States of matter quiz review

Name _______________________________________________
Physical Science
Date _________________
Mrs. Hanna
1) What is matter?
2) Water drops stay together on wax paper or in a popped water balloon and don’t break apart easily. This is mainly
3) If you put food coloring in room temperature water, the coloring spreads throughout the water. The water causes
the color to spread mainly because:
4) Food coloring spreads out faster in hot water than in cold water. This is mainly because:
5) When a thermometer is heated, the red liquid inside the thermometer moves up.
This is mainly because:
6) When a thermometer is cooled, the red liquid inside the thermometer moves down. This is mainly because:
7) When you heat a sample of a solid, the particles that make up the solid:
8) When you heat a sample of gas, what happens to the particles that make up the gas?
9) To describe a liquid, you could say:
10) To describe a solid, you could say:
11) To describe a gas, you could say:
12) Which state(s) of matter have definite shape?
13) Which state(s) of matter have definite volume?
14) When a liquid becomes colder the viscosity:
15) What is heat?
17) Compared to the particles in a hardened lava sample, the particles in a liquid lava sample
18) Make a sketch of a graph that correctly shows the effect of heat energy on the motion of molecules of
19) Label the pictures below as either a gas, solid or liquid
20) Why did the balloon inflate when it was placed in hot water?
21) Why does the balloon deflate when it was placed in cold water?