Egyptians had many ways of using transportation. One way was by

A look back in time
Farming and Tools
The ancient Egyptians were one of the
groups through out history that have tools to
farm and actually farm their own crops.
Themselves, like the Mesopotamians had
names for the seasons and when to harvest
their crops. During July, water from the
Nile will begin to rises and flood the land
This was called Inundation. By the time the
flood was over the people had lots of work
to do. Most of the people from the village
had to work on the Pharaoh’s projects.
November comes along and the water is
down so now farmers can go out and plough
their fields better. Sowers soon later scatter
seeds and take their animals out to the field
and stomp on the soil. Causing it to be
damp and rich. Some of their crops
were…emmer,barley,(used for baking bread
and brewing beer, wheat) pekha, (an
unidentified sort of corn, flax), and much
more. You can check it out on the links that
I have.
This is a picture of two people that are working on
the crops. They are using Wooden ploughs, Sickles
and hoes made of wood.
The ancient Egyptian’s wore clothes, jewels and
cosmetics just as we do today. Of course they were
different then ours but they were manly used for the
same importance.
Clothes:Because of the hot climate in Egypt most
clothes were made of plant fibers or linen. Men wore
kilts and women wore straight dresses on a daily basis.
Rich and wealthy people wore more stylish clothes
which usually had embroidery made of beads on them.
Cosmetics: Cosmetics were worn on both men and
women.On hot sunny days Egyptians wore special oils
to stop their skin from drying up. Some other important
cosmetics included kohl that they used to paint the eyes
with (or use as eyeliner) and perfumes.
Jewels and accessories: In the Egyptian days men,
women and children no matter what their age wore
jewellery. On their heads they wore circlets. They also
wore many kinds of earrings, rings, necklaces and
bracelets. Jewellery was made of many things such as
gold, stones, silver, shells and beads.
Music and Dancing
Music and dance was a
very important part of being
in a culture. Egyptians had a
lot of the wood instruments
that we have today. Flutes,
harps,percussion, like
drums, and other cool
instruments that we play.
Oboes, one of the first
instruments to actually have
been made by the
Egyptians, were found in
the year of 2800 BCE. More
and more people loved the
music they began to dance
and sing to it.
Dancing and singing was a
Dancers with weights fastened to their hair,
religious thing that the
Egyptians did to thank the dancing to clapping!!
gods for their good will.
Types of instruments that
they had harps, lyres, lutes,
percussion instruments like
drums, rattles, tambourines,
bells (first used during the
Late Period) and cymbals
(Roman Period), wind
instruments like flutes,
clarinets, double pipes,
trumpets, and oboes. I found
this out by searching on the
web. I have this site so I am
not plagiarizing.
Means of transportation
Egyptians had many ways of using
transportation. One way was by walking.
Walking was for the people that had long
distances and other important things. Older
men had to use walking sticks for some had
a hard time walking. Another way were the
ferries. Racing up the Nile rivers, trying to
deliver their goods and supplies. People
from the south had some difficulty reaching
the north of Egypt because of the cataracts.
In litters people, like the royal family’s,
would sit in a royal chair and other people
like the slaves would carry their Queen or
King. Chariots were used by the pharaohs
in Ancient Egypt. Horses were discovered in
the 17th century, so yeah. Crafts, boats and
ships are also like the the Ferries. There are
many more was but these are the
transportations that I thought were pretty
This is a picture of two people and a chariot.
The houses in Egypt are
made with the same
materials that the pyramids
were made from…sun dried
bricks. Mud and sand were
laid out to dry in the sun and
be used to build the
Egyptians houses. They built
with the same materials as
the dwellings of the
commoners. Metjen, a third
dynasty official, received
from his king among other
gifts. Find out where I got
this by clicking on the
This is a picture of a modern garden
picture. For the second
time…I’m not plagiarizing. With a fig tree and a basin in 2000
Any way…Gateways were BCE.
generally made of stone,
even in poorer households.
The wooden doors and leaves of double
doors could be barred from the
inside. Keys have been found dating from
1550 BCE onwards, but not the bars they
locked. The floors in houses were made of
packed earth, which wouldn't do for a
bathroom. There, a slab of stone was
placed in a corner. Often the adobe walls
near-by were coated with stone as well.
The water could run off into a bowl which
was either emptied by hand, or had holes
at its bottom, thus draining slowly into the
Gardens were very popular in Egypt.
From an enclosed yard with a few fruit
trees to botanical and zoological gardens
with exotic trees, ponds, often stocked
with fish, and caged animals and birds,
gardens are depicted in many tombs.
Arts and Crafts
Egyptian craftsmen are the people
that make the masks like the mask if of
Tutankhamun. This was made with
pure gold and is inlaid with semiprecious stones and colored glass. This
was placed over the face of the dead
king. I found this out in a book. So if
you want to check out the bibliography
at the back of this presentation.
Most of the craftsmen's were
employed by the king, by the temples,
or by noblemen who had workshops on
their estates. Sons of the craftsmen's
were expected to follow the same
profession as their fathers and to be
trained by them.The boy has to gain
skills such as tools,which were of
copper, bronze, or stone and made with
wooden handles. He also had to learn
many of the rules of his craft.
This is a picture of king Tuts statue
Theatre-Religious Beliefs
This theatre was important for
many important beliefs and
religions. Theatre were used for
plays and past time pleasure.
The murder of Osiris by Seth, his
dismemberment and resuscitation
made for excellent theatre and was
frequently shown, with the main
roles played by professional actors
and the extras often members of
the public. Abydos and Busiris
were important centers for these
The festivities were divided into
three parts: the defense of Osiris
by his son Upuaut, the fight of
Osiris himself and his demise, and
lastly the triumph of Osiris when
his enemies are defeated.
This is the outside of one of the theatre in the Egyptian
Ancient Egypt
Much of what happened during the
earlier periods of Egyptian history is
speculative. It seems that the southern
king Narmer (perhaps Aha or the
legendary Menes) won a victory over a
northern king which has been
immortalized by the Narmer Palette.
What may have been another southern
victory over the inhabitants of the
Delta is depicted on the Bull Palette.
I got this research from the site that
you can see if you click on the links.
In ancient Egypt slaves were
considered people with not as
many rights as other people.
Some people believe that
slaves were the ones who built
the great pyramids of Giza and
others prefer to believe that all
Egyptians built them. People
aren’t even exactly sure there
was slavery in Egypt because
how could they control so
many slaves?
In ancient Egypt
people believed
that when they
past away they
would enter the
kingdom of god
Osiris. They
believed that
when they did
enter the kingdom
of god Osiris they
would have to
face a trial to find
out if they had led
a good life or a
bad one.
(The judgment of the dead)….
This trial worked like
this….. The heart of the
dead man would be
weighed against a
feather. If the feather
went up and the heart
went down the man had
sinned in his life but if
the feather and heart
weighed the same he had
been truthful and good
during his life.
These are all of the people’s resources that we found most of our stuff
on. This is the site
were we found the most of our pictures and research.
The Egyptians Millard Anne. London (© Macdonald
Educational Limited,) 1975. This is the book that my partner
and I found some information that we found.
g+&hl=en. This site is where we found one of our pictures.
This is the best site for that.
Thank you for looking at
our presentation and we
hope that you enjoy the rest
of the Expo.
Mrs. Dawson for helping us on our projects
when needed and for being a great teacher!
The majority of our class for showing us
helpful tips on making our project better.
Also we would like to thank all the helpful
sites we used to find information!!
And Thank You for looking at our project to
see how hard we worked!!