7 th Grade CST Review Task List




Grade CST Review Task List



Maya/Inca/Aztec Aztec

Kings Nobles – The king was one of the most important people in the empire. His palace contained 3,000 slaves, an aviary

(300 slaves helped), and a zoo. (300 save for). His giant responsibilities were too big for him to do alone, so he had tax collectors and nobles to help.

Priests and warriors –

Warriors were very important for the society.

They would fight in wars and would conquer new lands to gain more money, and also find sacrifices to preform ceremonies.

Priests would keep the calendar for ceremonies, pass down history and


Impact on Today

Aztec Religion –

Like the Mayans, the

Aztec was polytheistic.

They would have sacrifices and bleeding to please their gods. They would sacrifice one’s heart to the rain god.

Over 10,000 people were sacrificed each year.

Maya Religion –

They believed that the gods influenced daily life.

There were many gods and goddesses who would impact life, with of the most infamous being the sun god. The people thought that you would need to give blood to prevent accidents. For special occasions, they gave more blood.

Sometimes, they even made human sacrifices at



The Inca’s economy was mainly based on trade and also services. Since they didn’t have many valuable things as their taxes they had to use their own crops and they also had to send some of their crops to the king.

Everyone put a lot of effort and teamwork on everything, even the King would help and work on the streets, and the only people that didn’t have to work were very old people and very young kids.

Everyone else that did have to work



Key people



For all of

Aztec, Inca, and Maya each had had a society of people with different roles that helped make theses time periods prospered.

stories, and preform ceremonies (and sacrifices).

Craftsmen and artisan –

Merchants and artisans usual became rich as they sold and traded their objects to other people and leaders and priests.

Farmers and slaves-

Most citizens were farmer, and lived a rough life. They had to live in mud and stick houses, and had to pay rough taxes that made it hard to survive. Life improved if you joined the military. Slaves would be the powerhouse of the empire, and were prime contestants for sacrifices.


Higher Class – Priests,

Merchants, and Warriors.

Lower Class-

Farmers, and usually they had to serve in the army. the temples. Human victims (usually slaves) would have their hearts cut out and offered to the gods. They thought that there was an underworld and a godly place. Everyone had an animal companion, where the kings would have a Jaguar.

Inca Religion

They never forced their conquered people to worship their religion.

They would perform ceremonies for the sun god, and would try to tie down the sun to stop it from disappearing in winter. They thought that the kings were related to the sun god, so they never died. either had to be a noble, do farming, or mining.

Trade- the Inca’s most important valuable trading item was cloth.

Cloth was very important item because it was very hard to produce it.

Some other trading items that they used were ropes, llamas, pots, old, and silver. Inca’s didn’t have a money system so therefore they only traded. They had to give away 2/3 of their food supplies to the nobles and gods, and whatever they had left been just for their personal use.

Mayan Economy and Trade

The Mayan economy was

Leader – Lead religious ceremonies, military, and wore fancy clothes. The people considered him a god.


Higher Class – The upper class would help make the empire run, and had servants and no taxes. The women however, would have the duties on the other women.

Lower Class

There were no slaves in the society. Most people were farmers and artisans. They were the army, paid taxes, and wore plain clothes, unbelievably, by law. They were self-educated. They however, would not be able to own more than they needed. mainly based on agriculture. They didn’t use money, but they didn’t always use trading as their way of surviving because to them it was very valuable just like money is now to us.

Trade- they had a few valuable items that they liked to use for trading, some of these items were: Cacao, seeds, salt, and gold. All these items symbolized that they were from the upper class.

Aztec Economy and Trade

The Aztec economy was based on agriculture and trade. All Aztecs used all the land

that there was available. They used the land to practice their techniques, like cropping rotations and things like the

Chi Nampa farming system, which is lots of reeds placed in a lake, then covered up with lots of soul and then used when ready.

Trade – Aztecs didn’t use money either. They also traded Cacao beans which was their most important item in their trading items, because a lot of people need it to make Chocolate.

There were several groups of merchants that traded items such as cotton, clothing items made from animal bodies

China in the

Middle Ages

King/Emperor: in charge of political and religious business/appointed inspectors, tax collectors, and other people to carry out hid rule

Nobles: granted land by emperor to oversee/kept land “in check” and in order.

