Unit 1 Study Guide Revised

Age of Exploration
Students will explain why and give examples of how human populations changed and/or migrated
because of factors such as war, disease, economic opportunity and technology in the United States prior
to Reconstruction.
What are the pros and cons of the Colombian Exchange?
What is the Great Convergence?
How did technology and economics influence the Great Convergence and the Colombian
Define: Caravel, Astrolabe, Mercator Projection
Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources) to describe and explain
historical events and conditions and to analyze the perspectives of different individuals and groups
(e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, age, economic status, religion, and political group) in U.S.
history prior to Reconstruction.
How did Marco Polo impact exploration?
Why did Columbus sail west?
Which regions of “The New World” were explored by the various countries (France, England,
Spain, Portugal, etc.)?
Define Columbian Exchange and Great Convergence. What impact did these events have on the
people of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas?
Students will explain events and conditions that led to the "Great Convergence" of European, African
and Native American people beginning in the late 15th century, and analyze how America's diverse
society developed as a result of these events.
Why did Europeans search for trade routes?
Explain how technologies (such as astrolabes and caravels) led to exploration
Explain how European technology helped them conquer Native American peoples
What hardships did early settlers face?