architectural - Baltimore City Public School System

Egypt & Kush Unit Test Study Guide
Name ______________________________ Class _____
Directions: Write short answers to the following questions and prompts with the help of
your reading notes from chapters 7-10, class work, drills, practice assessments, and
vocabulary. All answers will be reviewed in class prior to the test scheduled for
Thursday (12/17/14).
What is one characteristic that Egypt's Middle Kingdom is famous for?
What was the most important architectural achievement of Senusret's reign?
It was built as a tomb from more than 2 million stone blocks. What was it?
What structures are ancient Egyptian pharaohs best known for?
Under which pharaoh's rule was the Great Pyramid at Giza built?
What was the greatest accomplishment of Senusret I?
What made Hatshepsut unique?
What is Ramses II best known for?
Why did ancient Egyptians believe having social classes was a good idea?
10. If you were a peasant and wanted to raise your status, what one route might
be open to you?
11. An ancient Egyptian schoolteacher once said, "A youngster's ear is on his
back." What did he mean when he spoke those words?
12. It took a long time to become a scribe because…
13. Which group surprisingly had as many rights as they did in ancient Egypt?
14. Which was Egypt's highest class, after the pharaoh?
15. Why did Egyptian priests embalm human bodies?
16. What did scribes do?
17. How did Egypt's upper class treat artisans?
18. What were peasants allowed to do if they had a good crop?
19. What was one result of Egypt conquering Kush during the New Kingdom?
20. What was one result of Egypt's New Kingdom collapsing?
21. What did Kush do after conquering Egypt?
22. Who was the king who brought Egypt and Kush together?
23. What technology enabled Assyria to conquer Kush?
24. What was the longest-lasting effect of Egypt controlling Kush?
25. Who conquered Egypt after the New Kingdom collapsed?
26. What was Kush's capital city, Meroe, known for?
27. Kush's army was able to defeat what more powerful civilization?