Scholars: well-educated men/hired by emperor to settle minor legal disagreements/constitution was needed by officials to help govern local areas

Merchants: sold goods throughout China and to other countries/many used

Silk Road to transport goods.

Farmers: grew rice/human manure to fertilize crops

(due to lack of animal manure)/ helped increase

China’s population.

The Chinese had many religions and still do.

Although in the middle ages there were a few larger ones. These religions included the philosophic Confucianism, the polytheistic religion of

Hinduism and the enlightenment of

Buddhism. Many of the religions in china came from different cultures and countries like

Hinduism and Buddhism others were formed in

China like Daoism and

Confucianism later when the nomads arrived religions like Islam came.

Confucianism is an ethical belief based on Morales like honesty and integrity along with knowledge and etiquette, Respect and generosity, all of these are character traits of an ideal follower of Confucianism.

Daoism or “following the way” or the ultimate truth

(feathers, jaguar skins), and jewelry which they traded for rubber.

Used slaves to create Grand

Canal, which

In Medieval China, the Chinese were able to advance warfare.

The hand grenade changed helped link

North and

South China/ improves trade and tourism

Used Silk Road to transport goods throughout

China and other countries as well like

India, Greece, and countries in Europe.

Traded silk, jade, ivory, gold, horses, spices, and many other things. warfare by introducing a bomb that was able to be thrown by an ordinary soldier. Dominoes were invented during the Ming


The fragmentation grenade was designed to send pieces of shrapnel flying in any direction.

The fragmentation grenade was filled with pellets or broken porcelain. IN addition to the fragmentation grenade, the land mine was introduced during the

Song Dynasty. The mine was activated when the charge was moved. Dominoes were invented during the Ming Dynasty.

Dominoes were played as a game.

Nothing In China there where a lot of religions that helped shape the people from that time period.

China was a place of discipline and meditation.

To learn the ways of different religions that taught people moral values.

Slaves: slaves committed suicide or were killed to go to afterlife with

Emperor/either paid in taxes for Emperor or worked (and farmed)/captured from war. of the universe. It was created by Laos a Chinese philosopher. It didn’t really flourish until 100

A.D. though. Daoism is a believe that all should be

“one” with mother nature, or the universe. Unlike

Buddhism Dualist’s believe that life should be lived with happiness, balance, and virtue, and that life was a gift. On the other hand Buddhist’s think that life is suffering. Daoism believe that the highest achievement possible for them is immortality.

Through breathing, meditation, and good deeds along with the use of elixirs they believed that they could actually become immortal, and help others on their

“path”. While early

Daoism priests were searching for an exile it is believed that they actually created gun powder.

Buddhism is a religion without god although in later years they started looking at Buddha as a

Medieval Japan Nothing deity Buddhism was originated after Hinduism and is a “journey” of selfenlightenment. Buddhism is how to be enlightened and how to enjoy life one earth.

The most well-known religions in Japan during the middle ages were

Shinto and Buddhism.

The Buddhism religion started in China and spread to Japan. This religion believes in an afterlife. Most of the temples where the people worship were built by priests. They also have the largest statue of

Buddha located in the

Today temple. Buddhism teaches people to find peace, self-control, and to lead a better life. One of the ways they do this is by meditation which is also used by many people all around the world, even today. They also had Pure land

Buddhism which turned into a lot of things. They believed in a lord named

Nothing Some of the many achievements were art, and writing. Many of the women were taught to write,

Japanese, not Chinese. Only men in Japan that were involved in politics were able to learn both

Chinese and Japanese. Some of the greatest achievements were in art, science, and literature.

Nothing Japan, just like China was also of time of many religions such as Shinto and


Also it was a time (like others) where women weren’t given many opportunities and options as men.

Fall of Rome Nothing

Amide, which was a

Buddha of love and mercy.

The Romans had a polytheistic religion. They were very much like the

Greeks, after the Romans took over Greece they took much from them.

The Greeks highly influenced the Romans, even though they were enemies. It is even believed, actually highly believed, that all gods and goddesses the romans believed in were the same as the Greeks.

