positive assets, and a strong will to see the club thrive in the future to support our
Rugby Operations.
2. What has the management committee done to re-unite the club, given that one obvious reason
for the decline in revenue is that people have voted with their feet and left the club
This is a statement of opinion, not a question.
The decline in revenue, the board believes, is mainly to the economic climate and the fact that a
lot of our once supporting members (i.e. members that actually support the club by drinking here),
the very poor attendance to home games, and a big cause was the early lack of home games for
various reasons including atrocious weather which resulted in cancellation of home games.
Importantly, the Golden Oldies could support the club instead of being only a body that supports
themselves, i.e. having parties and meetings away from the club is a telling factor. We believe
Neil Taylor is working to remedy this situation.
We also get very little support from Junior Parents, a huge group, that enjoys the facilities that this
club offers and gives little in return in patronage.
The current Management Committee feels that the divisions within the Club are being caused and
widened by a small number of personnel in both the Golden Oldies and 'Old Boys' groups. It would
seem that this minority make their agenda and voices heard each year around the AGM - we do
not hear from them or see them assisting around the Club during the year.
We hasten to add that we have found that the morale and camaraderie in the senior rugby ranks
is the best that we have witnessed in many, many years, and is a credit to Troy, Robbo and Stinky
and their band of loyal volunteer helpers.
3. What has the management committee done to address the decline in membership?
Our Board has worked continually to try and improve the facilities at our Rugby Club. Mark and
John and Troy and Vicki have combined to try and put further events out, which one would hope,
would entice new comers to stay at the club. With the Boards decision to change the profile of the
Bistro, we have noticed an increase in new patronage. Well done Deb, John and Mark.
4. What has the Management committee done to encourage ordinary membership, so that we have
a strong, vested group of voting members?
The criteria for ordinary membership is quite apparent and measured membership is to protect
the integrity of the Rugby Club, and should not be offered to people who just show up for a game
of touch, who are never seen in the club, but use our facilities, especially on a Wed night.
5. Have membership renewal notices been sent to unfinancial members, particularly ordinary
No. When memberships are due, that fact will be announced by email or on our web page.
Members who support the club know when their membership are due. Mail outs ref membership
renewal could be a item for the new board to look at. Most major clubs around the coast do not
sent out renewal notices.
Q and A
Paul Toulson
(Note : The first part of this is a statement, not a question)
Questions for the AGM to any of the current board who are seeking re-election:
As a foundation member of PBC rugby club I have been actively involved in the building of both the
rugby club and the actual club premises for over 30 years until its peak in 2006.
Since the infamous “proxy voting” scandal of 2007 (which brought the majority of the current board
to power) I have noticed the steady decline in the clubs financial position and the licensed club
standards from a “family friendly” establishment to the “local public bar”.
We are all aware that the club has been declining and patron staying away and frequenting other
venues but after reading, the now published “Audited Financial statement” for 2013 it is apparent
that the situation is far graver that we had imaged and the club is in major financial trouble.
NOTE;- This is a statement not a question see the figures provided below with special, attention
to 2006 and 2007. The Proxy voting scandal you refer to is an urban myth. Both sides at that event
used proxies, as is entitled under the rules. Members of the current MC were scrutineers on that
night and can verify this.
1.Firstly can the treasurer confirm that the actual loss of trade for this financial being $144,175
(2012 profit $64,605 combined will 2013 loss $79,570).
This year's trading result is a loss of $79,570. The difference between last year's profit of $64,605
and this year's loss is indeed $144,175.
Secondly, it’s seems that the cash on hand / bank of $59,546 is already out weighted by the current
Liabilities of $67,504 – does this mean that we are bordering or are trading insolvent?
The auditor has confirmed the financial operation of the club. and No - if we were trading
insolvent, the independent auditor would have, by law, had to declare that fact. As per the
audited financial statement, the current assets are $136,869, the current liabilities of the club are
$91,099. As per the report, trade creditors were $22,079 and the remaining $45,425 is made up of
other creditors and accruals for the next 12-month financial year.
2. How much of the cash in hand/bank ($59,546) held in accounts is actually the trading clubs money
and how much is others monies i.e. juniors, reserves for poker jackpot, staff superannuation, staff
holiday pay etc.
The cash as presented in the financial statements represents the cash for the entire operation. We
are ONE CLUB. When I was voted in as Treasurer, I gave assurances to the President of the Juniors,
on behalf of the Board, that a sub committee's money would never be touched, an assurance I
have kept diligently during my tenure. I believe that this had been a problem in the past.
