smartboard tools

Table Tool
Create a table from the Notebook software toolbar, then insert or drag text, images and objects into
any cell with ease. Add or delete individual cells to create asymmetric tables. View demo.
Magic Pen
Use this three-in-one tool to spotlight, magnify or zoom in on an image, or write notes that will
disappear in 10 seconds. Draw a square to magnify an object or draw a circle to add a spotlight.
View demo.
Object Animation
Animate any Notebook software object with effects such as fading in, flying in or spinning.
View demo.
Create themed pages using elements such as fonts, background colors and images, and apply them to
Notebook pages. View demo.
Shape Pen
Draw a freehand shape, and Notebook software recognizes it and perfects it. View demo.
Shape Recognition
Draw a freehand circle or other shape, and access the Shape Recognition feature in the dropdown menu to quickly perfect it. View How to
Page Recording
replay, students
Teach a concept in Notebook software and record every step you take. In the
will only see the on-screen actions.
Page Groups
Organize the pages of a Notebook file into groups. Drag pages into the groups, add new pages
and show one group at a time in the Page Sorter.
Properties Tab
Use the Properties Tab to change an object’s line style, fill effects and animation options,
all from one accessible location.
Online Essentials for Educators
Access country-specific lesson activities, curriculum standards and classroom resources
directly from Notebook software’s Gallery. You can also discover over 100,000 pieces of
curriculum-relevant content accessible through Notebook software’s Gallery (coming soon).
Enhanced support
Access an updated resource hub for teachers directly through Notebook software’s Welcome
Center. The Teachers’ Hub contains access to hundreds of lesson activities and other resource
to help teachers easily create and teach lessons.
Customize Toolbar
Choose the tools you use most, and put them on your Notebook software toolbar as a handy shortcut.
Move the toolbar to the bottom of your Notebook page for easy access.
Welcome Center
Dive into SMART resources with the Welcome Center. The Welcome Center opens when
Notebook software is launched and puts SMART’s lesson-creation resources, training and
support at your fingertips.
Horizontal toolbar scrolling
After selecting a tool, scroll through a horizontal menu that doesn’t interfere with the Notebook page and stays
open until you have finished.
Fill Effects
Fill shapes with two-color gradients, images or patterns.
Lock all SMART devices
Select the Welcome Center Icon and then the tools tab. You can prevent students from altering lessons by
locking the SMART Board interactive whiteboard.
Presentation Highlighter
Highlight text or objects with highlighter ink that automatically straightens.
Auto Spell Check
Check spelling quickly with the software’s spell check that automatically scans text objects and documents
while in editing mode.
Mac Spotlight
Search through text in your Notebook files using the Mac Spotlight tool.
Table Tool
Create a table from the Notebook software toolbar, then insert or drag text, images and objects into
any cell with ease. Add or delete individual cells to create asymmetric tables. View demo.
Create themed pages using elements such as fonts, background colors and images, and apply them to
Notebook pages. View demo.
Active Alignment
Format/Alignment - Format a Notebook page with this tool that accurately aligns objects to other objects and
to the vertical and horizontal page centers.
Page Groups
Click on the “Page Sorter Icon” Organize the pages of a Notebook file into groups. Drag pages into
the groups, add new pages and show one group at a time in the Page Sorter.
Fill Effects
Fill shapes with two-color gradients, images or patterns.
Fill Tool
Fill shapes with the last color you used by selecting the Fill Tool from the Notebook
software toolbar.
Senteo question sets
Insert Senteo question sets directly into a Notebook file. You don’t need to
own a Senteo interactive response system.
Insert function
Insert images, video, shapes, links, Senteo question sets, Adobe Flash files, text and sounds. Anything inserted
becomes a Notebook software object that you can manipulate.
Special fonts and scientific notation
Add superscript and subscript to your text, or
add scientific symbols and notation.
Drawing tools
Add connectors, shapes, dotted lines, creative pen styles and more using a variety of drawing tools.
Horizontal toolbar scrolling
After selecting a tool, scroll through a horizontal menu that doesn’t interfere with the Notebook page and stays
open until you have finished.
Multimedia files
Insert audio, video or Adobe Flash files into any lesson activity by placing them into your Notebook file, or
store them in the Gallery for easy access. You can also write into many of the Flash animations using the
optimized Handwriting Recognition feature.
Auto Spell Check
Check spelling quickly with the software’s spell check that automatically scans text objects and documents
while in editing mode.
Magic Pen
Use this three-in-one tool to spotlight, magnify or zoom in on an image, or write notes that
will disappear in 10 seconds. Draw a square to magnify an object or draw a circle to add a
spotlight. View demo.
Object Animation
Animate any Notebook software object with effects such as fading in, flying in
or spinning. View demo.
Shape Pen
Draw a freehand shape, and Notebook software recognizes it and perfects it. View demo.
Shape Recognition
Draw a freehand circle or other shape, and access the Shape Recognition feature in the drop-down menu to
quickly perfect it.