The difference between the two religions was that they had different names, and somewhat harsher personalities.

Nothing One of Rome’s greatest achievements was their military.

They are also known as the creators of hot aqueduct, the road, the aching bridge, the great bathhouses, the theaters, and their cities. Achievements on its own, but the achieved almost total power. The Romans had a vast empire that lasted over 200 years, and that’s just a great. They also came up with a system of morals called the 12 tablets; they were engraved into 12 plates of bronze.

The Romans invented a system of roads, sidewalks that allowed people and carts to get to places without getting their feet wet or getting stuck in places. The

Romans were responsible for the formation of the famous aqueducts that span miles just to get wear to a city. The Romans used these aqueducts to take water to their crops and to their bathhouses in the cities. The

Romans invented the arch. The

Arches helped thermos make etiquettes walk ways, and over


(die-uh KLEEshun) (c.245c.316) Roman emperor, he divided the

Roman Empire in to eater nans western halves.


(KAHN-stunteen) (c. 280-

337) Roman emperor, he was the first

Roman emperor to become a


Constantinople moved the

Empire’s capital from

Rome to

Constantinople and removed bans on


Clovis: (c.466-

The Fall of

Rome was a time of where the people believed in

Greeks gods and goddesses.

The gods would help the Greeks understand the role of nature and the world around them.

For example there are many stories

(Greek stories) that mention the life about a specific god and how in certain times they made rain pour or how they make winter

Ghana/Mali Nothing The religion in the

Empire of Ghana was the religions, Islam and

Christianity, The

Ghanaian people actually had freedom to choose

Nothing hangs that make things more aesthetic around the city. The

Romans used these arches in their bathhouses, and their homes. The

Romans were also responsible for the formation of the dome. The

Romans used these domes on their church’s, their theater, and their coliseums.

Ghana: Because of so many people coming from different places (cause is gold), Gina’s rulers decided to force taxes on new people coming. Every trader who entered Ghana had to pay a

511) King of the

Franks, he was a Christian leader who was one of the most powerful rulers of the

Germanic barbarians.

Attila: (AT-hulluh) (c.406-453)

Leader of the

Huns, he led invasions of


Greece, Gaul, and northern

Italy and was greatly feared by the Romans.


Augusta’s was the first emperor of


Almoravids- was a group which attacked

Ghana in the

1600s; they attacked so evolve in to spring. They are stories of how things come to be.

These where the times when religions like

Islam and


whichever religion they wanted to be in. If people had difficulties coping they were able to pray to God or Allah.

Since the people in the

Empire had 2 religions they ended up splitting into two. They split their country into which was

Islam VS Non-Islam which created a big commotion.

The Religion in the

Empire of Mali was Islam, the reason why was because there was a lot of Muslims in the Empire of Mali. Since the spread of Islam throughout the

Empire of Mali, which got blended with traditional and local practices which were done every day, this was called the mixing phase. Mansa Musa spread the Islam religion by building mosques and

Islamic buildings. These buildings were building of learning or funded.

Mansa Musa preached the Islam faith on his journey to and from special tax on the goods he carried, And then he had to pay another tax on any goods he took with him when he left.

Ghana: Ghana’s kings used their great wealth to build a powerful army. With this army the kings of

Ghana conquered many of their neighbors. Many of these conquered areas were center of trade. Taking over these areas made Ghana’s kings even richer.

Ghana: The trade they had in

Ghana was very advanced.

Mali: Syndicate had a new farmlands cleared for beans, onions, rice and other crops. He even introduced a new crop to

Mali – cotton. People used cotton to make clothing that as comfortable in the warm climate.

Realizing its value, they also sold cotton to other people.

Mali: Mansa Musa was a king and he was very powerful, with very many followers. that they can force the leaders to convert to


Tonka Main- the Empire of

Ghana reached its peak under his command.

He was the king of the Empire and he had a splendid court where they displayed the vast wealth of their empire.

He ruled during

C 1068. His kingdom was visited by

Muslim writers.



Keita) – was the founder of the Empire of

Mali, he was a hero of the

Mandingo people of the came around.

Many traditions and practices were mixed and connected with the religion of

Islam called the mixing phase; this must have been a huge part of this period.

