Introduction CHML212 Introduction to Lab Safety, Lab Policies, and Brief Review Fall 2009 Syllabus Grading Breakdown Quizzes (50%) Lab Notebook, Lab Reports, and Technique (50%) Course website Lab schedule Announcements PowerPoint presentations used in class Study guides Links to MSDS Attendance Attendance at every lab is MANDATORY. There will be NO make-up labs. You will receive a zero for every lab you do not attend, regardless of the reason. Be on time! >10 min late, cannot perform experiment! 3+ absences = F for course Laboratory Notebook Check out link on course website for lab notebook requirements for each experiment. Review Appendix C. Pre-lab notebook pages are to be turned in before the lab begins. In-lab notebook pages are to be turned in before leaving lab for the day. Lab Reports Located in lab manual. Due the next lab period following experiment. Late lab reports penalized 5% per day. Once graded, no other lab reports accepted! Technique Up to 10% of each lab report grade will be based on technique. Grade based on: Attendance Dress code (no sandals, clothing must cover ¾ of body while in lab!) Goggles (bring your own to avoid penalty!) Preparedness (prelab must be completed in lab notebook!) Attitude (stay positive, no matter how frustrated!) Participation (both lab partners must perform experiment!) Drawer cleanliness (all glassware must be cleaned with soap, On time materials water, and wash acetone. Drawer must be organized before leaving!) Lab Safety Know location of fire extinguisher, eyewash stations, and safety shower, and fire exits. You never know when you might need them! Review ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY SAFETY handout. Read and sign the ORGANIC CHEMISTRY SAFETY CONTRACT (CHML212) before leaving lab! Experimental Process Synthesis Purification & Product Isolation Analysis Experimental Process Synthesis Ex: reflux, heat & stir Crude product Purification and Product Isolation Low boiling liquids distillation Pure liquid product High boiling liquids & solids Recrystallization, extraction, or column chromatography Pure liquid product or pure solid product Experimental Process Pure liquid product Pure liquid product or pure solid product Analysis Spectral IR &NMR Analysis Physical Property Chromatographic GC Spectral Physical Property bp Chromatographic mp HPLC TLC IR &NMR Calculations Please review Appendix I in your laboratory manual to refresh your memory of commonly used laboratory calculations!