COMPUTING FOR COLLEGE AND CAREERS SYLLABUS LAST NAME ____________________________________ FIRST NAME _________________________________ PERIOD___________ TEACHER: Tisheema Bush, M.A. EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: 407.858.6130 ext. 5064310 TEACHER WEBSITE: COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to provide a basic overview of current business and information systems and trends and to introduce students to the basics and foundations required for today’s business environments. Emphasis is placed on developing proficiency with touch keyboarding and fundamental computer applications, so that they may be used as communication tools for enhancing personal and work place proficiency in an information-based society. This also includes proficiency with computers using databases, spreadsheets, presentation applications, and the integration of these programs using software that meets industry standards. 8th grade students may have the opportunity to earn industry certification. Career education is an on-going, lifelong process by which individuals define and redefine career-related choices and outcomes. Students will learn and develop skills, knowledge, and attitudes they will need for the rest of their lives – to succeed in school, work, family and the community. The college and career education process will include several modules, hands-on activities and projects. GRADES Due to the nature of this course, an emphasis will be placed on the students’ ability to work individually and as a team to complete coursework. The course grading system is based on the following: Assignments/Notes: Quizzes: Tests: Office Procedures: 20% 25% 50% 5% TESTS AND QUIZZES Tests and quizzes may be written or administered on the computer. Quizzes may be given at any time without prior notice. GRADING SCALE A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59 NOTEBOOKS Students will keep a notebook with all assignments, quizzes, tests, and class notes. Parents are strongly encouraged to review the notebook and monitor their child’s excellent progress throughout the year. Bring your notebook to class everyday! Notebook checks are not announced and will be graded based on organization and missing assignments. 1 COMPUTING FOR COLLEGE AND CAREERS SYLLABUS MAKEUP WORK When absent from class, it is the student’s job, upon returning to school, to talk to Mrs. Bush and get any missing work that will need to be completed. All of the class activities and assignments are usually posted on the Edmodo group for each class, so students are able to complete work from home on days that the y are absent as well (if possible). Students will be able to make up assignments BEFORE school to catch up on their missed assignments and projects. I will be available BEFORE school from 8:30am-9:15am. Students will need to make PRIOR arrangements with Mrs. Bush before coming to school for a morning make up session to ensure my availability. (I may have parent conferences or morning meetings) LAB FEE In order to provide your son or daughter with lab activities that makes computing for college and careers exciting and realistic, FMS exploratory department (CCC/Computers) is searching for financial support beyond the funds allocated by the state and county. Our aim is to give your child the best learning experience possible. We are asking you for a tax –deductible donation (Suggested amount $10) to help us provide the supplies (color ink, printer paper etc.) needed for our students to do computer lab activities. This money will be deposited into a school account and monitored by standard accounting procedures. A receipt will be returned to you by your son or daughter. Payment can be made by cash, check (payable to Freedom Middle), money order, Credit card online payment or electronic check using new SchoolPay website. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Come to class on time, prepared and ready to work each day. Turn your cell phone off and place it in your locker or backpack. (strictly enforced) Turn in work when it is due. Discuss with me if you feel you are falling behind or do not understand any new material. Never take or copy the work of another student. This is a serious violation and will not be tolerated in this lab. COMPUTER LAB POLICIES (These rules will be strictly enforced and monitored) RESPECT, each other and the equipment Food and drinks are NOT allowed in lab even if unopened. Please discard before entering the lab. Do not bring personal disks, portable hard drives, etc. Students may not use the Internet without permission. Do not download programs or plug-ins for the computer without permission Students may not modify ANY computer settings (including: printer, screensavers, desktop wallpaper, etc.) Stealing or damaging the equipment will lead to prompt loss of lab privileges. This syllabus is subject to change without notice. 2 COMPUTING FOR COLLEGE AND CAREERS SYLLABUS PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO YOUR TEACHER LAST NAME, FIRST NAME _____________________________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) PERIOD __________________________________________________________________________________ I/WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE INFORMATION: ____________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE _________________________ DATE ____________________________________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE ________________________ DATE PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) PARENT TELEPHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________ This syllabus is subject to change without notice. 3