Robotics Introduction

Robotics Introduction
Course Structure
Definition Robot
Definition Robotics
OK So what is a robot?
How new is robotics?
What do I need to know to work in robotics
– Math and language is mostly common
– Vocabulary
– Matrix Algebra
• Types of Robots
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
The Word Robot has its root in the Slavic languages and means worker, compulsory
work, or drudgery. It was popularized as a word for intelligent machines by the
Czechoslovakian playwright Karel Kapek in Rossum’s Universal Robot 1921
• 1950s Isaac Asimov Came up with laws of robotics in I Robot
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction allow a human being to come
to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would
conflict with the first law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with
the first or second law.
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
Robot: Many Definitions
American Heritage Dictionary: ro·bot (rbt, -bt) n.
1: A mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human being and is capable of performing a
variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance.
2: A machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control.
3: A person who works mechanically without original thought, especially one who responds
automatically to the commands of others.
1 a : a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or
talking) of a human being; also : a similar but fictional machine whose lack of capacity for
human emotions is often emphasized b : an efficient insensitive person who functions
2 : a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks
3 : a mechanism guided by automatic controls
RIA defines a robot as: "A programmable multi-function manipulator designed to move material,
parts, or specialized devices through variable programmed motion for the performance of a variety
of tasks" (RIA)
McKerrow, in 1986 used "A robot is a machine which can be programmed to do a variety of tasks in
the same way a computer is an electronic circuit which can be programmed to do a variety of tasks”
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
OK so what is a robot?
Is it R2D2?
Is it an industrial welding robot?
A pick and place machine?
A Machine Tool?
A Back Hoe?
A car on cruse control?
• A robot is an integration of mechanical electrical and software
components that can be reprogrammed to perform a variety of tasks
both with and without human intervention.
• Robotics: The study of robots design, programming and control.
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
So is robotics a new field?
800 BC Homer describes walking tripods in the Iliad
350 BC Aristotle envisions mechanisms that work by "obeying or anticipating the will
of others"
1801 Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents an automated textile loom controlled by punched
1892 Seward Babbitt designs a motorized crane and gripper to remove steel ingots from
a furnace
1890s Nikola Tesla, after working briefly for Edison, demonstrates various radiocontrolled vehicles, including a submersible boat
1926 Fritz Lang's movie Metropolis features Maria, a robot seductress
1939 For the New York World's Fair, Westinghouse Electric Corp. builds a mechanical
man and dog: Electro danced, counted to 10, smoked, and described Westingouse's
products -- and his dog walked, stood on its hind legs, and barked
1954 Devol designs a programmable factory robot (patent granted in 1961) aimed at
"Universal Automation," later trimmed to Unimation. First commercial industry robot
goes online in 1961 (Engleburger)
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
New Continued?
1976 NASA provides Mars landers with robot arms for its Viking I and II missions
1977 Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. introduces microcomputer-controlled robots
1977 Star Wars stars an android, C3PO, and a mobile robot, R2D2. By the early 1980s,
R2D2 lookalikes are vacuuming floors and singing songs in
1978 Brooks Founded
1982 PRI Automation, founded in
1983 A six-leg walking robot is unwrapped by Odetics Inc.
1984 Brooks Introduces Frog Leg
1986 Honda Motor Co. launches a secret project to build a humanoid robot
1990 Robodoc, developed by Dr. William Bargar and Howard Paul of Integrated
Surgical Systems Inc. and the University of California at Davis, performs a hipreplacement operation on a dog -- and in 1992, on a human patient
2000 At RoboCup 2000, three humanoid robots meet for the first time: Johnny Walker
from the University of Western Australia, the Mk-II from Japan's Aoyama Gakuin
University, and Pino from Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
• DOF: Degree of Freedom. Free space has 6, a plane 3 , the surface of
a sphere 3. A point in space is defined by 3. A line of unit length in
space can be defined by a point and 3 angles.
• Joint: Same as a human joint.
Revolute: Rotational Joint similar to elbow or wrist. 1DOF
Prismatic: Like an elevator 1DOF
Knuckle: Universal Joint 2DOF
Spherical: Ball and Socket 3DOF Not Common.
• Kinematics: The relationship between the positions, and the positions
derivatives of the robot and its links. Kinematics is motion without
forces or mass.
• Forward (direct) Kinematics: Given the joint trajectories find the link’s
or end-effector’s.
• Inverse Kinematics: Given a path calculate the motion of the joints.
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
Vocabulary 2
• Kinetics: Relates motion and forces
• Statics: Study of forces without motion
• Dynamics: Study of motion and forces contain both kinetics and
kinematics. Still have inverse and forward.
• Force or Torque: Four Types
– Coriolis: Coupling between Axes
– Centripetal: Like a ball on a string.
– Inertial: Due to acceleration of deceleration of a mass.
– Gyroscopic: Changing the angle of a quickly spinning mass. Drill or Router.
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
Vocabulary 3
Manipulator: A robot arm.
Manipulation: The act of grasping and or moving an object.
Gripper: Attaches to a robot to allow an object to be picked up.
End-Effector: Part of robot that affects the world. This can be a
gripper, a welding torch, a light, or a sensor.
• Cartesian Coordinates: X Y Z a b g
• Right Hand Rule: Standard for defining coordinate frames and positive
– Point Fingers of right hand down positive X axes, thump down positive Z axes,
Curl fingers by 90 degrees. They will point in the Y direction.
– Point thumb of right hand down any axes. Positive rotation is indicated by curling
you fingers around the axes
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.
Vocabulary 4
• Reference Frame: Coordinate system. Can be stationary or in motion.
– Tool: Coordinate system that is attached to the tool or end-effector.
– World: Coordinate system that the robot is relative to.
– Global: Coordinate system that is stationary.
• DH Parameters: Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters. Robot parameters
obtained by a convention for defining the coordinate frames of a robot.
Robotics 1
Copyright Martin P. Aalund, Ph.D.