Systems Development - Department of Computer Engineering

Systems Development
Chapter 8
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Top Uses for New Systems in Various
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Participants in System Development
• Stakeholders: Those that benefit from the project
• Users: Those that will interact with and use the
• Project Manager: Person responsible for
coordinating all resources in the project
– Human resources (who should participate in the
project, what she should do, etc.)
– Equipment (what is needed to carry out the project,
servers, hubs, etc.)
– Travel (does the project require traveling to other
places, if so, when, or how often)
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Participants in System Development
• Systems Analyst: Analyzes and designs
business systems
– Sees the system as a whole
– Design the whole system so that it fulfils the
– Detect potential problems early on
• Programmer: Develop the system based on user
• Technical Specialists: Hardware engineers, DB
engineers, etc.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Participants in Systems Development
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Information Systems Planning
• Decide on
organizational goals
• Discuss how these can
be achieved with IS
• Plan on IS
• Develop individual
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Development Life
Cycles and Approaches
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
The Traditional SDLC
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
The Traditional SDLC
• Systems investigation
– Identify problems and opportunities
– Worth solving it; what are the benefits?
• Systems analysis
– What will it take to solve this problem?
– Study existing systems
– Generate list of requirements
• Systems Design
– What must be done to achieve the solution?
– Generate technical design (either new system or an
improved system)
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
The Traditional SDLC
• Systems implementation
Create individual components
Combine them to have a working system
Train users so that they can use the system easily
Install the system
• Systems maintenance and review
– Make sure that the system operates as expected
– Modify functionalities that are not working properly
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Prototyping is an Iterative Approach to
Systems Development
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
• Employs tools, techniques, and methodologies
designed to speed application development
• Reduces paper-based documentation
• Automatically generates program code
• Extreme Programming (EP): Change code as
you go along
• Joint Application Development (JAD) – Used
for data collection and requirements analysis.
• JAD: Participants come together and discuss
requirements, needs, etc.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Use of Project Management Tools
• Aim: Plan, schedule, direct resources
• Project schedule:
– Details description of what will be done
– What are smaller parts (activities)?
– How long will each activity will take?
• Project milestone
– Critical date for the completion of a part of the project
– Ex: First release
• Project deadline
– The date for the entire project to be ready
– The date is based on client’s needs
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Use of Project Management Tools
• Critical path
– All activities that will cause a delay if they are delayed
– Such activities must be finished on time
• Program Evaluation and Review Technique
– Three time estimates: Shortest possible, most likely,
and the upper bound
• Gantt chart: Graphical tool for planning and
monitoring activities
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Gantt Chart
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Selected Project Management Software
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Computer-Aided Software Engineering
(CASE) Tools
• Automate many of the tasks required in a
systems development effort
– Rigorous
– Standard systems development process
• Upper-CASE tools
– Deal with early stages of development
• Lower-CASE tools
– Automatically generate structured program code
• Integrated-CASE tools
– Provide links between upper- and lower-CASE
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Object-Oriented Systems Development
• Identify potential problems and opportunities within the organization
that would be appropriate for the OO approach
• Define the kind of system users require
• Design the system
• Program or modify modules
• Evaluation by users
• Periodic review and modification
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Use Case Diagram for a Kayak Rental
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Development Maturity Based on the
Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
• Initial: No discipline; ad
• Repeatable: Track costs,
schedules, functionality
• Defined: Use documented
and defined procedures
• Managed: Use measures;
monitor and improve
system development
• Optimized: Improve
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Investigation
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Investigation
• Attempts to answer the following questions:
– What primary problems might a new or enhanced
system solve?
– What opportunities might a new or enhanced system
– What new hardware, software, databases, or
procedures will improve an existing system?
– What are the potential costs (variable and fixed)?
– What are the associated risks?
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Feasibility Analysis
• T: Whether hardware, software, and
other components can be developed
to solve the problem
• E: Are the predicted benefits more
than the cost?
• L: Do laws and regulations permit its
• O: Can it be put into action?