Mecca. West Africa. He was born in

1217 and died in 1255.

Mansa Musa -

He was the tenth Mansa which means

“kind of kind” or “Emperor” from the

Malian Empire, because of him

Mali reached the height of its wealth, power, and fame in the


Meghan (Son of Mansa

Musa) – After

Mansa Musa died his son took over the throne, though he was a weak leader who ended up causing trouble for Mali which weakened it.

Rise of Islam Islamic government is more difficult than our govern mint. The Islamic government is not a tyranny, where the head of state can deal with the people’s life. The government is based on the approval of laws. The difference in Islamic government is that there constitutional ways are much different the

America’s. They have

Representatives that live up to there stands and help out in the Islamic

Government the government is much stricter in Islam because of their religion and beliefs.

Islamic rules run by the rule in the Qur’an not by rules maze by a ruler.

Government foot he

Islamic is in a contrast of republic or constantitutional monarchy. Since Islamic

Government is a government law, the rulers knowledge of the Qur’an rules. Its tradition and it is necessary to have the ruler

The Islamic religion is one of the fastest growing religions in the world.

Islamic is a monotheistic religious tradition that developed in the Middle

East in the 7 th century.

The kids study this religion for homework it’s like church so basically church school.

Their religion was founded on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad as an expression. Their religion basically meant: surrender” and

“submission.” The two divisions within the Sunni and Shi’a, each of which claims different means of maintaining religious authority. One of the things that unique about the Islam religion is there five Pillars.

Islamic economy has been the same through tradition. The economy is formed to keep

Islam at the top of its charts and to make it the best it can be.

The economy forms around the moral teachings of the

Islamic behavior.

The consideration of the Islamic economy is ordering supplies and money so none is loss of what they need most.

The liabilities for the economy are mainly focused on the Qur’an and their religion because what they believe in is that they need a lot to keep a date economy

Medicine: the Islamic culture was one of the best to heal wounded people they had different types of medicine for different types of wounds.

Scholars: the Islamic school is e one of the best for their religion they had went to the churches where they had the book of their religion. It was one of the best schools back then.

Paper mail: Was a mail route taken around the whole city this route took about the whole day depending on the size of the town or city.

Art: the art back then was very detailed and much abraded by the young and old citizens.

Literature: the school focused on main thing, literature that was the information that they had to teach for days.

Muhammad was born in

Mecca in 570.

His parents and grandfather died when he was young, so he uncle took care of him. He traveled in his caravan business. Upset at the decreasing moral values in

Mecca, he began to go to a cave to meditate.

According to teachings, at age 40, an angel visited him, telling him to spread the word of god.

He only told his wife at first, but eventually began to tell more people.

The message he spread was basis of the

During this time, there was an

Islamic government which had a different way of ruling. This government was led by approval of laws and also there way are stricter.

During this period one of the achievements was the paper mail.

and people know all the rules of the Qur’an. As long as the government rules are not broken the Islamic lives will be alright. rather than having little and not enough to keep a great economy for the people’s lives. religion Islam.

Muhammad is considered a prophet by people who follow Islam,

Muslims. The messages

Muhammad received were collected in the holy book of

Islam, the

Qur’an. Many were upset at

Islam for challenging old religious ideas.

They threatened him, so he and his followers left for Medina.

He became very popular there, and more became


Eventually they fought over mecca, and

Muhammad and his followers won.

He died in 632 in Medina, soon after

Mecca became


Fatimah was

Muhammad’s daughter. She left with

Muhammad to

Medina. She marries

Muhammad’s cousin, Ali, and her sons and she began the


Dynasty, those related directly to Muhammad.

Her husband was the organ of the split between the

Sunni and Shia

Muslims, where some wanted Ali as the leader and other didn’t.

Abu Bark was the next Islamic

leader after

Muhammad’s death. He was she first caliph, the title foot he highest position in

Islam. He conquered many lands during his rule.

His made

Arabia and unified Muslim state.

Mehmet II was a military leader of the

Ottomans. He used cannons to capture


He renamed it

Istanbul and turned the church, Hagias

Sophia in to a mosque.

Akbar was an emperor of the

Mughals, a group of

Medieval Europe Mine Group


Muslims form

Central Asia.

