Composts What is compost and why use it? What organisms are involved in the composting process? What chemical changes occur during composting? What are the optimal conditions for composting Does composting kill harmful pathogens (plant and human), nematodes and weed seeds? Temperature Moisture Oxygen Safety regulations Compost production systems Small scale Commercial What is compost – why use it? Composting is the decomposition of plant remains and other onceliving materials to make an earthy, dark, crumbly substance that is excellent for adding to houseplants or enriching garden soil. •compost improves soil structure, texture, aeration - increases the soil's water-holding capacity. •Compost loosens clay soils and helps sandy soils retain water. •improves soil fertility and stimulates healthy root development •Organic matter provides food for microorganisms - nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus mineralized The Science of Composting Composting is the natural process in which living organisms decompose organic matter into inorganic matter in the soil. The organisms feed on the organic material and through respiration generate the energy that they use for movement, growth, reproduction or stored energy. The organism excrete inorganic material that enriches the soil. When the organisms die, their bodies add to the organic matter in the compost pile. Fresh Organic Materials + Oxygen Microbes, Moisture, and Time Compost + Carbon Dioxide + Energy Slide credit: Tom Richard, Penn State University Organisms use carbon as a source of energy and nitrogen to grow and reproduce. •Too little N: •there will be few microorganisms, and decomposition will be slow. •Too much N: •some will turn to ammonia that will volatilize, creating an odor. Experimental test - effect of C:N ratio on nitrogen retention in compost Initial C:N ratio Final nitrogen % Nitrogen conservation % 1 20 1.44 61.2 2 20.5 1.04 51.9 3 22 1.63 85.2 4 30 1.21 99.5 5 35 1.32 99.9 Factors affecting the compost process C:N ratio Aeration Size and texture NB. Moisture level also critical Moisture level is also critical •Optimum moisture content 40-60% •Feels moist to touch, but when squeezed only produces few drops Ideal conditions for composting Parameter Moisture C:N ratio Oxygen Temperature Bulk density pH OK 40-65% 20-40:1 >5% 43-66 C 1000 lbs/yd 5.5-9.0 Ideal 45-60% 25-35:1 >10% 54-60 C 1000 lbs/yd 6.5-8.0 The Science of Composting Temperature (C) Three Phases of Thermophilic Composting 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time (days) Composting goes through three distinct phases that can be characterized by temperatures. • • • Mesophilic Phase (moderate temperature) Thermophilc Phase (high temerpature) Mesophilic Phase (moderate temperature again) The Science of Composting Mesophilic Phase 1 (10-40 • • • • • • • • • • Phase (>40 0 C) Can last from several days to several months depending on size of system Mixed population of heat loving organisms High heat helps breakdown of proteins, fats, “tough” plant material like cellulose High temperature (>55 0C) kill weeds and pathogen harmful to humans Higher temperature (>600C) kill organism needed for decomposition Mesophilic • C) Lasts only a few days Explosive growth of bacteria and fungi Rapid breakdown of soluble sugar and starches Thermophilic • 0 Phase 2 (10-40 0 C) “Curing Phase” Can last several months Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes( mix between bacteria and fungus, give “earthy” smell) predominate. Invertebrates active. Supply of organic material has decreased. Remaining organic material is slowly broken down. Additional chemical reactions take place to make remaining organic material more stable The Science of Composting: Chemistry Important factors in compost chemistry Carbon-Nitrogen Mix (C/N Ratio) Carbon provides energy source and building material for 50% of composting organisms’ cells Nitrogen important in formation of proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids, enzymes etc. for organisms 30:1 Carbon to Nitrogen optimum mix (decreases in curing phase) Brown and woody carbon Green and moist nitrogen The Science of Composting: Chemistry Important factors in compost chemistry Oxygen Needed to oxidize carbon for energy Without oxygen will produce rotten egg smell pH Level Acids form as organisms digest organic material and lowers pH Lower pH encourages fungi and the break down