Insert audio
Record sound directly into Notebook software and attach the file directly to objects. Find famous speeches,
animal sounds, phonics, instruments and more in the Gallery.
SMART Video Player
select the smartboard icon located on the task bar at the bottom of your computer
screen. Choose Video Player from the list… Resize, move and write over video
files and streaming video in your Notebook pages, and then store the files in the
Gallery for easy access.
Dual Page Display
Split your computer screen to view or work on two Notebook pages simultaneously.
Work within reach
Keep tools within reach for smaller students by moving the toolbars to the bottom of the screen.
Full-screen mode
Create a bigger whiteboard page area by hiding the toolbar and tabs. Navigate through your Notebook
pages with a small, movable toolbar.
Screen Shade
Conceal and reveal information point by point, dragging the Screen Shade over your Notebook page.
Handwriting Recognition
Write notes in digital ink, and transform them into text in one click with the handwriting recognition feature.
Properties Tab
Use the Properties Tab to change an object’s line style, fill effects and animation options,
all from one accessible location.
Welcome Center
Center opens
creation resources,
Dive into SMART resources with the Welcome Center. The Welcome
when Notebook software is launched and puts SMART’s lessontraining and support at your fingertips.
Enhanced support
Access an updated resource hub for teachers directly through Notebook software’s Welcome Center. The
Teachers’ Hub contains access to hundreds of lesson activities and other resource to help teachers easily create
and teach lessons.
Timed saves
Set your Notebook file to save work automatically, from every minute up to every
thirty minutes, or every time you move to a different page.
New languages
Get support for Spanish, Kazakh, Icelandic, Malay, Swahili and 36
other languages for Windows operating systems. Support is also
offered in several languages for Linux and Mac operating systems.
Language setup
Choose from over 41 different languages, including software options
and Handwriting Recognition, in the View menu or Welcome Center.
Save transparency mode
Create and save Notebook files with fully transparent objects and digital ink.
Digital Ink Layer
Picking up a digital Pen will automatically activate the Digital Ink Layer. This Creates a transparency layer
over your desktop that functions like a Notebook page. Capture your work and insert it into Notebook software
with the click of a button.
Full object manipulation
Manipulate objects that you have created, written or added in a multitude of ways. Change the properties of
objects, such as color, transparency or size. Hyperlink objects to the Internet, other Notebook pages or
documents on your computer. Display all linked objects on a page by using the Show All Links option in the
View Menu.
Customize Toolbar
Choose the tools you use most, and put them on your Notebook software toolbar as a handy shortcut.
Move the toolbar to the bottom of your Notebook page for easy access.
One-click tabs
Switch between the Gallery, Page Sorter, Attachment or Properties tabs easily, within one
Page Sorter
View Notebook pages as thumbnails using the Page Sorter. Reorder your presentation by
simply dragging and dropping thumbnails. Add a page title and a time stamp quickly by
double-clicking on a thumbnail.
Quick tool access
Access every tool within two clicks of your mouse using Notebook software’s refined menu navigation.
On-Screen Keyboard
Select the On-Screen Keyboard to type text, numbers or symbols into any application directly at
the interactive whiteboard. Resize the keyboard, make it transparent or choose from several
different keyboard styles to suit your needs.
Export files
Save Notebook files in various formats, including .ppt, .pdf and .html. You can also save individual Notebook
pages as separate image files (.jpeg, .png or .gif) for easy sharing.
Online Essentials for Educators
Access country-specific lesson activities, curriculum standards and classroom resources directly from Notebook
software’s Gallery. You can also discover over 100,000 pieces of curriculum-relevant content accessible
through Notebook software’s Gallery (coming soon).
SMART Learning Marketplace
Open the door to a world-class collection of more than a million digital resources. Insert content that is
professionally developed, historically accurate, copyright cleared and classroom safe directly from Notebook
software or by searching the SMART Learning Marketplace website.
Essentials for Educators
Choose from over 6,600 learning objects to enhance your lessons, including images, backgrounds, dynamic
Flash files, video and audio content. Take advantage of music-notation sheets, a compass, a protractor, clocks,
maps, sports fields, solar systems and a variety of shapes. You also have access to an extensive collection of
classic artwork from the Bridgeman Art Library.
My Content
Store Notebook pages, photos, pictures and animated .gif files from other applications, and insert them directly
into a Notebook file. This function enables you to add objects to your own Gallery.
Team Content
Use the Team Content feature to access common Gallery content on a shared network drive. Add or delete
content in the Team Content folder without needing system administration access, and add Team Content items
to your lessons.
Lesson Activity Toolkit
Discover customizable tools and templates to help you create professional and engaging lessons. Find templates
for word games, quizzes, sorting tables and Flash tools to add interactive drag-and-drop or hide-and-reveal
elements to your lessons.
SMART Gallery Sampler
Get the top 50 images, Flash tools, video and audio files available in the full version of Notebook software's
Essential for Educators. Insert maps, images of historical figures, science diagrams and other education visuals.