3. I was under the impression that Michael Howard resigned in January 2013, but the auditor’s
report (page 3) does not have (resigned) against his name, unlike Ken Caldow. Did Michael Howard
resign or not?
Michael Howard stood down from Secretary at the request of the President on the basis that he
remained on the MC., and that a secretary be appointed, however, when the matter went to the
special general meeting, John Lockery was elected. Information was supposed to be passed on to
department of fair trading by the President. John rang department of Fair Trading and was
informed that Michael Howard was indeed the Secretary, John Lockery remained as such as he
was elected by the members to do the secretary duties.
4. Of those planning to stand for re-election what magic tricks do they have, that they haven’t tried
over the last 4 years to turn the club finances around before it is lost forever? I think all members
deserve to hear from them prior to any vote taking place.
There are no magic tricks when it comes to managing an operation of the size and complexity of
this great Club. The recent history of the Club's financial results are as follows:
2006 ($62,290) (Minus)
2007 ($92,401) (Minus)
2008 $74,270
Current Board's tenure
2009 $122,225
2010 $84,675
2011 $80,287
2012 $64,605
2013 ($79,570) (Minus)
As previously stated we believe that this year's result is largely due to the current economic
climate and the problems that licensed Club's are facing all over Australia. You will note from the
above figures that the current Board's tenure as seen profits in every financial year, except the
current one - a major turnaround from the previous management's record losses.
We proposed just continued diligence and hard work - all done by VOLUNTEERS, to get the club
back in the black. The above statement is typical of the type of flack this board gets. As one
Committee member put it, the loudest complaints and criticism come from a few certain members
who have very short memories and do the least, and ignore the data.
Last year our newly elected President stated: “if we weren’t happy with the way they were running
the club – don’t come down” ...obviously the people were listening, hence the lack of patrons. I
wonder what words of wisdom will be floated this year?
The President who made this statement resigned during the year and is no longer part of the
current Board.
Q AND A Michael Joseph
1. What are inventories and why are they up some $23000.
Inventories are made up as follows:
Stock on hand - Bar
Stock on hand - Merchandise $12,018
Stock on hand - Team Gear
The inventories have increased by $23,000 as, at the request of the Auditor, Team Gear that was
previously expensed has been capitalised to correctly reflect its ongoing nature.
2. Cash at Bank... What is the correct amount as does it include junior money.
The Cash at Bank figure as reported in the financial statements is the correct amount and includes
all monies belonging to our ONE Club.
3. Are employee benefits covered. Things such as holiday pay etc.
Accruals for employee entitlements are included in the financial statement in the current
4. Bistro. We were told last year a profit would be shown down some $34573. Why
Having a wages operation in the Bistro was a mistake. Board has worked diligently to get a new
style operation going and by all signs is doing the job. Now we are reviewing a new Bistro contract
which will greatly improve the situation that the Club was in.
5. Maintenance and monitoring up $11,0000=. What does this mean.
The increase of approx. $11,000 relates to payment for 2 x new poker machines which the Club
now owns.
6. Advertising and promotion down $15,000, why and how have we advertised as nothing was in
the bulletin.
The Club advertises using many different avenues, including, but not limited to The Bulletin.
Unfortunately, lower trading incomes did not support further expenditure on advertising. I will
check these figures with the auditor.
7. Merchandising shows a loss along with team uniforms. Was the club sponsored for Uniforms?
How did we lose money here.
This negative expense (i.e. income) is due to the Team Gear being capitalised as the request of the
Auditor as previously reported. There was some jersey sponsorship during the year, which is part
of the sponsorship code.
8.Fundraising down $9000, why was it not used to help out?
Fundraising has been hit hard by the current economic climate.
9. Coach and player expenses total about $20k, if no one was paid how does this occur? What was
the subsidy to players fees
This cost is made up of coach (Allowance approx $7,000), Coaching courses and training expenses,
Byron Bay 7s Tournament registration fees, first-aid expenses, including as $1,400 defibrillator unit
(Monies donated by boys at the bar), and approximately $4,200 of Golden Oldies player expenses
10. Were affiliation fees paid as the juniors paid $9000 odd, did we not pay at all as it was down
some $8000.00
To the Board's knowledge, the affiliation fees have been fully paid. I will re-check the figures, as
we agree, seems too low.
11. Constitution says if the President stands down an election needs to be called and a meeting
held. This did not occur, even if it was to endorse new president.
