AP Psychology Summer Assignment Alexander High School – Mrs

AP Psychology Summer Assignment
Alexander High School – Mrs. Ivy Cann
Due on the first day of class
You need to purchase a large amount of index cards for the year  You will need to start on
these this summer, yay!
Please try to get the kind that have a hole punched in the corner – or you will need to punch a
hole in them in order to put them on rings.
Purchase a pack of the rings as well – you will need one ring for this summer assignment
For each of the people listed below – create a flash card with the person’s name on the front and
a description of their contribution to their respective field of psychology. If a name is listed in
more than one category – do more than one card! Make sure what you write goes with the
category (may want to label the cards so you can keep the categories straight )
The first card on the ring should say “Contributors to the Study of Psychology”.
Identify major historical figures in psychology (e.g., Mary Whiton Calkins, Charles Darwin,
Dorothea Dix, Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, William James, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget, Carl
Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Margaret Floy Washburn, John B. Watson, Wilhelm Wundt). – 13
Identify key contributors to the field of biological bases of behavior (e.g., Paul Broca,
Charles Darwin, Michael Gazzaniga, Roger Sperry, Carl Wernicke). – 5
Identify the major historical figures in sensation and perception (e.g., Gustav Fechner, David
Hubel, Ernst Weber, Torsten Wiesel). – 4
Identify the major figures in consciousness research (e.g., William James, Sigmund Freud,
Ernest Hilgard). – 3
Identify key contributors in the psychology of learning (e.g., Albert Bandura, John Garcia,
Ivan Pavlov, Robert Rescorla, B. F. Skinner, Edward Thorndike, Edward Tolman, John B.
Watson). – 8
Identify key contributors in cognitive psychology (e.g., Noam Chomsky, Hermann
Ebbinghaus, Wolfgang Köhler, Elizabeth Loftus, George A. Miller). – 5
Identify key contributors in the psychology of motivation and emotion (e.g., William James,
Alfred Kinsey, Abraham Maslow, Stanley Schachter, Hans Selye). – 5
Identify key contributors in developmental psychology (e.g., Mary Ainsworth, Albert
Bandura, Diana Baumrind, Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud, Carol Gilligan, Harry Harlow,
Lawrence Kohlberg, Konrad Lorenz, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky). – 11
Identify key contributors to personality theory (e.g., Alfred Adler, Albert Bandura, Paul
Costa and Robert McCrae, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers). – 7
Identify key contributors in intelligence research and testing (e.g., Alfred Binet, Francis
Galton, Howard Gardner, Charles Spearman, Robert Sternberg, Louis Terman, David Wechsler).
Identify major figures in psychological treatment (e.g., Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis, Sigmund
Freud, Mary Cover Jones, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Joseph Wolpe). – 7
Identify important figures in social psychology (e.g., Solomon Asch, Leon, Festinger, Stanley
Milgram, Philip Zimbardo). – 4
80 cards (including the “title” card)