of “tough” matter If pH too low (<4.5) limits microorganisms’ activity Changes in Ammonium-N distillation method; fresh sample -1 NH4-N (mg kg ) 4000 FA PA 3000 2000 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Composting time (days) Changes in Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio 24 FA PA C: N 20 16 12 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Composting time (days) Dan Sullivan and Linda Brewer Changes in cation exchange capacity CEC -1 (cmol kg compost-C) (ash-free; pH 7) 500 400 300 FA PA 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Composting time (days) Temperature Fatty acids NH3 emitted pH days Compost chemistry - pH The Science of Composting: Physics Important factors for compost physics: Temperature 3 Phases Want to maintain temperature between 55-600C Temperature impacted Heat generated by organism Heat lost to environment through conduction, convection and radiation shape and size of pile Moisture content (specific heat and heat capacity of water) The Science of Composting: Physics Important factors for compost physics: Particle size Microorganism activity occurs on surface of organic material The more surface area for organisms to attack, the quicker the decomposition want smaller particles Flip-side: The smaller the particles, the more dense and compact the material resulting in poor oxygen circulation The main players 1. Bacteria: major decomposers, breakdown simpler forms of organic material 2. Actinomycetes: degrade complex organics such as cellulose, lignin, chitin, and proteins – earthy” smell, long “spider webs” filaments 3. Fungi: Break down tough debris, too dry, too acidic or too low in nitrogen for bacteria to eat What do microbes in compost do? Consume organic matter to grow Mineralize nutrients Organic to inorganic forms (protein to NH4) Transform nutrients Stabilize organic matter Aerobic oxidation produces CO2 Anaerobic produces reduced compounds organic acids, alcohols Nitrification – pH and temperature sensitive NOTE: invertebrates not important in high temperature composting, only in cold Compost Quality Compost Maturity and Nitrogen Release Characteristics in Central Coast Vegetable Production July 2002 CA Integrated Waste Management Board Marc Buchanan, PhD Compost Maturity Defined as various levels of maturity based upon: C:N ration of 25 or less, plus at least one from each of the following: Group A (tests to determine compost stability) CO2 evolution or respiration Oxygen demand Dewar self-heating test Group B (tests to further determine maturity in reference to potentially phytotoxic compounds) NH4-NO3 ratio NH3 concentration Plant test (seed germination and growth) Volatile organic acids concentration Compost Maturity Very Immature C/N ratio greater than 25, and/or stability test is greater than 12, and/or NH4 is greater than 500 and no nitrate present. Immature Unstable compost Odors likely High toxicity potential Immobilization (tie-up) of available nitrogen Moderately Mature Stability test greater than 6 and less than 8 and/or when nitrate is detected and is greater than 25 ppm N. Mature Cured compost Odor production not likely Limited toxicity potential Positive impact on available soil nitrogen Very Mature Well-cured compost No continued decomposition No odors Compost Quality Measures Test Rating VM M IM CO2 Test Stability 1 (respiration rate) C / unit organic matter/ day <2 2–8 >8 BIO-C CO2 Stability 2 C / unit organic matter / day <2 2–8 >8 NH4-/NO3-N Ratio < 0.5 0.5 – 3 >3 Seed Germination % of control > 90 80 – 90 < 80 Plant Vigor Tests % of control > 90 80 – 90 < 80 C:N below 25 COMPOST QUALITY INDEX for Commercial Products Based on 13 monthly samples for green waste, 11 for blend, and 1 poultry manure compost. % % Ammonium Nitrate C:N Stability1 Stability germination vigor -N ppm -N 2 ppm ratio Compost Green Waste average range 14 7-29 Blend average range 12.7 8-18 VUS - VS VUS VS 7 S S VUS -VS US - VS 92 85-100 90 75100 244 22-579 287 0-784 13.6 0.03 - 122 59 20-95 38 0-94 745 0-2477 155 0-485 14.9 0 -130 0 0 5578 0.0 nd Poultry Compost Type Maturity Crop Yield Sandy Soil Class (Coarse Sandy Loam and Fine Sandy Loam Textures) Blend Green Waste VM VM VM VM M IM IM IM MM Baby Lettuce Baby Lettuce Baby Spinach Baby Spinach Frisse Baby Spinach Baby Spinach Baby Chard Baby Mustard o + o ? o + o + MM IM IM MM IM MM IM MM M M VIM Baby Lettuce Baby Lettuce Baby Lettuce Baby