Section 14.(1)(b) states: "In the event of a casual vacancy occurring for the position of
President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, nominations for such a vacancy shall be
called for and voted upon at a general meeting of the Association". The voting for the vacant
position of President, and indeed all Committee positions will be occurring at the AGM on
16th December.
To our knowledge, there is no time constraints for the calling of nominations.
12. Method of nominating for Committee. Why is an independent person not utilized to assist the
We do not believe there is any need to engage an 'independent' person. The method of
nominating as per the Constitution has been followed.
13. Why are nominations read by other current committee members behind closed doors? The
constitution says the secretary only to take nominations and deal with them 12 3 (b)
The method of nominating as per the Constitution has been followed
14. Why aren't nominations put into a locked box and opened at the appropriate hour by the
The method of nominating as per the Constitution has been followed.
Why has there been no annual report as per fair trading rules for the past 3 years at least?
The annual report consists of the Auditor's Financial Statement, the Management committee
report ( That is the President's report) and Treasurer's Report - all of which have been produced
and made available every year, which is in accordance with the constitution. (21) (2)
I have looked at the financial report which at least this year has been
legally produced for people to see prior to the AGM.
Not a question. The Audited Financial Statement has been prepared and produced in the same
way since 2007.
What about the Presidents Report????
The presidents report will be delivered at our AGM, as per every year's practice.
This is a statement of opinion - not a question.
How can we ask questions without seeing it as we are not allowed to ask questions on the night
which I find absolutely pathetic. What has gone on this year I find very disturbing with the president
and a committee member resigning , was the election of a stand in president constitutional carried
out correctly and other people brought onto the committee ????? There is a lot of explaining to do
which we are entitled to ask or be told!!!!
What about the constitution that was adopted in March why has this not been
Registered with the Office of Fair Trading?????
Yes it was a mistake, that is now being addressed.
We are a RUGBY club not an international corporation and there should be no
secrets and all information should be told to its members. This has been
raised at the last AGM obviously again to no avail.
As you were told last year, there are no secrets and all Board Members are approachable to
answer valid questions. You were told personally, that the AGM and running of the club is not all
about 1 night in December - do you not remember?? During the course of this year, the treasurer
has had one (YES ONE) approach by a member to ask questions on financials, and, although I now
have doubts about the reason, it was a pleasure to answer these questions.
I have brought up on numerous occasions about communication to the members
again this has not been done please explain.
This is not a question, if you do you not receive our weekly mailouts, maybe you are not a
registered member and respectfully request that you check that status.??
I trust that the treasurer’s report will justify in detail the very concerning financials and how can you
expect us to sit back and listen to it without asking questions. I could perhaps put in writing and ask
so many questions there are figures there which say " other expense" what are
All club financials are outlined in the Audited Financial Statement. 'Other Expenses' is an
accounting designation used by the Auditor for expenses that are too minor to be accounted for
separately. :
Keno - other expenses
Trading - other expenses
Rugby - other expenses
$12,582- includes $9,000 deposit for G/O EOY Tour.
It is obvious that the club has not been trading very well for some time .
What has been done to try and correct this.??
This question has been answered previously - please refer to earlier question and answer,
referring to figures from 2006.
How come a new paid employee has been brought in and what is his portfolio
of duties ???
The decision to employ Mark Forbes was an operational decision taken out by the current Board.
In the notice of the AGM you refer to the "club manager” who is this??? What is the special AGM
The Club Manager referred to is John Thompson. The meeting called for the 16th December is the
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Held annually. As per notice, it is to ratify the 2013 constitution.
(1) Under rule 12(3) (b) the 2005 Constitution provides for all Nominations to be lodged with the
Secretary at Least 14 days before the AGM is to take Place. ( For this meeting obviously the
Constitution had been ignored, can the Management Committee provide an explanation to the AGM
why those nominating have only be given 6 days in this instance.
Was an oversight, we did not receive the auditors report as early as we would have liked. The
Agm has been generally held around this date and the MC decided to go ahead with the 16th
December, given the three month time constraints, with the view that if the members did not
accept the matter could be adjourned to a later date.
(2) (10) Rules 26 and 27 of the 2005 Constitution. By-Laws of the Club.
Could a set of these By-Laws be made available to those attending the AGM for their inspection?
The Constitution rules state that the Management Committee may, make amend or repeal by-laws,
for the internal Management of the Association, and that they may be set aside by the General
meeting of the members.
