8TH Grade Fourth Marking Period Test

8TH Grade Final Exam Review
Complete the following sample questions on a separate sheet of paper and use them as a study guide
for the final exam. Refer back to your notes, tests, quizzes, homework, and labs to assist you.
The most basic unit of life is the_________
Which of the following is found in plant cells but not animal cells?
One characteristic shared by all organisms on Earth is that they all need________
The control center of the cell is the________
The function of the mitochondria is________
The jellylike material inside the cell is known as__________
The period of growth before cell division is__________
During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear membrane disappear?
The reproduction of sex cells is known as_________
A human body cell has this number of chromosome__________
As a result of meiosis each human sex cell has this number of chromosomes_____
The correct order for the phases of mitosis is__________
With regard to the levels of organization, tissues working together make up_____
List the levels of organization from simplest to most complex.
The control system made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves is known as____
Another name for a nerve cell is a_________
A control system made up of gland is________
A fertilized egg cell is a________
The main organ of the circulatory system is the__________
The largest part of the brain is the_________
The space/gap between two neurons unknown as a________
The adrenal glands are most likely to release hormones when a person is feeling_________
The chemicals that the endocrine glands produce are known as_______
The name of the tubes that carry blood away from the heart are________
The function of the white blood cells is to________
The main function of the digestive system is to_________
Digestion is completed in the___________
The main organs of the respiratory system are the__________
The gas that is inhaled during respiration is____________
The skeletal system provides___________
Bones can function in the movement of the body mainly because the skeleton
Current science states that the age of the earth is approximately_________
Which of the following causes the tides of the earth?
What evidence can scientists use to support the continental drift theory?
What is the name given to the super continent?
_____________ is most likely to begin the process in which rock is broken down into sediment?
Ice forming in the crack of a cliff would cause__________ weathering.
The wearing away of rock material and moving of rock material by natural forces is known
A smooth and rounded rock has most likely been shaped by_________
A crack in the earth’s crust is a_________
The three types of faults are: __________
All igneous rocks are formed from___________
How ar Metamorphic rocks formed?____________
The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by_________
Earthquakes are caused by the movement along a__________
An earthquake on the ocean floor will most likely cause a___________
The liquid rock beneath the surface of the earth is called___________
Explain the significance of Pangaea.
Through the process of erosion, the Colorado River is responsible for creating___
A structure made of materials from within the earth that build up around an opening in the
earth’s surface__________
An educated guess is also known as_________
Based on data from an experiment, a scientist makes the statement that glass
light. This statement is an example of a(n)_________
The scientific study of heredity is_________
The father of genetics is_________
A scientist would most likely study a Punnett Square to identify an organism’s ________ (hint:
allele, trait, Dna, etc..)
The sex chromosomes of a female are__________ (hint: XX or XY or YY)
What is a genetic mutation?
Are most sex linked traits are formed on the male or female chromosome?___________
A scientist places a purebud white flowered plant with a plant that is purebred for red flowers.
She crosses another purebred white flowered plant with a plant that is purebred for yellow
flowers. All of the offspring have white flowers. Which flower color is a dominant trait?
In pea plants for height, tall is dominant over short. If a hybrid tall pea plant is crossed with a
purebred short pea plant, what is the ratio of tall to short?
A man using a long board to lift a tree slump is an example of what type of simple machine?
A solid is unlike a liquid in part because a solid has a definite__________
The nucleus of an atom is made of__________
The smallest piece of matter is_________
Sound is produced by__________
The bending of light is known as_________
The force between two objects such as your feet rubbing against a carpet is known
When water changes from a gas to a liquid it is known as_________
An object at rest will stay at rest because of___________
The amount of matter in an object is its__________
The unit of measure that force is measured in is_____________
Will electricity pass through a copper wire? Why?
Newton’s 3rd law states that, “For every action there is an___________
A car moves 150 meters in 5 seconds what is the speed of the car?
Open Ended Examples
Describe the four states of matter and how matter can change states.
Compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and meiosis. A. List and explain the phases of
mitosis B. Name and explain the first step of the cell cycle. C. How are the results of mitosis and
meiosis different.
The cross of a purebred short pea plant with a tall pea plant resulted in 213 seeds.
o All of the seeds were planted and 114 tall and 99 short plants resulted.
o What are the possible genotypes of the tall parent plants?
o What is the genotype of the short pea plant?
o Use Punnett Squares to cross each possible tall pea plant with the short pea plant.
Using the results of 99 tall and 14 short, what is the actual genotype of the tall parent
plant? Explain how this is possible.
Explain the theory of continental drift.
o Define continental drift.
o How does plate tectonics factor into the continental drift.
o Give two pieces of evidence to support the theory of continental drift.
Discuss one of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and provide at least one example of how the law
is demonstrated in everyday life.