• S: Can it be finished in a reasonable
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Investigation Report
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Analysis
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Analysis
• Data Collection
– Seeks additional information about the problems
– Requires identification of internal and external
• Data Analysis
– Manipulates collected data so that it is usable for the
development team
– Uses data and activity modeling
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Internal and External Sources of Data
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
The Steps in Data Collection
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
• Data Modeling
– Mostly done by entity-relationship diagrams
– Describes the objects and their relationships but not
the activities
• Activity Modeling
– Done by data-flow diagrams (DFMs)
– Models objects, activities
– Describe how data flows between objects
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Data and Activity Modeling
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Requirements Analysis
• Asking directly
– To stakeholders, users, etc. their needs
– Critically evaluate needs
– Keep in mind that some needs are contradictory
• Determining critical success factors (CSFs)
– Managers and decision makers list critical factors only
– Derive other requirements based on this
• Developing the IS plan
– Translate strategic and organizational goals into
systems development
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
The Systems Analysis Report
• The report should cover the following:
– The strengths and weaknesses of the existing system
from a stakeholder’s perspective
– The user/stakeholder requirements for the new
system (also called the functional requirements)
– The organizational requirements for the new system
– A description of what the new information system
should do to solve the problem
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Converting Organizational Goals into
Systems Requirements
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
A Typical Table of Contents for a
Report on an Existing System
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Design
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Design
• Logical design
– What will the system do to solve the problems
identified earlier?
– Plan the purpose of each system element
– Ex: Output of the system, the needed inputs
• Physical design
– Refers to how the tasks are accomplished
– How do the components work together
– What does each component do?
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Request for Proposal
One of the most important documents generated
during systems development.
• Results in a formal bid that is used to determine
who gets a contract for new or modified
• Specifies in detail required resources.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
A Typical Table of Contents for a
Request for Proposal
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Advantages and Disadvantages of Acquisition Options
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Freezing Design Specifications
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
A Typical Table of Contents for a Systems
Design Report
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Implementation
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Typical Steps in Systems Implementation
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Typical Steps in Systems Implementation
• Hardware: Buy new or used or refurbished
• Software:
– Make-or-buy decision
– Reuse existing software
• Users: Train them to use the software fast and
with ease
• Personnel: Similar but more technical training for
the personnel
• Site preparation: Find a place for the system,
ensure environmental constraints
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Typical Steps in Systems Implementation
• Data preparation: Convert physical files into
computer data
• Installation: Physically place the system on the
site and make it operational
• Testing: Make sure the system operates as
Unit: Each component
System: System as a whole
Volume: Test the system with lots of data
Integration: Test all related systems
Acceptance: Test user cases
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Types of Testing
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Start-up Approaches
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Maintenance and
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Systems Maintenance
• Reasons for program maintenance include:
– Changes in business processes
– New requests from stakeholders, users, and
– Bugs or errors in the program
– Technical and hardware problems
– Corporate mergers and acquisitions
– Government regulations
– Change in the operating system or hardware on
which the application runs
– Unexpected events, like the terrorist attacks of
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Examples of Review Types
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
• Systems development team - consists of stakeholders,
users, managers, systems development specialists, and
various support personnel.
• Five phases of the traditional SDLC - investigation,
analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance and
• Systems investigation - designed to assess the
feasibility of implementing solutions for business
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
• Systems analysis - the examination of existing systems, which
begins once approval for further study is received from
• Systems design – purpose is to prepare the detailed design needs
for a new system or make modifications to an existing one.
• Systems implementation - to install a system and make
everything, including users, ready for its operation.
• Systems maintenance - involves checking, changing, and
enhancing the system to make it more useful in obtaining user and
organizational goals.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives
• Effective systems development requires a
team effort of stakeholders, users, managers,
systems development specialists, and various
support personnel, and it starts with careful
– Identify the key participants in the systems
development process and discuss their roles.
– Define the term information systems planning and
list several reasons for initiating a systems project.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives
• Systems development often uses different approaches
and tools such as traditional development, prototyping,
rapid application development, end-user development,
computer-aided software engineering, and objectoriented development to select, implement, and monitor
– Discuss the key features, advantages, and disadvantages of the
traditional, prototyping, rapid application development, and enduser systems development life cycles.
– Discuss the use of computer-aided software engineering (CASE)
tools and the object-oriented approach to systems development.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives
• Systems development starts with investigation
and analysis of existing systems.
– State the purpose of systems investigation.
– Discuss the importance of performance and cost
– State the purpose of systems analysis and discuss
some of the tools and techniques used in this phase
of systems development.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives
• Designing new systems or modifying existing
ones should always be aimed at helping an
organization achieve its goals.
– State the purpose of systems design and discuss the
differences between logical and physical systems
– Outline key steps taken during the design phase.
– Define the term RFP and discuss how this document
is used to drive the acquisition of hardware and
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives
• The primary emphasis of systems
implementation is to make sure that the right
information is delivered to the right person in the
right format at the right time.
– State the purpose of systems implementation and
discuss the various activities associated with this
phase of systems development.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition
Principles and Learning Objectives
• Maintenance and review add to the useful life of
a system but can consume large amounts of
resources, so they benefit from the same
rigorous methods and project management
techniques applied to systems development.
– State the importance of systems and software
maintenance and discuss the activities involved.
– Describe the systems review process.
Fundamentals of Information
Systems, Second Edition