No, Members can request to view the constitution at any time. Sections 53 (act)
These rules maybe amended repealed or added to by a Special Resolution carried at a general
meeting”. These Rules should be made available to the members at the AGM so that they can see
what the Club by laws are, and if there any by-laws that need re assessing as to their validity?
To the best of my knowledge these By-laws have not been present to an AGM for inspection and
possible amendments or approvals although the Constitution clearly stipulates that this must be
Once again a statement not a question?
Yes members may request to view the constitution or any club records. The New committee MAY
choose to post the NEW constitution on the web page.
(3) (13) Rule 14 of 2005 Constitution applies
Our Previous President resigned in September. The AGM should be given an explanation of why he
was never replaced, by the calling a Special General Meeting to appoint a new President as per the
above rules.?
Does this mean the club has been operating illegally and contrary to what the Constitution rules
state and been operating without an Executive since that time?
This question has been asked and answered earlier. There has been no illegal operation of the
Club and no breach of the Constitution. Senior members of the Club were canvassed or gave
advice on this matter and given, the close proximity of the AGM, it was agreed that the matter be
handled as the Board has done
These matters were raised by the author with our Vice President via phone call and he mentioned
that he thought the vice president should step up, which he did
Once again, the constitution does not specify a time frame for calling nominations to replace
resignations or otherwise of the executive, including the president.
(4)(5) “( These two questions below have already been sent to the secretary by separate email, only
shown here so that we can follow up on what action has been taken by the Management Committee
and to make sure it is brought up at the AGM).”( Sent on the 9/12/2013 so that the MC had time to do
something about these rules.)”
Rule 7 of the 2005 Constitution. Membership Fees.
(Shouldn’t this matter be on the agenda for the Annual General meeting 2013. for actioning and
The Constitution states 'The membership fee for each class of membership... is the amount decided
by the members from time to time at a general meeting...'. The Board is satisfied with the current
membership fees and does not believe that this matter needs to be on the agenda for the AGM
If the author wishes to call a general meeting on this or other issues, he is quite entitled to, in
accordance with the rules.
(5) Rule 12.(1)(c)(d)(e) the Football sub-committee,
Re How it is elected and the membership, and no cross membership with the Management
Shouldn’t this matter be on the agenda for the 2013 AGM for actioning and discussion
The current Board is satisfied that this item does not need to be on the agenda for the 2013 AGM.
If the author wishes to call a general meeting on this or other issues, he is quite entitled to, in
accordance with the rules.
(6) The Department of Fair Trading rules are fairly specific regarding Annual reports. For the last few
years there has been no hard Copy Annual Report produced at the AGM. As a result the club has lost
and is losing its club records and History. (see attached below the list of reports that should be in
the annual report as have been produced in the years leading up to 2008.) Have and will the club be
submitting all these reports and other items in hard copy form at the 2013 AGM?
( I will present at the AGM previous “Annual Reports received at other AGMs for the information of
those present to show what a normal report should look like.
“(An email was sent to the Secretary on the 6/12/13 and acknowledged by the secretary regarding this
very matter. It was sent early so that it gave the MC time to assemble these reports together and
put in Hard copy form for this AGM ( it has only been listed here to make sure that it gets acted upon
by the MC for this AGM.)
What is required to be provided at the agm has been provided in accordance with the rules, and if
you wish to raise these issues again, refer above regarding calling a general meeting.
(7) The 2013 season financially has been very disastrous with a down turn in Revenue of well over
$230000K, and losses of $79814 K when compared to the 2012 year with a profit of $64605 K
It is disappointing that despite having discussions with members of the Executive of the Management
Committee on two separate occasions during the year some two months apart, about the alleged
rumours that the club was trading poorly and was in debt for $30000K plus .We were told on both
occasions that this wasn’t right, the club was financially okay.
Now that we have received the 2013 balance sheet, we find that the club despite those reassurances
the club was not travelling as well as we had been led to believe, and that the real facts are, that at the
time of those two visits the Club was losing monies and was in debt.
The 'rumour' was, that the Club was 'in the red' - i.e. that the bank accounts had negative balances
of between $30,000 and $50,000. This was not the case, and that is what you were told on both
occasions. The Club, like most other Clubs this year, has not traded well, however as per the Audited
Financial Statement we have cash assets of $59,546 and positive net assets.