He conquered many lands in

India for the empire; he began a tolerant religious policy.

He got rid of taxes on other religions and invited Hindus to the empire.

This helped unify the empire.

1. Marco Polo-

He was a merchant traveler, who traveled in

Central Asia and China and wrote down many things to show the

Europeans about Central

Asia and China.

He was a man of discovery and new


2. William Tell -

He was a folk hero from a

15 th century

Swiss chronicle in Switzerland.(

Popular in books)

3. Thomas

Becket – He was an

Archbishop of

Canterbury form 1162 to

1170/ He was a man who believed in “the rights and privileges of the Church” and in believing so was murdered by that. He stood up for what he believed in!

4. Jack Cade –

He was the leader of the

Jack Cade

Rebellion, a rebellion in

1450. He and other weren’t happy about how weak King

Henry VI ruled.

He and 5,000 others kicked out the king and won. The rebel group was successful in the capture of London until defeated in a battle at

London Bridge.

With Cade standing up for what he and others thought of the king that showed the importance of you stand up for what you think is right.

5. Dante

Alighieri –


Italian poet of

Divine Comedy,

Renaissance King: Last, but arguably the most important was the king, now the king governed all of his money for the kingdom.

Royal Advisers: Next we’re the king’s royal advisors, they had advised the king, and got plenty of money for having the eking make good choices.

Most people back in this time were catholic, and this religion led up to modern

Christian/Catholic religion and it inspired most of man’s greeted achievement.

Cities grew and prospered during the

Renaissance and rulers learned to tax the people.

Trade grew in the cities and states. Trade was big in the


Italian cities became trade

There are many achievements during the time of hot renaissance. Some such in the study of art, literature, and architecture. Some even in the sciences and in medicine.

Mona Lisa: Painted by Leonardo

Da Vinci, the Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings known throughout the world by many.

Sistine Chapel: A very famous chapel made and designed by is known to be

“the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and masterpiece of literature.” He is important because his talent for writing is something so extravagant that it needs to be known about. He has talent that was thought as a work of art.

Leonardo Da

Vinci- Not unusual for him to start something and not finish it, remembered for art although did not do many. He created Mona

Lisa and The

Last Supper. He

This period was where art and literature flourished.

There were a lot of men who had the talent for art and literature that influenced and is taught

Land owners: Next up we’re the land owners, they had large amounts of land, and they loved their money’s and never made a good deal.

Merchants: Next up we’re the merchant, now they were pretty high up in the food chain, they sold products and worked mainly for money, and most of these people were rich.

Farmer: The nest in these groups was the farmers, the people who made everyone’s food, although they did a ton of work, they were still counted pretty low. This was the second lowest group on this government.

Peasant: Imagine this as a pyramid, just like the food groups, each section decides on size, peasants are at the bottom of the groups, and there were hundreds of them in that time. So in that way, the centers. Rivers were a big thing in trading. They used the rivers to send goods back and forth.

The Danube,

Rhone, and

Rhine rivers became great trade routes.

Family fortunes were made in

Florence in banking and industry.


Theatrical Plays:

Most famous. Because of hot plays mad eBay William

Shakespeare, like the play

“Romeo and Juliet” and



The first women body was dissected and this changed everyone’s views on the female body and now anatomy is part of western medicine.

Moorgate: Made by the famous poet Luigi Public. This is his most famous poem. This poem is an epic poem. was also an inventor. He created the helicopter, submarine, conveyor belt, and the glider.


Buonarotti -

Remembered for painting of

Ceiling of

Sistine Chapel and sculpture

Statue of David and Sculptor of

Pieta, also known for architectural design of Saint





He was from

England. He wrote plays such as


Romeo and

Juliet, and A

Mid Summers today. For example


Shakespeare wrote

“Romeo and

Juliet” which is now studied and performed in schools all around the world.

peasants had the largest group, although they were the lowest people of that time.

Reformation Nothing

During the reformation, there was a huge change.



During the

Reformation, people didn't particularly



Gutenberg –

Invented the printing press in the 1450’s, and the first book to ever be printed was a

Latin Language

Bible, printed in Germany.