Spinach Baby Spinach Baby Spinach Baby Spinach Baby Spinach Baby Chard Frisse Baby Mustard + + o o o ? - + = Increased yield O = No difference vs check - = Decreased yield ? = no-compost treatment not included Loamy Soil Class (Sandy Clay Loam Texture) Blend M MM MM Lettuce Lettuce Celery + + + Green Waste M IM M Lettuce Lettuce Celery o o + Inorganic N Released (lb N/acre) Inorganic N release – Spring and summer 2000 Poultry 400 Blend [M-18] 300 Green [M-1] 200 Check 100 0 0 50 100 150 Days Afte r Incorporation 200 250 60 Blend % Nitrogen Released 50 Green 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 VIM MM MM M M M VM VIM VIM MM Compost Maturity M M VM Conclusions The maturity index appears to be a useful tool to assess compost quality. Mature composts most consistently result in positive crop yield response Chicken manure and green waste blends provide more available N than pure green-waste composts. Immature and very mature composts may reduce inorganic soil N sufficient to have negative impact on production in conventionally farmed soils High NH4-N levels associated with immature manure-based composts can reduce seed germination and crop productivity. Mature composts can provide significant N dependent on timing of applications. Maturity status of compost is a significant predictor of compost quality for vegetable production. Growing Issue How effective is composting at killing pathogens? Weeds, plant disease organisms Human pathogens!!!! U.S.A. Composting Regulations Biosolids, Class A compost (U.S. EPA 40 CFR Part 503) Time-temperature relationship (PFRP) Vector Attraction Reduction 14 days, 40 C minimum, 45 C average temperature Pathogen testing criteria Static aerated pile, 3 days > 55 C Turned windrow, 15 days > 55 C, turned at least 5 times Fecal Coliforms < 1000 MPN/g TS or Salmonella < 3 MPN/4g TS USDA National Organic Program §205.203 (c) Time –temperature 55 C – 70 C (CFR Part 503) Turned windrow 15 days with at least 5 turns In-vessel or static aerated system 55 C – 70 C for 3 days C:N ratio 25:1 – 40:1 (NRCS code 317 composting facility) Why turn windrows at least 5 times in 15 days? Prevent regrowth of Salmonella Non-uniform heating Turn cooler material into insulated center > 55 C Done properly it works, but can less intensive regimes work too? NOSB Compost Task Force Composting regulations too prescriptive Manage compost to reach 55 C for 3 days Vermicompost Aerobicity maintained by adding thin layers every 1-3 days 70-90% moisture 12 months for outdoor windrows, 4 months for wedge systems or indoor containers, 2 months for vertical flow reactors Processed manure Heat to 65 C for 1 hour Dry to < 12% moisture Negative for Salmonella and fecal coliforms Animal pathogen destruction Meet current time-temperature standards Will not eliminate all weed seeds or all plant pathogens Attain sanitation target for particular end-use, quality assurance testing Use technology that is financially attainable Composting process Contain and treat leachate Exclude vectors Avoid pathogen regrowth conditions Avoid recontamination of product Compost production systems Small scale Compost piles need to be at least one cubic to hold the heat from decomposition Passive composting Commercial composting Large scale Passive aeration with turning or actively aerated systems Feedstock conditioning - grinding Moisture management - most important factor to stabilize biological and chemical properties Processing – turned windrows Compost blankets to moderate moisture ../productie.htm Composting - windrow Turning helps aeration and to move material from edge into hot center region CO2 Hot Cool O2 Graphic credit: Tom Richard, Penn State University Composting – Static forced air CO2 Hot O2 Cool Graphic credit: Tom Richard, Penn State University •Air forces heat outwards •Some systems can switch direction to keep base core at high enough temperature •Also helps control odor Processing - forced aeration Hot ammonia kills!!! Contain, treat leachate Compost blankets – beware moving from fresh to curing ../productie.htm Cure compost with 40-50% moisture to promote competitive microorganisms and avoid salmonella regrowth CASFS Farm compost piles 2008 Compost Temperatures 60 50 Degrees C 40 #1 #2 #3 #4 30 20 10 0 01/09/08 01/13/08 01/17/08 01/21/08 01/25/08 01/29/08 02/02/08 02/06/08 02/10/08 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 15:56:20.0 Date (*C) (*C) (*C) (*C)