Performance Review Training Presentation

Managerial Performance Reviews
Spring 2015
• Managerial Performance Process
• Part I- Self Evaluation
• Part II General Job Duties/Major Areas of
• Part III- Goals/Performance Objectives for the Last
Evaluation Period
• Part IV- Performance Standards
• Part V- Overall Assessment/Rating
• Part VI- Personal Development
• Part VII- New Goals/Objectives
• Signatures/Managerial Appointments
• To measure every manager’s performance
against :
– The manager’s primary job responsibilities
– Specific objectives that the manager was intended
to meet during the past year
– The mission and values of the institution- the
– Commitment to the process from President
• May 15-June 1: employees submit a short
narrative /self assessment based upon their
previous year’s goals and objectives
• June 1-July 15: Supervisors complete
• July 15-August 10: one on one meetings take
place with all managerial employees
Rating Scale
• Outstanding
• Achieves
• Improvement Needed/Unsatisfactory
• Performance far exceeded expectations on a
consistent basis.
• Exceptionally high quality of work performed.
• Performs at an exceptional level of effectiveness in
achieving goals and ongoing work responsibilities;
creatively solving problems and making significant,
notable change in spite of significant obstacles;
• and contributing positive ideas to workplace
techniques and programs that benefit the unit, the
University and/or the area of expertise
• Must be approved by the Division VP/Dean and the
Office of the President
• Performance consistently meets at or above
appropriate level and frequently exceeds
• Consistent, ongoing accomplishment of goals
and ongoing work responsibilities
• Successful in terms of expected work output,
quantity/quality and contribution to unit
Improvement Needed/Unsatisfactory
• Performance did not consistently meet expectations
or at times was below expectations.
• Inconsistent job performance related to goal
achievement, quality, quantity of work and/or the
individual is not yet technically proficient or does not
show sustained and continuing progress toward
achieving proficiency, ongoing work results or goals
• Termination for cause is likely unless performance
materially improves
Part I- Self Assessment
• Provide your supervisor the following
– Feedback on how you have met the previous
year’s goals
– Feedback on how you have met the overall job
– Feedback on the performance standards
Part II- General Job Duties/Major Areas
of Responsibility
• Provide 4-5 major areas of responsibility
• Identify where the employee has been given the responsibility
– Develop objectives designed to further the mission of the
– Select a course of action from among available alternatives
– Directs the effectuation of management policies and
practices, by overseeing or coordinating the implementation
of policies/practices
– Don’t forget to provide a rating!
Part III- Goals/Performance Objectives
for Last Evaluation Period
• Review the goals and objectives of the last
evaluation period, as provided by the
• Provide your comments and a rating
Part IV Performance Standards
Provide comments for each standard:
Student Centered:
Promotes an institutional culture that engenders a caring and supportive environment that helps
each individual student feel valued.
Proactive approach to a campus environment that is intolerant of abuse and takes responsibility
towards providing a safer living and learning environment place for all students
Customer Focused
Anticipate the needs of internal and external customers by creating strategies to
better address customer issues.
Values importance of delivery of high quality service to internal and external
Assures that department/area takes ownership and responsibility for providing
excellent customer service.
Performance Standards
• Accountability
• Accepts responsibility for own goals, and goals and performance of department or area
• Delivers timely and accurate results
• Manages performance to achieve expected results
• Keeps supervisor informed of progress, issues, and potential problems
• Identifies and addresses areas of weakness that may affect organizational performance
• Monitors expenditures and resources to ensure spending is within allotments, or makes appropriate
• Creates relevant options for addressing problems and opportunities and achieving desired outcomes
• Identifies and pursues desired outcomes for projects and meetings
• Demonstrates honest and ethical behavior
• Engagement
Gives direction in such a way that employees want to cooperate
Communicates mission and vision to subordinates and encourages involvement
Reflects the vision and values by own actions
Shares information, advice, and suggestions to help others to be more successful
Is tactful, compassionate, sensitive, and treats others with respect
Recognizes and applauds achievements of subordinates
Performance Standards (cont)
• Teamwork
Appropriately involves others in a process or decision to ensure their support
Values team success over individual success
Cooperates and collaborates with colleagues as appropriate to develop solutions
• Student Centeredness
Promotes an institutional culture that engenders a caring and supportive environment
that helps each individual student feel valued
Proactive approach to a campus environment that is intolerant of abuse and takes
responsibility towards providing a safer living and learning environment for all
• Customer Focused
Anticipate the needs of internal and external customers by creating strategies to
better address customer issues.
Values importance of delivery of high quality service to internal and external
Performance Standards (cont)
• Inclusivity
Fosters an inclusive environment that shows respect for feelings and opinions of
Actively seeks out diverse viewpoints, works to understand perspective of others
Creates opportunities for access and success for promoting and achieving diversity
Makes decisions based on the principals of EEO
• Leadership
Provides timely and honest feedback in a constructive and non-threatening way
Aligns staff to goals, delegates effectively, motivates others, gives clear direction, and
initiates projects or actions
Assigns decision-making and work functions to others in an appropriate manner to
maximize organizational and individual effectiveness
Provides appropriate support and acts as a resource
Part V- Overall Assessment/Rating
• Your opportunity to provide qualitative
feedback supporting the overall assessment
and the overall rating for the performance
Part VI Personal Development
• This page should be developed by both the
supervisor and the employee
Part VII New Goals/Objectives
(SMART goals)
• This page should be created by both the
supervisor and the employee, using the
SMART format:
Example of SMART Goal
Goal: Effective & Efficient Management of Office Staff
• Schedule and conduct monthly meetings with staff. Use
agendas and follow up at each meeting on outstanding issues.
• Using data collected from your customers, work with staff to
develop a plan to improve customer service to be implemented
by date.
• Examine office procedures; determine if duplication or
unnecessary steps exists, make recommendations for efficiency
by date.
• Supervisor
– Comments
• Employee
– Acknowledging receipt, not necessarily agreement
• Division Head (Deans/VPs)
• Important note: The form is not considered
complete until all signatures have been
received and the form has been sent to
Human Resources. HR will track compliance
Managerial Appointments
• 2 options for managerial appointments:
– 6 months
– 1 year
• If you feel a managerial employee should be
non-renewed or given a six month
appointment, you must work with HR and the
General Counsel’s office
• Managerial Performance Process
• Part I- General Job Duties/Major Areas of
• Part II- Goals/Performance Objectives for the
Last Evaluation Period
• Part III- Performance Standards
• Part IV- Overall Assessment/Rating
• Part V- Personal Development
• Part VI- New Goals/Objectives
• Signatures/Appointments