Castiglione - He was a

Renaissance writer. He was remembered for, “The Book of Courtier.” He wrote about the ideal women and the ideal man.

Nothing During the

Reformation people thought that the teachings of being a



started to switch from


Catholicism to


The new

Protestantism religion was mainly focused on reading the bible, and holding sermons on


Protestantism was declared by Henry VIII.

Later, Queen

Mary started to bring back the Roman like the way that the


Catholic church used the 'selling of righteousness' method, so they protested and stood up for what they

believed in.

Martin Luther changed the way people thought by showing the churches that it wasn't right for people to 'pay their way into heaven'.

Martin Luther became fed up with the Catholic churches, so he decided to carry on and make his own church

wasn’t right they converted to believing in the way of the Lutheran

Church. This gears where changed by

Martin Luther

(not Martin

Luther King




The Scientific Revolution influenced changes within the government system and how people acted and how it could be changed over time. Sir Isaac

Newton believed that if all people had the same laws to follow, then all people would be equal.

Scientists argued that they could improve their lives and their societies they lived in as well.

Scientists believed that if they changed the government, then they could improve the society. Scientist’s logic and reasoning made new democratic ideas and thoughts in Europe.

People discovered that laws governed nature, and later discovered it can be used to govern human behavior in

Catholicism to once again become the state's official religion.

In the 16th and 17th century science really exploded. The scientific method was born during this era. Copernicus,

Vesalius, Kepler,

Galileo, Harvey, and

Newton were big icons in the scientific revolution and really changed the world with their discoveries.

Religion got in the way of their scientific discoveries. Catholic churches scientific doctrine came from pagan Greek philosophy. The

Aristotelian physics had the idea that there were only 4 elements, fire, earth, air, and water. He also believed that all light bodies rise up, and all heavy bodies fall down. When Galileo

Trade: Trade between Europe,

Africa, and the


Goods sent from

Europe to Africa

– cotton, weapons, and liquor.

Goods sent from

Africa to the


(This part of the triangle was called THE



Goods sentfmor the e Americas to Europe –

called the 'Luthern' church.

People started to realize that the only way to get into heaven was by becoming more holy and to have faith in God.

This changed many things, as people started to realize that they should live a better life, and try not to sin. This made people start to live much better lifestyles than the before.

For about 1,400 years, people believed that the Earth was in the center of the universe. Then one person (Nicolas Copernicus) had a revolutionary theory that the

Earth was not in the center of the universe.

The Scientific Method, a step by step procedure on preforming experiments, as well as other scientific research. Observation and experimentation are the main principles of science today.

Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean in hopes of researching Asia by traveling west, but discovered North

America instead. The people during this time thought that it was a huge discovery and achievement.



(1473-1543) is important to the Scientific

Revolution because he was the first to propose that

Earth was not the center of the universe.

Johannes Keller

(1571-1630) was the founder of celestial mechanic and the first explain planetary motion.

During the time of the


Revolution there were many people like Galileo who studied the stars and found interesting facts make achievement made during this time period like the telescope.


Galilei invented the telescope he discovered that everything in the solar system revolves around the Sun. It went against the belief that the Earth is the center of the universe. Putting his discovery out to the public could have put him in jail or brought him to death.

cotton tobacco, sugar, and molasses.


Coins have a fixed value meaning for the first time. This means that money is worth the same amount no matter where you try to spend it. This encourages international trade and banking.

Joint-stock owners raised money by selling stock in a company.

Investors bought the stock and became coowners and shared in the profits. The raised large

The telescope was invented in

1608, which allowed Galileo to make astonishing discoveries in space.

The Barometer was invented. It is a scientific tool used to measure air pressure.

Galileo Galilee

(1564-1642) was important to the Scientific

Revolution because he invented the telescope which he used to disprove the

Christian belief that the Earth is the center of the universe.

Rene Descartes

(1596-1650) was shot first to describe the physical world in terms of matter and motion.

Isaac Newton

(1642-1727) proposed universal gravitation and the laws of motion.

sums of money from investors to finance exploration.

Renaissance was significant in establishing a base for many modern sciences as well as challenging the power of the

Church. Religion, superstition, and fear were replaced by reason and knowledge.

