Richland One Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 Teacher: Subject: Date: Week of 10/28/2013 Grade: Monday Content Standard(s) Learning Objective(s) Learning Target(s)/Indicators /Essential Question(s) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3-4.1 Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students will… 3-4.1 Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students will… 3-4.1 Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students will…. 3-4.1 Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students will…. Pre-test on their knowledge of mass, volume, measurable and observable properties of matter. Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students are able to use their senses (sight, touch, and smell) while observing matter. Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students are able to use a balance, graduated cylinder or beaker, thermometer, and ruler to measure matter. Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties Students are able to complete foldable information based on what they observed or measured. Sample pieces of matter that students can see, touch, and smell Samples of matter that students can measure Cylinder, beaker, thermometer, ruler Foldable, recording sheet Criteria for Success What does success look like? How will you/students know if they have successfully met outcomes? Students make 80% or better on pre assessment. Materials/Resource s Essential for students to successfully Matter preassessment Richland County School District One Lesson Plan Template Friday Science Assessment & Health Teacher Summer 2013 Richland One Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 complete task(s)/Activity Relevance/Rational e Enduring Understanding/Real -World Connections Everything is made of matter and can change. • Things can be done to matter which may change their properties. • Not all matter changes the same way. • Changes occur and affect our surroundings Everything is made of matter and can change. • Things can be done to matter which may change their properties. • Not all matter changes the same way. • Changes occur and affect our surroundings Everything is made of matter and can change. • Things can be done to matter which may change their properties. • Not all matter changes the same way. • Changes occur and affect our surroundings Everything is made of matter and can change. • Things can be done to matter which may change their properties. • Not all matter changes the same way. • Changes occur and affect our surroundings Anticipated Student Misconceptions Matter does not change. • Students may believe that water must be boiled in order to change from a liquid to a gas. • Freezing only happens when it is cold Matter does not change. • Students may believe that water must be boiled in order to change from a liquid to a gas. • Freezing only happens when it is cold Matter does not change. • Students may believe that water must be boiled in order to change from a liquid to a gas. • Freezing only happens when it is cold Matter does not change. • Students may believe that water must be boiled in order to change from a liquid to a gas. • Freezing only happens when it is cold Learning Experiences (Use content instructional frameworks) How will students be engaged in the topic? Connection: This last 9 weeks we learned a lot about rocks, soils, fossils, and natural resources Connection: On yesterday you took an assessment on the observable and measurable properties of matter Connection: On yesterday we learned about the observable properties of matter Connection: This week we have learned about the measurable and observable properties of matter TP: Today we are TP: Today we will Richland County School District One TP: Today we are going to experiment with the measureable Lesson Plan Template TP: Today we will Summer 2013 Richland One Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 Differentiation? going to take a pretest on the measurable and observable properties of matter. experiment with observing matter using our sense of sight, smell, and touch. Teach: You have done a great job learning about the different types of rocks, soils, and landforms, but I need to know what you know about matter so that I can properly teach you what you should know. Teach: You have done a great job focusing and double checking your pre assessment on yesterday. Today we will observe properties of matter using your sight, touch, and smell senses. Active Engage: Once you are finished and have double checked, turn your test in, and open your science book to the chapter on matter and read silently for others to finish. (use index and table of contents) Active Engage: Turn and talk to your neighbor and share what you you can observe about matter using your senses. TW: hand out samples of matter (teacher choice) to student pairs. properties of matter Teach: You have done a great job observing properties of matter. Today we will measure properties of matter using a balance, graduated cylinder, ruler Active Engage: Turn and talk to your neighbor and share what you can measure matter and what tools you can use to measure matter TW: hand out samples of matter (teacher choice) to student pairs. SW: students will measure matter sample using tools provided SW: note what they observe on sticky notes about the pieces of matter. complete a foldable based on what we’ve learned and illustrate our learning Teach: You have done a great job experimenting with matter this week. Today we will work together put what we’ve learned onto our foldable so that we can use it as a study guide. Active Engage: Turn and talk to your partner about something that you have learned this week about observing and measuring matter. TW: hand out incomplete foldable SW: complete foldable and use as study guide Response to Intervention (RtI) Richland County School District One Lesson Plan Template Summer 2013 Richland One Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 What interventions will be provided at each tier? Checking For Understanding What questions will I ask? Sticky note: What are the three forms of matter Sticky note: What does it mean to observe properties of matter Sticky note: What does it mean to measure properties of matter Hot seat/Ticket out Journal Entry: How are observable and measureable properties of matter different Hot seat/Ticket out Closure Hot seat/Ticket out the door Hot seat/Ticket out the door Hot seat/Ticket out the door the door the door Lesson Reflection(s) What will I use to reflect on this lesson? Real Friends Protect Us Teaching Steps 1. 1. Review function of the lungs. Show students the sponge, and ask them what organ of the body it is shaped like (lungs). Use a balloon to review with students how the lung works. Inflate the balloon and explain that it represents what a lung is like after we have taken a deep breath. Let the air slowly out of the balloon and tell students this represents what happens when we breathe out. Richland County School District One Lesson Plan Template Summer 2013 Richland One Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 CONCEPTS 2. o When we breathe in, the air is taken by the bloodstream to the heart, and the heart pumps it all through the body. o When we breathe out, the "used" air from the blood goes back to the lungs, and we let this air out before we take our next breath. o The tar in tobacco smoke hurts the lungs and causes diseases that make it hard to breathe. 2. Demonstrate how tar in cigarettes damages lungs. Ask students if they would like to clean their face with the sponge. Explain that before anyone can use the sponge, it has to be "treated". Hold up the paint and explain that it represents tar, the stuff that gets into the lungs when people smoke cigarettes. Squeeze the sponge to draw the paint into the sponge. Now ask students who would like to clean their face with the sponge. If no one does, why not? CONCEPTS The tar in tobacco smoke hurts the lungs and causes diseases that make it hard to breathe. 3. o Ask students again why they would not like to clean their face with the paint-filled sponge. o Ask students if they would let a friend do this. Why not? o Ask students if a friend would let them try to smoke cigarettes. Why not? 3. Discuss characteristics of friends. Go over to the door of the classroom and show the students several keys. Can they tell which key will open the door by looking at it? (no) Try several keys to lock and unlock the door until you "find" the right one. DISCUSSION POINTS o Can we tell if a person is a friend just by looking? (no) CONCEPTS 4. o We choose our friends because of what they do, not what they look like. o Choosing the right friends can help us stay healthy. 4. Brainstorm characteristics of friends. Ask students to brainstorm all the things a friend is and does. Write student responses on the board. Review each characteristic students listed. Richland County School District One Lesson Plan Template Summer 2013 Richland One Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 DISCUSSION POINTS o o Would my family approve of this characteristic in a friend? Would this characteristic in my friend help me stay healthy? Erase any characteristics for which the answers are no. Title the remaining characteristics "What a Real Friend Is!" 5. Reflect, summarize, and discuss. Review student learning. CONCEPTS o o Tobacco harms the body. Friends can support each other to be tobacco free. Richland County School District One Lesson Plan Template Summer 2013