It is apparent that the Management Committee, were either naive or the checks and balances that
they had in place were inadequate. Does the Treasurer and or the Management Committee have
procedures in place where each sub-section of the clubs Financial performance is checked, daily or
weekly and then monthly reports tabled at the Management Committee meetings on all departments,
(Bar Trading, Poker Machines, Keno, Raffles, Rugby, Social Functions, Tournaments, Bistro, as to profit
and loss.?
Monthly Treasurers' reports are produced and tabled at monthly Management Committee meetings.
These reports are ALWAYS available to members. As Treasurer I received ONE request throughout
this financial year.
We are told the Bistro accrued debts of in access of $24000.00. If the checks and balance were in place
(as outlined above) then surely these Bistro losses would of been found early and acted on a lot
sooner. Could the Treasurer or the Management Committee please explain to the AGM how these
losses with the Kitchen occurred, and if the problems could have been corrected earlier.?
The Bistro accrued 'losses' of approximately $24,000, not DEBTS. We have answered this question
previously and the Board has undertaken measures to remedy the Bistro problem.
(8) Has or will the Treasurer provide a Budget Forecast for 2014 and present that to the members at
the AGM. This forecast prediction should cover all aspects of the club finances, and should include his
recommendations of what action he recommends the club should take to turn around the poor
financial returns of 2013.
There will be no Budget Forecast provided at the AGM. The budget is an operational matter and will
be undertaken at Management Committee meetings in due course, normally after the 2014 Rugby
draw is published so that a better understanding of year to come is available.
(9) In the balance sheet, “Of the Cash in the Bank” does any of this money belong to the Juniors.
This question has been asked and answered previously.
(10) There is an item of $12411 K for Player’s Expenses., and then another for Coaching and Training
fees $9941K. Could the AGM be given a break down in writing as to what these expenses relate.
This question has been asked and answered previously.
(11) Inventories. in the Balance sheet show,” Finished Goods at Cost $56217.” Could the meeting be
given a written details of this inventory, (as it seems to be a lot of value in goods.?)
This question has been asked and answered previously.
(12) In the Balance sheet Under current Liabilities (there is an item “Financial Liabilities” of $13987.00)
what does this figure relate to.
This item relates to Club Insurance.
(13) With Regards to the Poker Machines there has been a shocking down turn of approximately
$90000K in Revenue. Can the MC explain what has caused this huge down turn?. Has the club ever
had an expert have a look at our machines and give us a report on the way we have our gambling
area set up, and if they can supply recommendations and suggestions of how we can improve our
average daily turnover?
The downturn in Poker Machines is part of the general trading downturn and a result of less patrons
through the doors due mostly to the financial climate. We have not had time to check National and
state Trends, but are in the process.
After the AGM the Management Committee can turn their attention to plans for the future, rather
than focusing on the past.
(14) Could the MC give the AGM a Report on the proposed Building extensions. We have been told
for the last few years that plans have been drawn so that Building alterations and additions can be
made to the Club Rooms. The MC needs to give details to the members at AGM;
Any Building extensions or alterations have been postponed due to the current poor trading results.
The Management Committee will furnish members with details of any planned alterations and
additions when they are to be undertaken.
(1) if such plans have been drawn.(if they then those attending the AGM should be shown the Plans)
Please see response earlier.
(2)The MC should give full and complete details of what has been done to date regarding these
Please see earlier response.
(3)The MC should report if any applications or plans have been submitted to the Council or other
bodies such as the Fire department to get Building Approvals and or appraisals?
Could a report be submitted to the AGM from the Management Committee on what stage these
approvals are at?
Please see earlier response.
(4) Could the MC advise the committee if there has been any cost analysis done of this project, and
who are the Builders that have been consulted over this project.?
Please see earlier response.
(5) Has the MC of the club decided whether these alterations should be proceeded with or not ?
Please see earlier response.
(15) We understand that the air conditioning in the Club is not working properly, and that quotes had
been obtained to have it repaired. In the Clubs Financial Review has this cost of repairs been allowed
for and if and when are the repairs to be done, and what is it going to cost for these repairs?
Have these repairs and Costs be Budgeted for?
Quotes and recommendations have been done. Board had approved purchase of a new system to a
budget when funds are available. These items will be accounted for when the operational budget is
(16) The Bus has a damaged roof and that it has been in this condition for quite some time,
How did that happen?, is it insured, and why hasn’t it been fixed? Are there plans to get it repaired?
Investigations on the cause and who were driving were made. No proof could be given. Insurance
requires name of the driver.