Brilliant minds started to question all manners of things, and it was this


Revolution which turn formed the foundations of all modern sciences. Many of these new ideas

Age of


Page didn’t load Page didn’t load contradicted previous ideas that had been supported by the church.

A long, long time ago, the world was a very different place.

It was something like a giant jigsaw puzzle, only that the pieces were not fitted together.

In those days,

Europeans could only travel to

Asia via the Silk

Road, which was used by Marco

Polo in the 13th century and the

Americas were still not found!

Then, things began to change in a big way in the early 15th century. It’s the beginning of the

Age of Discovery or the Age of


Page didn’t load



He was born in

1451 and died in 1506. He was one of the world’s greatest sailors and explorers of all time and was a key person and founder in the

Age of

Exploration. In


Christopher explored the

New World and had created a bond between

Europe to the

Americas. His discoveries supported the globe and sparked the

Age of

During this time period explores like


Columbus sailed in finding new lands. Also during this time, the world was different like it could from into a puzzle.

(Little did the people back then know that those puzzles together formed pangea.)

Around that time, the great powers of

Europe were the

Portuguese and the Spanish.

They were the masters of the ocean with big ships and big ideas of discovery. To find spices, gold, and silver, they raced to find a sea route to

Asia. From 1418,

Henry the

Navigator of

Portugal sponsored an expedition to explore the coast of Africa on the Atlantic.

In 1488, they reached the

Indian Ocean, opening the way to Asia. Not to be left behind, the Spanish monarchs sponsored

Exploration and his vision and courage altered the course of history.



He was born in

1480 and died in 1521... He was born in northern

Portugal and he served King

Charles I of

Spain in search of the best westward route to the

"Spice Islands".

He was the first expedition leader to sail from the

Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific

Ocean. Also in crossing the

Pacific. His expedition was the first to circumnavigate


Columbus’s expedition in

1492 with the aim to reach the

Indies by sailing west. Upon crossing the


Columbus ended up discovering the Americas, a large, unexplored continent with lots of gold, silver, and many other things. The

Europeans called it the “New


In 1498, Vasco da Gama led a

Portuguese expedition to reach India.

Sailing eastward, the Portuguese landed in the

Spice Islands in

1512, and finally reached China in

1513. As the

Portuguese went the earth but he did not survive the whole expedition as he died during that Battle of


Prince Henry the


He was born in

1394 and died in 1460. He was a Portuguese royal price and a patron of explorers. He sent many expeditions to

Africa's west coast such as ships being sent to


Islands, round

Cape Boiardo, to Cape Blanc, round Cap Ver, and to the

Gambia River and Cape

east, the Spanish went west. In

1522, their explorations met when Ferdinand


Spanish expedition went around South

America to reach the Pacific

Ocean, entering the Indian Ocean by using the

Portuguese way around Africa.

This was the first circumnavigation of the world. Still going east, the

Spanish landed in Australia, New

Zealand, and

Hawaii over a period of about

170 years.

Now, the jigsaw puzzle is complete. Once sea routes were established between different lands, trading

Palmas. These expeditions were sent to create maps of the West

African coast, provide ways to defeat the

Muslim religion, and spread

Christianity. It also established trade routes and shipping paths.



He was born in

1475 and died in 1541. He was a Spanish explorer and conqueror and had defeated the Inca Empire and took most of South

America. He established the city of Lima and

increased because some countries had some resources that other countries may not have had.

For instance, the

Europeans brought cattle, sheep, and horses to the

New World in exchange for maize and potatoes... The

Americas also traded cotton crops and sugarcane to the

Old World as well as gold and silver. From

Africa, slaves were brought to work in the

Americas, which were then controlled by the

New World

Europeans. Over the years, a lot of trade happened

Peru and opened way for

Spanish culture and religion to make its way to the South




He was born in

1485 and died in 1547. He was a Spanish conqueror who led the expedition that caused the Fall of the Aztec empire. He brought large portions of

Mexico under rule by King of

Castile in the beginning of the 16th century. He was in the generation of

Spanish conquistadors that began the

Enlightenment Not one of the categories between countries from the Old and New

Worlds, and it’s all possible because of the

Age of

Discovery. first phase of

Spanish colonization.
