Geometry Syllabus - Mesa Public Schools

Geometry (MA 30)
PERIODS: 2, 3 & 6
SCHOOL YEAR: 2015 - 2016
Phone: 472-3159
Normal response time for messages is 24 hours.
Dear Students, Parents and/or Guardians,
Welcome to Ms. Ostovar’s math class! I am looking forward to a year that is challenging, informative, and successful for us all.
Please carefully read the following syllabus and return the bottom portion of the last page of the document with the requested
Course Description
Geometry includes the study of geometric methods, properties, and relationships as a means to recognize, draw, describe, connect
and analyze shapes and representations in the physical world. Students can expect this course to hold a high level of rigor,
emphasizing problem solving, reasoning, communication, and real life connections with respect to Geometry topics. My
expectation is that my students will master the subject matter; moreover, I hope they will learn critical thinking and cooperation
skills that will benefit them in all aspects of life.
Classroom Rules/Behavior Expectations
Follow all school rules
Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings.
Come to class prepared with completed assignment and all supplies.
Make sure cell phones and ALL electronics are off whe entering the classroom.
Food and drinks may not be consumed in the classroom.
Positive Consequences for choosing appropriate behavior
Learn and feel good about yourself!
Set a good example for others.
Positive notes or phone calls home
Negative Consequences for choosing disruptive behavior
Verbal warning and reminder of classroom rules/behavior expectations.
Removal from classroom or seat change and/or student conference.
Ten-minute detention either before school, during lunch, or after school; a “no-show” will result in an
additional 10 minutes and a phone call home.
Phone call home or a conference with parents/guardians, teacher, and student.
A disciplinary office referral.
Special Note: Disruptions include any violation of the school or classroom rules. Frequent disruptions and/or
severe infractions of classroom rules will immediately lead to more severe consequences occurring
in place of less severe consequences.
Student Supplies Needed Daily
3-ring binder with 3 dividers: Notes, Assignments, and Assessments
Lined paper – 8.5 x 11 inch paper (No spiral notebook paper)
Pencils (2 - 3)
9-Week Grade Determination
80% Tests and quizzes
10% Class work and notes
10% Homework
Semester Grade Determination
Grades will be accumulated throughout the entire semester with a semester exam averaged into the final semester grade. Weights
are as follows:
Semester 1: 80% from 1st and 2nd Quarters and 20% from Semester Final
Semester 2: 80% from 3rd and 4th Quarters and 20% from Semester Final
Percentile Used to Determine Quarter and Semester Grades
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
59% or lower
Final Exam Dates
Final Exams are on December 20 and 21 and May 21 and 22.
Whenever a student scores 59% or lower on a test or quiz, he/she may make corrections to the test or quiz in order to achieve the
minimum passing score of 60%. Prior to being provided with this opportunity, the student must submit all missing
assignments—both classwork and homework. The student will need to make specific arrangements with the teacher, either before
or after school, for such corrections. This must be done by an announced deadline. Practice tests and quizzes will be provided to
students as a study aide so as to prepare them for actual tests and quizzes.
Class work and homework assignments will be provided daily. In order for the assignment to be considered complete – so that
full credit is received – all work must be shown. All work must be done in pencil. Work done in ink will not be accepted.
ANY work handed in that has been done in ink and not rewritten in pencil will earn a grade of zero. Each assignment
must have the student’s name, date, class period, assignment pages, and numbers.
Homework is worth 100 points. Fifty points will be given if the assignment is completely finished. The remaining 50 points will
be earned on accuracy with randomly graded problems. All students will be required to have a minimum of 70/100 on each
homework assignment before the student may take a test. If a homework assignment score is less than 70 points, the student will
need to finish/correct the assignment and resubmit. Students who miss a test because they have missing or incomplete homework
may take the test during lunch, provided all homework has been submitted. Students who have missing or inadequate
assignments will be required to attend tutoring in the after school math lab until the student is caught up on the homework
If a student has difficulty with homework problems, he/she should: (1) ask questions during class; (2) use notes provided in class;
(3) ask a family member for help; (4) call a study buddy; (5) obtain on-line help; and (6) come in for additional tutoring from me
during conference period. If the student tries these things but continues to experience difficulty with the assignment, a parent
should write me a note indicating what was done to try to figure out the problem. Doing so will enable me to see that an effort
was made and the student will earn credit for the completed problems.
Grades are online using Grade Works. Grade Works is the electronic grade book used to communicate student progress to
students and parents through the My MPS Portal. This feature offered through Mesa Public Schools is now “live”. I will update
grades by Monday of each week. You will need to sign in using the parent or student code to access the live grade.
Extra Help/Tutoring
The Trigonometry/College Math course requires a consistent effort on the part of the student. Math help outside of class is
available most days during conference period in B-411 from the teacher. Please ask for help as soon as you need it!
Beginning Class: You are to be in your seat when the bell rings with your completed homework assignment and all your
materials. Have your assignment guide and your assignment on your desk for Ms. Ostovar to check. Use a PEN to immediately
begin grading your assignment from the answers shown on the overhead.
Tardy Policy: You are tardy if you aren’t in your seat when the bell rings. Ms. Ostovar will mark “tardy” for attendance.
Ending Class: Ms. Ostovar, not the bell, ends the class. Wait in your seats to be dismissed. You are expected to clean up your
immediate area and erase any marks on your desk before leaving each day. Students who write on desks will be required to clean
all desks before or after school.
Staying on task – You are expected to work on mathematics for the entire class period – do not put away your work until the bell
rings or you are told to do so by Ms. Ostovar.
Seats: Seats will be assigned to students. You are expected to sit in your assigned seat daily without being reminded to do so. If
there is a problem concerning your assigned seat, changing your seat will be considered. In all cases, raise your hand and ask for
permission to leave your seat first. The only exception to this is feeling extremely ill.
Textbooks: Students are required to check out a math textbook at the beginning of the school year. It is the student’s
responsibility to return their textbooks at the end of the school year in good condition. Students will be assessed with a fee for
lost or damaged books.
Absences: Make every effort to make up the missed work within one week of your absence. Arrangements must be made to
take missed tests before or after school. If you are absent for an extended period of time, it is your responsibility to make
arrangements with Ms. Ostovar for turning in your make-up work. If you do not understand the assignment, you need to see Ms.
Ostovar for help.
Extra Credit: Extra credit points may be earned by correctly completing and showing all work on “fun pages” pertaining to the
math concept studied.
Calculators: Calculators are to be used to check answers only unless Ms. Ostovar indicates otherwise. You must still show your
work on your paper even if using a calculator.
Drinking water, sharpening pencils, bathroom use: Drinks and bathroom use need to be taken care of before class. Pencils
are to be sharpened before class or during homework time only. Passes will be provided at the teacher’s discretion, and will not
exceed 2 passes per quarter. If additional passes are needed during the quarter, a student will have 10 minutes before or after
school for each pass used.
Food, gum, hats, beepers, phones, I-pods, etc.: Dobson’s handbook states that these items are not allowed in class. Hats,
beepers, phones, etc. will be confiscated and must be picked up in the office after school.
With your help and support, I look forward to a very successful year. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make
your student more successful. You are able to access your child’s grade online from the Dobson High School website parent
portal. If you have any questions or concerns, please send a note with your child or email me. Please read the statement below,
sign on the appropriate lines, and return only this bottom portion to me. Thank you.
Ms. Ostovar
I have read, understand and will follow the rules and procedures provided to me.
Print Student’s Name____________________________________
Student Signature_______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________
Phone #:___________________