The Committee believes the Bus repair is an urgent requirement and will be fixed when funds
become available
(17) The bus has been parked on the Street, with a hand written sign draped across the back
advertising the club, but that sign is very amateurish, and is only being held on to the back of the bus
with string and tape. Not a good look, cant we afford to have signs done correctly?
This is a statement of opinion, not a valid question. The written signage was an interim measure
prior to desired signage being applied - once again, nothing but criticism.
The MC has made requests to council to erect a more suitable illuminated sign at the front entrance,
to no avail.
(18) The lights on our ground are only 150lux, to bring them up to standard they need to be 200lux,
and it is alleged we have been on Council list for some time; the club maybe liable if some-one is
injured with the lights as they are, especially with visiting teams. Have any investigations been made
with the Council as to when the upgrade can be done?
The Committee is dealing with the Council on this matter.
(19)It is obvious that the club is badly in need of a refurbish; do we have the funds available to carry
out such a refurbishment? Has there been any assessment on what needs to be done to up-grade the
club rooms and what the costs might be.
No we do not have the funds. Refurbishment and building alterations/addition will be carried out
when funds and trading support it, and the projected outcome is supported by the costings.
Could the Management Committee give a report on what plans they have to upgrade the current Club
Rooms, with such items as Carpets, Furnishings Table chairs, repainting and structurally improvements
and repairs, General maintenance.(smashed doors damaged walls etc, cracked tiles, leaks by Kitchen
etc.? MC to report if they have budgeted for such upgrade and refurbishment, and do they have the
funds available?
This question has been answered previously.
(20)The cleanliness of the club rooms has dropped below a reasonable standard, bottoms of tables not
wiped, urinals not being cleaned, dirt in the corners of rooms etc, are there any plans to rectify this
This is a statement of opinion, not a question and mc disagree. John and members of the mc keep a
close eye on our cleaning procedures and act accordingly if warranted.
(21) Have we ever had a Club Management Specialist do a survey on how the club is being operated,
and come up with suggestions and recommendations on how we can improve our operations and our
financial bottom line?
This is a question for the new Committee after the AGM is completed. We have looked into this
before at Board level. It was found that the cost of this service is prohibitive and not warranted at
that time.
22. Grants applications. Could the Management Committee advise the AGM if applications have
been made for Grants, Government, City Council and others such as the Jupiter’s Casino etc and if they
have any expectations of winning any such grants.?
Please see below an update on current Grant activity:
Sport & Rec
Grant Title
Get Going
Get Going
(15 Oct)
Volunteers/Equipment/Admin $7,260
Volunteers/Equipment/Admin $7,600
& Comm
Benefit Fun
Solar system
Admin support
Community Tweed Cancer Oncology Unit
Unsuccessful, In 2nd
1st round
Unsuccessful, In 2nd
1st round
Community Work Station for volunteers
Community Extensions
Sport & Rec
Ladies Day
23. Sponsorship;
We notice that in 2007 and 2008, we received $90000K in sponsorship for each year and now we
have dropped to $38000K in 2012 and last season 2013. $28000K.
Has the club started its Sponsorship drive for 2014. How are they going about it. Could they give a
report to the meeting what Sponsorship packages they are offering, and if they have a target value
on the total Sponsorship that they are seeking?
Mark Forbes has produced a Sponsorship Prospectus which was approved by the Management
Committee. Packages have been written with varying levels of cost/benefits. A copy of the
prospectus is available to viewing. Packages include:
Naming Rights $13,200
Gold $6,600
Silver $2,200
Bronze $1,100
Friends $500
This prospectus was placed on the web page and included in the Alleygator Newsletter!
(24.) The new 2013 Constitution was approved at a Special meeting, and was to be registered with
the Department of Fair Trading. This Department rejected the acceptance of this Constitution
because it was not given to the department within the 3 month period allowed for the Lodgement of
new Constitution. The club members were under the impression that it was being governed under
the rules of the 2013 Constitution, and it wasn’t until the notice for the AGM was sent out some
month’s later hat it became apparent that the new Constitution was not being used. The
Management Committee did not inform its members that the acceptance of the 2013 Constitution
by the department of Fair Trading had failed because of late lodgement. The late Lodgement was
unacceptable, but the management Committee not informing the members has made the matter
worse. Could the MC please explain to the members of the AGM how and why this occurred?
The Management committee had no knowledge that the constitution was not indeed lodged. It was
a mistake by a member who voluntered to undertake this task, and for reasons unknown, was not
carried out.